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the prize for second place

  • 1 place

    place [pleɪs]
    endroit1 (a) lieu1 (a) maison1 (c) place1 (d)-(f), 1 (h), 1 (i) couvert1 (g) poste1 (h) avoir lieu1 (k) placer2 (a)-(d), 2 (g) (se) remettre2 (e) passer2 (f)
    1 noun
    (a) (gen → spot, location) endroit m, lieu m;
    this is the place c'est ici;
    place of death/amusement lieu m de décès/de divertissement;
    the place where the accident happened l'endroit où a eu lieu l'accident;
    keep the documents in a safe place gardez les documents en lieu sûr;
    store in a cool place (on packaging) à conserver au frais;
    this is neither the time nor the place to discuss it ce n'est ni le moment ni le lieu pour en discuter;
    this looks like a good place to pitch the tent l'endroit semble parfait pour monter la tente;
    I had no particular place to go je n'avais nulle part où aller;
    you can't be in two places at once on ne peut pas être en deux endroits à la fois;
    her leg is fractured in two places elle a deux fractures à la jambe;
    there are still one or two places where the text needs changing le texte doit encore être modifié en un ou deux endroits;
    to go places (travel) aller quelque part;
    figurative that girl will go places! cette fille ira loin!
    do you know the place well? est-ce que tu connais bien le coin?;
    she comes from a place called Barton elle vient d'un endroit qui s'appelle Barton;
    the whole place went up in flames (building) tout l'immeuble s'est embrasé; (house) toute la maison s'est embrasée;
    how long have you been working in this place? depuis combien de temps travaillez-vous ici?;
    we had lunch at a little place in the country nous avons déjeuné dans un petit restaurant de campagne;
    can you recommend a place to eat? pouvez-vous me recommander un restaurant?;
    I'm looking for a place to stay je cherche un logement;
    familiar to shout or to scream the place down hurler comme un forcené;
    the other place British University (at Oxford) Cambridge; (at Cambridge) Oxford; British Parliament (in House of Commons) la Chambre des Lords; (in House of Lords) la Chambre des Communes
    (c) (house) maison f; (flat) appartement m;
    they have a place in the country ils ont une maison de campagne;
    familiar nice place you've got here c'est joli chez toi ;
    familiar your place or mine? on va chez toi ou chez moi? ;
    familiar they met up at Ali's place ils se sont retrouvés chez Ali
    (d) (position) place f;
    take your places! prenez vos places!;
    everything is in its place tout est à sa place;
    put it back in its proper place remets-le à sa place;
    it occupies a central place in his philosophy cela occupe une place centrale dans sa philosophie;
    I lost my place in the queue j'ai perdu ma place dans la file d'attente;
    I've lost my place (in a book) je ne sais plus où j'en étais;
    push the lever till it clicks into place poussez le levier jusqu'au déclic;
    figurative suddenly everything fell or clicked into place (I understood) tout à coup, ça a fait tilt; (everything went well) tout d'un coup, tout s'est arrangé;
    what would you do (if you were) in my place? que feriez-vous (si vous étiez) à ma place?;
    try and put yourself in his place essaie de te mettre à sa place;
    I wouldn't change places with her for anything pour rien au monde je n'aimerais être à sa place;
    his anger gave place to pity sa colère a fait place à un sentiment de pitié
    (e) (role, function) place f;
    robots took the place of human workers des robots ont remplacé les hommes dans l'accomplissement de leur tâche;
    if she leaves there's nobody to take or to fill her place si elle part, il n'y a personne pour la remplacer;
    it's not really my place to say ce n'est pas à moi de le dire
    (f) (seat → on train, in theatre etc) place f; (→ on committee) siège m;
    she gave up her place to an old man elle a offert sa place à un vieux monsieur;
    save me a place garde-moi une place;
    there are a few places left on the next flight il reste quelques places sur le prochain vol;
    she has a place on the new commission elle siège à la nouvelle commission;
    to change places with sb changer de place avec qn;
    we changed places so that he could sit by the window nous avons échangé nos places pour qu'il puisse s'asseoir près de la fenêtre
    (g) (table setting) couvert m;
    how many places should I set? combien de couverts dois-je mettre?
    (h) (post, vacancy) place f, poste m;
    to get a place at university être admis à l'université;
    there is keen competition for university places il y a une forte compétition pour les places en faculté
    (i) (ranking → in competition, hierarchy etc) place f;
    the prize for second place le prix pour la deuxième place;
    Brenda took third place in the race/exam Brenda a terminé troisième de la course/a été reçue troisième à l'examen;
    the team is in fifth place l'équipe est en cinquième position;
    Horseracing to back a horse for a place jouer un cheval placé;
    for me, work takes second place to my family pour moi, la famille passe avant le travail;
    he needs to find his place in society il a besoin de trouver sa place dans la société;
    I'll soon put him in his place j'aurai vite fait de le remettre à sa place;
    to know one's place savoir se tenir à sa place
    to three decimal places, to three places of decimals jusqu'à la troisième décimale
    the meeting will take place in Geneva la réunion aura lieu à Genève;
    many changes have taken place il y a eu beaucoup de changements;
    while this was taking place tandis que cela se passait
    no place nulle part;
    I'm not going any place je ne vais nulle part;
    some place quelque part;
    I've looked every place j'ai cherché partout
    (a) (put, set) placer, mettre;
    she placed the vase on the shelf elle a mis le vase sur l'étagère;
    to place a book back on a shelf remettre un livre (en place) sur un rayon;
    to place a book with a publisher confier un livre à un éditeur;
    he placed an ad in the local paper il a fait passer ou mis une annonce dans le journal local;
    the proposals have been placed before the committee les propositions ont été soumises au comité;
    to place a matter in sb's hands mettre une affaire dans les mains de qn;
    I place myself at your disposal je me mets à votre disposition
    to place sb in care placer qn;
    all the refugee children have been placed tous les enfants réfugiés ont été placés
    (c) (usu passive) (situate) placer, situer;
    the house is well placed la maison est bien située;
    strategically placed airfields des terrains d'aviation stratégiquement situés;
    you are better placed to judge than I am vous êtes mieux placé que moi pour en juger;
    British industry is well placed to… l'industrie britannique est à même de…;
    we met several people similarly placed nous avons rencontré plusieurs personnes qui se trouvaient dans la même situation;
    how are we placed for time? combien de temps avons-nous?;
    how are you placed for money at the moment? quelle est ta situation financière en ce moment?
    (d) (usu passive) (rank → in competition, race etc) placer, classer;
    she was placed third elle était en troisième position;
    the runners placed in the first five go through to the final les coureurs classés dans les cinq premiers participent à la finale;
    the horse we bet on wasn't even placed le cheval sur lequel nous avions parié n'est même pas arrivé placé;
    I would place her amongst the best writers of our time je la classerais parmi les meilleurs écrivains de notre époque
    (e) (identify) (se) remettre;
    I can't place him je n'arrive pas à (me) le remettre
    (f) (order, contract) passer ( with à);
    to place an order for sth passer commande de qch;
    to place a bet faire un pari;
    to place a bet on sb/sth parier sur qn/qch;
    place your bets! (in casino) faites vos jeux!
    (g) (invest → funds) placer; (sell → goods, shares) placer, vendre
    American (in racing) être placé
    familiar (everywhere) partout ; (untidy) en désordre ;
    you always leave your things all over the place! tu laisses toujours traîner tes affaires partout!;
    my hair's all over the place je suis complètement décoiffé ;
    figurative the team were all over the place l'équipe a joué n'importe comment ;
    these figures are all over the place (are inaccurate) ces chiffres ont été calculés n'importe comment ;
    at the interview he was all over the place (panicking, unclear) il a raconté n'importe quoi à l'entretien
    (a) (steady) en place;
    hold it in place while I nail it in tiens-le en place pendant que je le cloue
    (b) (on the spot → run, jump) sur place
    à la place de;
    she came in place of her sister elle est venue à la place de sa sœur
    par endroits
    what drew your attention to it in the first place? qu'est-ce qui a attiré votre attention à l'origine ou en premier lieu?;
    I didn't want to come in the first place d'abord, je ne voulais même pas venir;
    in the first place, it's too big, and in the second place… premièrement, c'est trop grand, et deuxièmement…, primo, c'est trop grand, et secundo…
    the wardrobe looks out of place in such a small room l'armoire n'a pas l'air à sa place dans une pièce aussi petite;
    he felt out of place amongst so many young people il ne se sentait pas à sa place parmi tous les jeunes;
    he didn't look out of place il ne déparait pas;
    such remarks are out of place at a funeral de telles paroles sont déplacées lors d'un enterrement
    ►► place of birth lieu m de naissance;
    place of business lieu m de travail;
    place card = carte marquant la place de chaque convive à table;
    Marketing place of delivery lieu m de livraison;
    Finance place of issue lieu m d'émission;
    Sport place kick coup m de pied placé;
    place mat set m (de table);
    place of residence résidence f, domicile m (réel);
    British Law place of safety order = ordonnance autorisant une personne ou un organisme à garder des enfants maltraités en lieu sûr;
    place setting couvert m;
    place of work lieu m de travail;
    place of worship lieu m de culte

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > place

  • 2 second

    I 1. adjective
    zweit...; zweitwichtigst... [Stadt, Hafen usw.]

    second largest/highest — etc. zweitgrößt.../-höchst... usw.

    2. noun
    1) (unit of time or angle) Sekunde, die
    2) (coll.): (moment) Sekunde, die (ugs.)

    in a second(immediately) sofort (ugs.); (very quickly) im Nu (ugs.)

    just a second!(coll.) einen Moment!

    3) (additional person or thing)

    a second — noch einer/eine/eins


    the second(in sequence) der/die/das zweite; (in rank) der/die/das Zweite

    be the second to arriveals zweiter/zweite ankommen

    5) (in duel, boxing) Sekundant, der/Sekundantin, die
    6) in pl. (helping of food) zweite Portion; (second course) zweiter Gang
    7) (day)

    the second [of the month] — der Zweite [des Monats]

    8) in pl. (goods of second quality) Waren zweiter Wahl
    9) (Brit. Univ.) ≈ Gut, das; ≈ Zwei, die
    3. transitive verb
    (support) unterstützen [Antrag, Nominierung]

    I'll second that!(coll.) dem schließe ich mich an!

    II transitive verb
    (transfer) vorübergehend versetzen
    * * *
    I 1. ['sekənd] adjective
    1) (next after, or following, the first in time, place etc: February is the second month of the year; She finished the race in second place.) zweit
    2) (additional or extra: a second house in the country.) Zweit-...
    3) (lesser in importance, quality etc: She's a member of the school's second swimming team.) geringer
    2. adverb
    (next after the first: He came second in the race.) zweit
    3. noun
    1) (a second person, thing etc: You're the second to arrive.) der/die/das Zweite
    2) (a person who supports and helps a person who is fighting in a boxing match etc.) der Sekundant
    4. verb
    (to agree with (something said by a previous speaker), especially to do so formally: He proposed the motion and I seconded it.) unterstützen
    - academic.ru/65270/secondary">secondary
    5. noun
    (a secondary school.) höhere Schule
    - seconder
    - secondly
    - secondary colours
    - secondary school
    - second-best
    - second-class
    - second-hand
    - second lieutenant
    - second-rate
    - second sight
    - second thoughts
    - at second hand
    - come off second best
    - every second week
    - month
    - second to none
    II ['sekənd] noun
    1) (the sixtieth part of a minute: He ran the race in three minutes and forty-two seconds.) die Sekunde
    2) (a short time: I'll be there in a second.) der Augenblick
    * * *
    I. adj inv
    1. usu attr (next after first) zweite(r, s)
    Brian's going first, who wants to be \second? Brian ist Erster, wer möchte der Nächste sein?
    the \second thing he did was [to] pour himself a whisky als Zweites hat er sich einen Whisky eingeschenkt
    would you like a \second cup of tea? möchten Sie noch eine Tasse Tee?
    \second derivative MATH zweite Ableitung
    the \second floor der zweite [o AM erste] Stock
    \second form BRIT siebte Klasse, die Siebte
    \second grade AM zweite Klasse, die Zweite
    the \second teeth die bleibenden [o zweiten] Zähne, das bleibende Gebiss fachspr
    the \second time around beim zweiten Mal
    every \second week jede zweite Woche, alle zwei Wochen; see also eighth I. 1
    2. (next after winner) zweite(r, s)
    \second prize zweiter Preis
    to take \second place ( fig) zweitrangig sein; see also eighth I. 2
    3. (not first in importance, size) zweit-
    Germany's \second city Deutschlands zweitwichtigste Stadt
    the \second... + superl der/die/das zweit-
    the \second biggest town die zweitgrößte Stadt
    to be \second only to sb/sth gleich nach jdm/etw kommen fam
    to be \second to none unübertroffen sein
    4. attr (another) zweite(r, s), Zweit-
    \second car Zweitwagen m
    \second language zweite Sprache
    to be a \second Mozart ein zweiter Mozart sein
    to give sb a \second chance jdm eine zweite [o noch eine] Chance geben
    to get a \second chance eine zweite Chance bekommen
    to be sb's \second home jds zweites Zuhause sein
    to ask for a \second opinion eine zweite Meinung einholen
    to have \second thoughts seine Meinung ändern, es sich dat noch einmal [o anders] überlegen
    without a \second thought ohne lange zu überlegen
    to do sth a \second time etw noch einmal tun
    to be \second nature to sb jdm in Fleisch und Blut übergegangen sein
    to play \second fiddle to sb in jds Schatten stehen
    to get one's \second wind neuen Aufschwung bekommen geh
    II. n
    1. (order)
    the \second der/die/das Zweite
    to come a poor \second to sb/sth erst an zweiter Stelle nach jdm/etw kommen; see also eighth II. 1
    2. (date)
    the \second der Zweite; see also eighth II. 2
    Henry the S\second spoken Heinrich der Zweite
    Henry II written Heinrich II.
    4. BRIT UNIV ≈ Zwei f, ≈ Zweier m ÖSTERR, ≈ Fünf m SCHWEIZ die mittlere Note bei Abschlussprüfungen
    an upper/a lower \second eine Zwei [o SCHWEIZ Fünf] plus/minus, ein guter/schlechter Zweier ÖSTERR
    5. no pl AUTO zweiter Gang
    to change [down] to [or into] \second in den zweiten Gang [o fam Zweiten] [runter]schalten
    6. (extra helping)
    \seconds pl Nachschlag m kein pl
    are there \seconds, by any chance? kann ich noch eine Portion [o fam etwas] haben?
    \seconds pl Nachtisch m kein pl, Dessert nt SCHWEIZ geh, ÖSTERR bes Nachspeise f
    what's for \seconds? was gibt's zum Nachtisch?
    8. (imperfect item) Ware f zweiter Wahl
    9. (assistant in boxing or duel) Sekundant(in) m(f)
    \seconds out [or away] round two Ring frei — zweite Runde
    10. (in ballet) zweite [Tanz]position
    11. (in baseball) zweite Base
    12. (musical interval) Sekunde f
    major/minor \second große/kleine Sekunde
    13. (seconder) of a motion Befürworter(in) m(f)
    III. adv inv
    1. (secondly) zweitens
    2. (in second class)
    to travel \second zweiter Klasse fahren/fliegen/reisen
    IV. vt
    1. (support formally in debate)
    to \second sth proposal etw unterstützen [o befürworten]
    I'll \second that ( fam) ganz meine Meinung
    2. ( form: back up)
    to \second sth action etw unterstützen
    to \second a motion LAW einen Antrag unterstützen [o befürworten
    3. ECON
    to \second sb jdn abstellen, jdn zeitweilig versetzen
    4. LAW, POL
    to \second a candidate einen Kandidat/eine Kandidatin unterstützen [o befürworten]
    1. (sixtieth of a minute) Sekunde f
    with [only] \seconds to spare in [aller]letzter Sekunde
    2. (very short time) Sekunde f, Augenblick m
    just a \second! [einen] Augenblick!
    you go on, I'll only be a \second geh du weiter, ich komme gleich nach
    if I could have your attention for a \second or two dürfte ich für einen Augenblick um Ihre Aufmerksamkeit bitten
    a couple of [or a few] \seconds ein paar Sekunden fam
    for a split \second [or a fraction of a \second] für einen Bruchteil einer Sekunde
    to do sth in \seconds etw in Sekundenschnelle machen
    3. MATH Sekunde f
    vt usu passive BRIT, AUS
    to be \seconded abgestellt werden; officer abkommandiert werden
    * * *
    I ['sekənd]
    1. adj
    zweite(r, s)

    the second floor (Brit) — der zweite Stock; (US)

    every second day/Thursday — jeden zweiten Tag/Donnerstag

    to be second — Zweite(r, s) sein

    to be second only to sb/sth — nur von jdm/etw übertroffen werden

    in second place (Sport etc)an zweiter Stelle

    to be or lie in second placeauf dem zweiten Platz sein or liegen

    to finish in second placeden zweiten Platz belegen

    or line (US) — der/die Zweite in der Schlange sein

    to be second in command (Mil) — stellvertretender Kommandeur sein; (fig)

    second violin second tenor the second teeth — zweite Geige zweiter Tenor die zweiten or bleibenden Zähne, das bleibende Gebiss

    I won't tell you a second timeich sage dir das kein zweites Mal

    second time around —

    → fiddle, wind
    2. adv
    1) (+adj) zweit-; (+vb) an zweiter Stelle

    the second most common question — die zweithäufigste Frage, die am zweithäufigsten gestellte Frage

    to come/lie second (in race, competition) — Zweite(r) werden/sein

    2) (= secondly) zweitens
    3. vt
    motion, proposal unterstützen

    I'll second that! (at meeting) — ich unterstütze das; (in general) (genau) meine Meinung

    4. n
    1) (OF TIME, MATH, SCI) Sekunde f; (inf = short time) Augenblick m

    I'll only be a second (or two) — ich komme gleich


    the second (in order) — der/die/das Zweite; (in race, class etc) der/die Zweite

    to come a poor/good second — einen schlechten/guten zweiten Platz belegen

    to come a poor second to sb/sth —

    3) (AUT)

    second ( gear) — der zweite Gang

    to put a/the car into second — den zweiten Gang einlegen

    to drive in secondim zweiten Gang or im Zweiten fahren

    4) (MUS: interval) Sekunde f
    5) (Brit UNIV = degree) mittlere Noten bei Abschlussprüfungen

    he got an upper/a lower second — ≈ er hat mit Eins bis Zwei/Zwei bis Drei abgeschnitten

    6) (SPORT in duel) Sekundant m
    7) pl (inf: second helping) Nachschlag m (inf)
    8) (COMM)
    II [sɪ'kɒnd] abordnen, abstellen
    * * *
    second1 [ˈsekənd]
    A adj (adv secondly)
    1. zweit(er, e, es):
    at second hand aus zweiter Hand;
    second in height zweithöchst(er, e, es);
    a second time noch einmal;
    every second day jeden zweiten Tag, alle zwei Tage;
    second language Zweitsprache f;
    second teeth zweite Zähne;
    a second Conan Doyle fig ein zweiter Conan Doyle;
    it has become second nature with ( oder for) him es ist ihm zur zweiten Natur geworden oder in Fleisch und Blut übergegangen;
    it has become second nature for me to get up at six ich stehe ganz automatisch um sechs auf;
    a) zweitens,
    b) in zweiter Linie;
    a) SPORT etc den zweiten Platz belegen,
    b) weniger wichtig sein (to als),
    c) auch go into second place zweitrangig oder nebensächlich werden;
    everything else had to go into second place alles andere musste zurückstehen oder -treten (to hinter dat); helping B 2, self A 1, sight A 1, thought1 3, wind1 A 7
    2. zweit(er, e, es):
    a) ander(er, e, es), nächst(er, e, es)
    b) zweitklassig, -rangig, untergeordnet (to dat):
    second cabin Kabine f zweiter Klasse;
    second lieutenant MIL Leutnant m;
    second to none unerreicht;
    he is second to none er ist unübertroffen; fiddle A 1
    B s
    1. (der, die, das) Zweite
    2. (der, die, das) Nächste oder Untergeordnete oder (Nach)Folgende: second-in-command
    3. SPORT etc Zweite(r) m/f(m), zweite(r) Sieger(in):
    be a good second nur knapp geschlagen werden
    4. Sekundant m (beim Duell oder Boxen):
    seconds out (Boxen) Ring frei!
    5. Helfer(in), Beistand m
    6. AUTO (der) zweite Gang
    7. MUS zweite Stimme, Begleitstimme f
    8. pl WIRTSCH Ware(n) f(pl) zweiter Qualität oder Wahl, zweite Wahl
    9. UNIV Br second class 2
    10. umg BAHN (die) zweite Klasse
    11. second of exchange WIRTSCH Sekundawechsel m
    12. pl umg Nachschlag m (zweite Portion)
    C adv als Zweit(er, e, es), zweitens, an zweiter Stelle:
    come in ( oder finish) second als Zweiter durchs Ziel gehen, Zweiter werden;
    come second fig (erst) an zweiter Stelle kommen
    D v/t
    1. jemanden, einen Antrag etc unterstützen, jemandem beistehen
    2. jemandem (beim Duell, Boxen) sekundieren (auch fig)
    second2 [ˈsekənd] s
    1. Sekunde f (Zeiteinheit, auch MUS):
    in seconds in Sekundenschnelle
    2. fig Sekunde f, Augenblick m, Moment m:
    wait a second!
    3. MATH (Bogen) Sekunde f
    second3 [sıˈkɒnd] v/t Br
    a) einen Offizier etc abstellen, abkommandieren
    b) einen Beamten etc ( besonders zeitweilig) versetzen ( alle:
    from von;
    to nach, in akk)
    s. abk
    1. second ( seconds pl) s, Sek.
    3. see s.
    5. set
    6. HIST Br shilling ( shillings pl)
    7. sign
    8. signed gez.
    9. singular Sg.
    10. son
    sec. abk
    1. MATH secant
    2. second ( seconds pl) s, Sek.
    * * *
    I 1. adjective
    zweit...; zweitwichtigst... [Stadt, Hafen usw.]

    second largest/highest — etc. zweitgrößt.../-höchst... usw.

    2. noun
    1) (unit of time or angle) Sekunde, die
    2) (coll.): (moment) Sekunde, die (ugs.)

    in a second (immediately) sofort (ugs.); (very quickly) im Nu (ugs.)

    just a second!(coll.) einen Moment!

    3) (additional person or thing)

    a second — noch einer/eine/eins


    the second (in sequence) der/die/das zweite; (in rank) der/die/das Zweite

    be the second to arrive — als zweiter/zweite ankommen

    5) (in duel, boxing) Sekundant, der/Sekundantin, die
    6) in pl. (helping of food) zweite Portion; (second course) zweiter Gang

    the second [of the month] — der Zweite [des Monats]

    8) in pl. (goods of second quality) Waren zweiter Wahl
    9) (Brit. Univ.) ≈ Gut, das; ≈ Zwei, die
    3. transitive verb
    (support) unterstützen [Antrag, Nominierung]

    I'll second that!(coll.) dem schließe ich mich an!

    II transitive verb
    (transfer) vorübergehend versetzen
    * * *
    zweit adj. n.
    Sekunde -n f. v.
    helfen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: half, geholfen)
    unterstützen v.

    English-german dictionary > second

  • 3 prize winner medal material

    1. материал медалей призеров


    материал медалей призеров
    Медали за первое и второе места должны быть выполнены из серебра, как минимум, 925 – 1000 пробы. Медали за первое место должны быть покрыты, как минимум, 6 г. чистого золота. Необходимо, чтобы золотые, серебряные и бронзовые медали по виду было легко отличить друг от друга.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    prize winner medal material
    Medals for first and second places shall be of silver of at least 925-1000 grade; the medal for first place shall be gilded with at least 6g of pure gold. The medals should be easily recognizable as gold, silver and bronze.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > prize winner medal material

  • 4 second

    1. sec·ond [ʼsekənd] adj
    1) usu attr ( next after first) zweite(r, s);
    Brian's going first, who wants to be \second? Brian ist Erster, wer möchte der Nächste sein?;
    he was the \second person to qualify er hat sich als Zweiter qualifiziert;
    the \second time das zweite Mal;
    the \second week of August die zweite Augustwoche;
    every \second week jede zweite Woche, alle zwei Wochen
    2) ( next after winner) zweite(r, s);
    to be/ come [or finish] \second Zweite(r) sein/werden;
    \second place zweiter Platz;
    to be in \second place auf Platz zwei sein;
    \second prize zweiter Preis;
    to take \second place ( fig) zweitrangig sein
    3) (not first in importance, size) zweit-;
    Germany's \second city Deutschlands zweitwichtigste Stadt;
    the \second... + superl der/die/das zweit-;
    the \second biggest town die zweitgrößte Stadt;
    to be \second only to sb/ sth gleich nach jdm/etw kommen ( fam)
    to be \second to none unübertroffen sein
    4) attr ( another) zweite(r, s), Zweit-;
    \second car Zweitwagen m;
    \second language zweite Sprache;
    to be a \second Mozart ein zweiter Mozart sein;
    to give sb a \second chance jdm eine zweite [o noch eine] Chance geben;
    to get a \second chance eine zweite Chance bekommen;
    to be sb's \second home jds zweites Zuhause sein;
    to ask for a \second opinion eine zweite Meinung einholen;
    to have \second thoughts seine Meinung ändern, es sich dat noch einmal [o anders] überlegen;
    without a \second thought ohne lange zu überlegen;
    to do sth a \second time etw noch einmal tun
    to play \second fiddle to sb in jds Schatten stehen;
    to be \second nature to sb jdm in Fleisch und Blut übergegangen sein;
    to get one's \second wind neuen Aufschwung bekommen ( geh) n
    1) ( Brit) univ Zwei f;
    an upper/a lower \second eine Zwei plus/minus
    2) no pl auto zweiter Gang;
    to change [down] to [or into] \second in den zweiten Gang [runter]schalten
    \seconds pl Nachschlag m kein pl;
    are there \seconds, by any chance? kann ich noch eine Portion [o ( fam) etwas] haben?
    4) ( Brit) (fam: dessert)
    \seconds pl Nachtisch m kein pl;
    what's for \seconds? was gibt's zum Nachtisch?
    5) ( imperfect item) Ware f zweiter Wahl
    6) ( assistant in boxing or duel) Sekundant(in) m(f);
    \seconds out [or away] - round two Ring frei - zweite Runde
    7) ( musical interval) Sekunde f;
    major/minor \second große/kleine Sekunde
    8) ( seconder) of a motion Befürworter(in) m(f) adv
    inv zweitens vt
    to \second sth proposal etw unterstützen [o befürworten];
    I'll \second that ( fam) ganz meine Meinung
    2) (form: back up)
    to \second sth action etw unterstützen
    2. sec·ond [ʼsekənd] n
    1) ( sixtieth of a minute) Sekunde f;
    with [only] \seconds to spare in [aller]letzter Sekunde
    2) ( very short time) Sekunde f, Augenblick m;
    you go on, I'll only be a \second geh du weiter, ich komme gleich nach;
    if I could have your attention for a \second or two dürfte ich für einen Augenblick um Ihre Aufmerksamkeit bitten;
    a couple of [or a few] \seconds ein paar Sekunden ( fam)
    for a split \second [or a fraction of a \second] für einen Bruchteil einer Sekunde;
    to do sth in \seconds etw in Sekundenschnelle machen
    3) math Sekunde f
    3. sec·ond [sɪʼkɒnd] vt
    usu passive (Brit, Aus)
    to be \seconded abgestellt werden; officer abkommandiert werden

    English-German students dictionary > second

  • 5 draw

    1. past tense - drew; verb
    1) (to make a picture or pictures (of), usually with a pencil, crayons etc: During his stay in hospital he drew a great deal; Shall I draw a cow?) dibujar
    2) (to pull along, out or towards oneself: She drew the child towards her; He drew a gun suddenly and fired; All water had to be drawn from a well; The cart was drawn by a pony.) llevar
    3) (to move (towards or away from someone or something): The car drew away from the kerb; Christmas is drawing closer.) acercarse
    4) (to play (a game) in which neither side wins: The match was drawn / We drew at 1-1.) empatar
    5) (to obtain (money) from a fund, bank etc: to draw a pension / an allowance.) cobrar
    6) (to open or close (curtains).) descorrer
    7) (to attract: She was trying to draw my attention to something.) atraer

    2. noun
    1) (a drawn game: The match ended in a draw.) empate
    2) (an attraction: The acrobats' act should be a real draw.) atracción
    3) (the selecting of winning tickets in a raffle, lottery etc: a prize draw.) sorteo
    4) (an act of drawing, especially a gun: He's quick on the draw.) saque, desenvaine
    - drawn
    - drawback
    - drawbridge
    - drawing-pin
    - drawstring
    - draw a blank
    - draw a conclusion from
    - draw in
    - draw the line
    - draw/cast lots
    - draw off
    - draw on1
    - draw on2
    - draw out
    - draw up
    - long drawn out

    draw1 n empate
    draw2 vb
    1. dibujar
    2. sacar / retirar
    3. empatar
    1 (raffle, lottery) sorteo
    3 (attraction) atracción nombre femenino, gancho
    4 (on cigarette, pipe, etc) calada, chupada
    transitive verb (pt drew tr[drʊː], pp drawn tr[drɔːn])
    1 (sketch - picture) dibujar; (- line, circle, plans) trazar; (- map) hacer; (describe) pintar
    2 (move) llevar
    3 (pull along - cart, sledge, plough) tirar de; (- train, carriage) arrastrar
    4 (curtains - open) descorrer; (- close) correr; (blinds) bajar
    5 (pull out, take out - gen) sacar, extraer; (gun) desenfundar, sacar; (sword, dagger) desenvainar, sacar; (bow) tensar
    6 SMALLFINANCE/SMALL (receive - salary, wage, pension) cobrar; (write out - cheque) librar, extender, girar; (withdraw - money) sacar, retirar
    7 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (tie) empatar
    8 (attract - crowd, customers, audience) atraer; (- attention) llamar:
    9 (produce, elicit - response, reaction) provocar, obtener; (- praise) conseguir; (criticism, protest) provocar, suscitar; (applause, laughter) arrancar
    10 (derive, gain, obtain - support) obtener; (- strength) sacar
    11 (make somebody say more) sacar información a
    12 (choose - gen) escoger; (playing card) sacar; (in contest, tournament) tocar en el sorteo
    13 (formulate, establish - comparison) hacer; (- conclusion) sacar, llegar a; (parallel, distinction, analogy) establecer
    14 SMALLMARITIME/SMALL (of ship) tener un calado de
    1 (sketch) dibujar
    2 (move) moverse, desplazarse
    3 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (tie - gen) empatar; (- in chess) hacer tablas
    4 (choose) tirar a suertes
    5 (take in air - chimney, fireplace) tirar; (cigar, pipe) tirar (at/on, -)
    the luck of the draw toca a quien toca, es cuestión de suerte
    to be drawn (on something) decir algo (sobre algo)
    to be drawn to/towards somebody/something sentirse atraído,-a por/hacia alguien/algo
    to be quick on the draw (with gun) ser rápido,-a en desenfundar 2 (with reply) pescarlas al vuelo
    to draw a blank seguir sin saber algo
    to draw apart separarse ( from, de), alejarse ( from, de), distanciarse ( from, de)
    to draw blood hacer sangrar, sacar sangre
    to draw breath respirar
    to draw close/near acercarse
    to draw lots (for something) echar (algo) a suerte
    to draw the line (at something) decir basta (a algo)
    to draw to an end/close terminar, finalizar
    draw ['drɔ] v, drew ['dru:] ; drawn ['drɔn] ; drawing vt
    1) pull: tirar de, jalar, correr (cortinas)
    2) attract: atraer
    3) provoke: provocar, suscitar
    4) inhale: aspirar
    to draw breath: respirar
    5) extract: sacar, extraer
    6) take: sacar
    to draw a number: sacar un número
    7) collect: cobrar, percibir (un sueldo, etc.)
    8) bend: tensar (un arco)
    9) tie: empatar (en deportes)
    10) sketch: dibujar, trazar
    11) formulate: sacar, formular, llegar a
    to draw a conclusion: llegar a una conclusión
    to draw out : hacer hablar (sobre algo), hacer salir de sí mismo
    to draw up draft: redactar
    draw vi
    1) sketch: dibujar
    2) tug: tirar, jalar
    to draw near : acercarse
    to draw to a close : terminar, finalizar
    to draw up stop: parar
    draw n
    1) drawing, raffle: sorteo m
    2) tie: empate m
    3) attraction: atracción f
    4) puff: chupada f (de un cigarrillo, etc.)
    empate (Deporte) s.m.
    pitada s.f.
    retroceso s.m.
    sorteo s.m.
    tiro s.m.
    (§ p.,p.p.: drew, drawn) = arrastrar v.
    bosquejar v.
    descorrer v.
    dibujar v.
    diseñar v.
    sacar v.
    tirar v.
    traer v.
    (§pres: traigo, traes...) pret: traj-•)
    trazar v.

    1. drɔː
    (past drew; past p drawn) transitive verb
    a) ( move by pulling) \<\<curtains/bolt\>\> ( open) descorrer; ( shut) correr; \<\<bow\>\> tensar

    he drew her aside o to one side — la llevó a un lado, la llevó aparte

    to draw one's chair up — acerar* or arrimar la silla a la mesa

    c) ( pull along) \<\<cart/sled\>\> tirar de, arrastrar
    a) ( pull out) \<\<tooth/cork\>\> sacar*, extraer* (frml); \<\<gun\>\> desenfundar, sacar*; \<\<sword\>\> desenvainar, sacar*
    b) ( cause to flow) sacar*

    to draw blood — sacar* sangre, hacer* sangrar

    to draw water from a well — sacar* agua de un pozo

    c) ( Games) \<\<card/domino\>\> sacar*, robar
    d) (in contest, tournament)
    a) ( Fin) \<\<salary/pension\>\> cobrar, percibir (frml); \<\<check\>\> girar, librar

    to draw money from o out of the bank — retirar or sacar* dinero del banco

    b) ( derive) \<\<strength/lesson\>\> sacar*

    she drew comfort from the fact that... — se consoló pensando que...

    4) ( establish) \<\<distinction/parallel\>\> establecer*
    a) ( attract) \<\<customers/crowd\>\> atraer*

    to be drawn to somebody/something — sentirse* atraído por alguien/algo

    b) ( elicit) \<\<praise\>\> conseguir*; \<\<criticism/protest\>\> provocar*, suscitar

    to draw tears/a smile from somebody — hacer* llorar/hacer* sonreír a alguien

    I asked him about it, but he wouldn't be drawn — se lo pregunté, pero se negó a decir nada

    6) ( sketch) \<\<flower/picture\>\> dibujar; \<\<line\>\> trazar*
    7) (BrE Games, Sport) empatar

    1) ( move)

    to draw close to o near (to) something/somebody — acercarse* a algo/alguien

    to draw to an end o a close — terminar, finalizar* (frml)

    the train drew out of/into the station — el tren salió de/entró en la estación

    to draw ahead of somebody/something — adelantarse a alguien/algo

    2) ( Art) dibujar
    3) (BrE Games, Sport) empatar; ( in chess game) hacer* tablas
    4) ( take in air) \<\<chimney/cigar\>\> tirar
    Phrasal Verbs:

    1) ( raffle) sorteo m
    2) ( tie) (Games, Sport) empate m
    3) ( attraction) (colloq) gancho m (fam), atracción f

    to be quick on the draw — ( with gun) ser* rápido en desenfundar; ( with reply) pescarlas* al vuelo (fam)

    [drɔː] (vb: pt drew) (pp drawn)
    1. N
    1) (=lottery) lotería f ; (=picking of ticket) sorteo m
    2) (=equal score) empate m ; (Chess) tablas fpl
    3) (=attraction) atracción f

    to beat sb to the draw — (lit) desenfundar más rápido que algn; (fig) adelantarse a algn

    to be quick on the draw — (lit) ser rápido en sacar la pistola; (fig) ser muy avispado

    5) [of chimney] tiro m
    2. VT
    1) (=pull) [+ bolt, curtains] (to close) correr; (to open) descorrer; [+ caravan, trailer] tirar, jalar (LAm)

    to draw a bowtensar un arco

    he drew his finger along the table — pasó el dedo por la superficie de la mesa

    to draw one's hand over one's eyes — pasarse la mano por los ojos

    he drew his hat over his eyes — se caló el sombrero hasta los ojos

    2) (=extract) [+ gun, sword, confession, tooth] sacar; [+ cheque] girar; [+ salary] cobrar; [+ number, prize] sacarse; [+ trumps] arrastrar; (Culin) [+ fowl] destripar; (Med) [+ boil] hacer reventar

    to draw a bathpreparar el baño

    to draw bloodsacar sangre

    to draw (a) breathrespirar

    to draw a cardrobar una carta

    to draw comfort from sth — hallar consuelo en algo

    to draw inspiration from sth — encontrar inspiración en algo

    to draw lotsechar suertes

    to draw a smile from sb — arrancar una sonrisa a algn

    breath 1., 1)
    3) (=attract) [+ attention, crowd, customer] atraer

    to feel drawn to sb — simpatizar con algn

    he refuses to be drawn — se niega a hablar de ello, se guarda de hacer comentario alguno

    4) (=cause) [+ laughter] causar, provocar; [+ applause] despertar, motivar; [+ criticism] provocar
    5) (=sketch) [+ scene, person] dibujar; [+ plan, line, circle, map] trazar; (fig) [+ situation] explicar; [+ character] trazar

    to draw a picturehacer un dibujo

    to draw the line at sth —

    6) (=formulate) [+ conclusion] sacar ( from de)

    to draw a comparison between A and B — comparar A con B

    to draw a distinctiondistinguir ( between entre)

    7) (Sport, Games)

    to draw a match/game — (gen) empatar un partido; (Chess) entablar

    8) (Naut)
    9) (Tech) [+ wire] estirar
    3. VI
    1) (=move)

    he drew ahead of the other runners — se adelantó a los demás corredores

    to draw to an endllegar a su fin

    the train drew into the station — el tren entró en la estación

    the two horses drew levellos dos caballos se igualaron

    to draw nearacercarse

    the car drew over to the kerb — el coche se acercó a la acera

    he drew to one sidese apartó

    to draw towardsacercarse a

    2) (Cards)
    3) [chimney etc] tirar
    4) (=infuse) [tea] reposar
    5) (=be equal) [two teams, players] empatar; (Chess) entablar
    6) (=sketch) dibujar
    * * *

    1. [drɔː]
    (past drew; past p drawn) transitive verb
    a) ( move by pulling) \<\<curtains/bolt\>\> ( open) descorrer; ( shut) correr; \<\<bow\>\> tensar

    he drew her aside o to one side — la llevó a un lado, la llevó aparte

    to draw one's chair up — acerar* or arrimar la silla a la mesa

    c) ( pull along) \<\<cart/sled\>\> tirar de, arrastrar
    a) ( pull out) \<\<tooth/cork\>\> sacar*, extraer* (frml); \<\<gun\>\> desenfundar, sacar*; \<\<sword\>\> desenvainar, sacar*
    b) ( cause to flow) sacar*

    to draw blood — sacar* sangre, hacer* sangrar

    to draw water from a well — sacar* agua de un pozo

    c) ( Games) \<\<card/domino\>\> sacar*, robar
    d) (in contest, tournament)
    a) ( Fin) \<\<salary/pension\>\> cobrar, percibir (frml); \<\<check\>\> girar, librar

    to draw money from o out of the bank — retirar or sacar* dinero del banco

    b) ( derive) \<\<strength/lesson\>\> sacar*

    she drew comfort from the fact that... — se consoló pensando que...

    4) ( establish) \<\<distinction/parallel\>\> establecer*
    a) ( attract) \<\<customers/crowd\>\> atraer*

    to be drawn to somebody/something — sentirse* atraído por alguien/algo

    b) ( elicit) \<\<praise\>\> conseguir*; \<\<criticism/protest\>\> provocar*, suscitar

    to draw tears/a smile from somebody — hacer* llorar/hacer* sonreír a alguien

    I asked him about it, but he wouldn't be drawn — se lo pregunté, pero se negó a decir nada

    6) ( sketch) \<\<flower/picture\>\> dibujar; \<\<line\>\> trazar*
    7) (BrE Games, Sport) empatar

    1) ( move)

    to draw close to o near (to) something/somebody — acercarse* a algo/alguien

    to draw to an end o a close — terminar, finalizar* (frml)

    the train drew out of/into the station — el tren salió de/entró en la estación

    to draw ahead of somebody/something — adelantarse a alguien/algo

    2) ( Art) dibujar
    3) (BrE Games, Sport) empatar; ( in chess game) hacer* tablas
    4) ( take in air) \<\<chimney/cigar\>\> tirar
    Phrasal Verbs:

    1) ( raffle) sorteo m
    2) ( tie) (Games, Sport) empate m
    3) ( attraction) (colloq) gancho m (fam), atracción f

    to be quick on the draw — ( with gun) ser* rápido en desenfundar; ( with reply) pescarlas* al vuelo (fam)

    English-spanish dictionary > draw

  • 6 fight out

    English-spanish dictionary > fight out

  • 7 draw

    [drɔː]transitive verb, drew [druː], drawn [drɔːn]
    1) (pull) ziehen

    draw the curtains/blinds — (open) die Vorhänge aufziehen/die Jalousien hochziehen; (close) die Vorhänge zuziehen/die Jalousien herunterlassen

    draw the bolt(unfasten) den Riegel zurückschieben

    2) (attract, take in) anlocken [Publikum, Menge, Kunden]

    he refused to be drawner ließ sich nichts entlocken

    3) (take out) herausziehen; ziehen ( from aus)

    draw money from the bank/one's account — Geld bei der Bank holen/von seinem Konto abheben

    draw water from a wellWasser an einem Brunnen holen od. schöpfen

    4) (derive, elicit) finden

    draw comfort from somethingTrost in etwas (Dat.) finden

    draw reassurance/encouragement from something — Zuversicht/Mut aus etwas schöpfen

    5) (get as one's due) erhalten; bekommen; beziehen [Gehalt, Rente, Arbeitslosenunterstützung]
    6) (select at random)
    7) (trace) ziehen [Strich]; zeichnen [geometrische Figur, Bild]

    draw the line at something(fig.) bei etwas nicht mehr mitmachen

    8) (formulate) ziehen [Parallele, Vergleich]; herstellen [Analogie]; herausstellen [Unterschied]
    9) (end with neither side winner) unentschieden beenden [Spiel]
    2. intransitive verb,
    drew, drawn
    1) (make one's way, move) [Person:] gehen; [Fahrzeug:] fahren

    draw into something[Zug:] in etwas (Akk.) einfahren; [Schiff:] in etwas (Akk.) einlaufen

    2) (draw lots) ziehen; losen

    draw [for partners] — [die Partner] auslosen

    3. noun
    1) (raffle) Tombola, die; (for matches, contests) Auslosung, die; (of lottery) Ziehung, die
    2) ([result of] drawn game) Unentschieden, das

    end in a drawmit einem Unentschieden enden

    3) Attraktion, die; (film, play) Publikumserfolg, der

    be quick/slow on the draw — den Finger schnell/zu langsam am Abzug haben

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/22261/draw_aside">draw aside
    - draw away
    - draw back
    - draw in
    - draw on
    - draw out
    - draw up
    - draw upon
    * * *
    [dro:] 1. past tense - drew; verb
    1) (to make a picture or pictures (of), usually with a pencil, crayons etc: During his stay in hospital he drew a great deal; Shall I draw a cow?) zeichnen
    2) (to pull along, out or towards oneself: She drew the child towards her; He drew a gun suddenly and fired; All water had to be drawn from a well; The cart was drawn by a pony.) ziehen
    3) (to move (towards or away from someone or something): The car drew away from the kerb; Christmas is drawing closer.) sich entfernen, sich nähern
    4) (to play (a game) in which neither side wins: The match was drawn / We drew at 1-1.) unentschieden spielen
    5) (to obtain (money) from a fund, bank etc: to draw a pension / an allowance.) in Anspruch nehmen
    6) (to open or close (curtains).) zu-, aufziehen
    7) (to attract: She was trying to draw my attention to something.) fesseln
    2. noun
    1) (a drawn game: The match ended in a draw.) das Unentschieden
    2) (an attraction: The acrobats' act should be a real draw.) die Attraktion
    3) (the selecting of winning tickets in a raffle, lottery etc: a prize draw.) die Ziehung
    4) (an act of drawing, especially a gun: He's quick on the draw.) das Zeichnen
    - drawing
    - drawn
    - drawback
    - drawbridge
    - drawing-pin
    - drawstring
    - draw a blank
    - draw a conclusion from
    - draw in
    - draw the line
    - draw/cast lots
    - draw off
    - draw on1
    - draw on2
    - draw out
    - draw up
    - long drawn out
    * * *
    [drɔ:, AM also drɑ:]
    I. NOUN
    1. (celebrity) Publikumsmagnet m, Attraktion f; (popular film, play, etc.) Kassenschlager m, Publikumserfolg m
    2. (power) Anziehungskraft f, Attraktivität f
    an auction has more \draw than a jumble sale eine Versteigerung lockt mehr Menschen an als ein Flohmarkt
    3. (drawn contest) Unentschieden nt
    to end in a \draw unentschieden enden [o ausgehen
    4. (drawing lots) Verlosung f, Tombola f
    it's just the luck of the \draw man muss es eben so nehmen, wie es kommt
    5. (drawing gun) Ziehen nt
    to be quick on the \draw schnell ziehen können; ( fig) schlagfertig sein
    6. (inhalation) Zug m
    he had a quick \draw on his cigarette and tossed it away er zog noch einmal kurz an seiner Zigarette und warf sie dann weg
    <drew, -n>
    to \draw sb/sth jdn/etw zeichnen
    to \draw a line einen Strich [o eine Linie] ziehen
    I \draw the line there ( fig) da ist bei mir Schluss
    to \draw a map/sketch eine Karte/Skizze anfertigen
    to \draw a picture of sth ( fig) das Bild einer S. gen zeichnen fig
    to \draw sth to scale etw maßstabsgetreu zeichnen
    2. (depict)
    to \draw sth etw darstellen [o beschreiben]
    the plot is exciting, but the characters haven't been very well \drawn die Handlung ist spannend, aber die Charaktere sind nicht gut herausgearbeitet
    to \draw sth etw ziehen
    he drew his coat tightly around his shoulders er zog sich den Mantel fest um die Schultern
    the little boat was \drawn into the whirlpool das kleine Boot wurde in den Strudel hineingezogen
    he drew her into a tender embrace er zog sie mit einer zärtlichen Umarmung an sich
    to \draw the blinds [or AM also shades] (open) die Jalousien [o Rollläden] [o SCHWEIZ Storen] hochziehen; (close) die Jalousien [o Rollläden] [o SCHWEIZ Storen] herunterlassen
    to \draw the curtains (pull together) die Vorhänge zuziehen; (pull apart) die Vorhänge aufziehen
    to \draw sb aside [or to one side] jdn beiseitenehmen
    to \draw sb into [an] ambush jdn in einen Hinterhalt locken
    to \draw sb jdn anlocken [o anziehen]
    to \draw sth etw auf sich akk ziehen [o lenken]
    you're \drawing a lot of curious looks in that hat mit diesem Hut ziehst du eine Menge neugieriger Blicke auf dich
    to \draw [sb's] attention [to sb/sth] [jds] Aufmerksamkeit [auf jdn/etw] lenken
    she waved at him to \draw his attention sie winkte ihm zu, um ihn auf sich aufmerksam zu machen
    to \draw attention to oneself Aufmerksamkeit erregen
    to \draw a cheer from the crowd die Menge zum Jubeln bringen
    to \draw sb's fire jds Kritik auf sich akk ziehen
    to feel \drawn to [or toward[s]] sb sich akk zu jdm hingezogen fühlen
    her eyes were immediately \drawn to the tall blond man der große Blonde zog sofort ihre Blicke auf sich
    5. (involve in)
    to \draw sb into sth jdn in etw akk hineinziehen [o verwickeln]
    to \draw sb into an argument/a discussion jdn in eine Auseinandersetzung/Diskussion hineinziehen
    to \draw sb into a conversation jdn in eine Unterhaltung verwickeln
    to \draw sth etw hervorrufen
    her speech drew an angry response ihre Rede hat für Verärgerung gesorgt
    to \draw applause Beifall ernten
    to \draw criticism Kritik erregen [o hervorrufen]
    to \draw sth from sb jdn zu etw dat veranlassen
    his performance drew a gasp of amazement from the audience bei seiner Darbietung verschlug es dem Publikum den Atem
    to \draw a confession from sb jdm ein Geständnis entlocken
    to \draw an analogy eine Parallele ziehen [o geh Analogie herstellen]
    to \draw a comparison einen Vergleich anstellen
    you can't really \draw a comparison between the two cases man kann die beiden Fälle wirklich nicht miteinander vergleichen
    to \draw a conclusion [or an inference] einen Schluss ziehen, zu einer Schlussfolgerung kommen
    to \draw a distinction [between sth] etw auseinanderhalten [o voneinander unterscheiden]
    to \draw a parallel eine Parallele ziehen
    to \draw a weapon eine Waffe ziehen
    I couldn't believe it when she drew a knife on me ich war völlig perplex, als sie ein Messer zückte fam
    to \draw blood Blut fließen lassen
    he bit me so hard that it drew blood er biss mich so fest, dass ich blutete
    to \draw first blood den ersten Treffer erzielen a. fig
    to \draw a tooth ( dated) einen Zahn ziehen
    10. CARDS
    to \draw a card [from the deck] eine Karte [vom Stapel] abheben [o ziehen
    11. (get from source)
    to \draw sth [from sb/sth] etw [von jdm/etw] beziehen [o erhalten] [o bekommen]
    he drew much of his inspiration from his travels einen Großteil seiner Anregungen holte er sich auf seinen Reisen
    the university \draws its students from all 50 states die Studenten der Universität kommen aus allen 50 Bundesstaaten
    12. (earn)
    to \draw sth etw beziehen; (receive) etw bekommen [o erhalten]
    this investment will \draw 10% interest diese Investition bringt 10 % Zinsen
    to \draw pay [or a salary] ein Gehalt beziehen
    to \draw a pension Rente [o ÖSTERR eine Pension] bekommen [o beziehen]
    to \draw unemployment benefit/a wage Arbeitslosengeld/einen Lohn bekommen [o erhalten
    13. (select by chance)
    to \draw sth etw ziehen [o auslosen]
    we're about to \draw the winning card wir ziehen jetzt gleich den Hauptgewinn
    Real Madrid has \drawn Juventus in the football quarter finals als Gegner von Real Madrid im Fußballviertelfinale wurde Juventus Turin ausgelost
    to \draw lots for sth um etw akk losen, etw auslosen
    they drew lots for it sie losten darum
    to \draw water Wasser holen
    she drew water from the well sie schöpfte Wasser aus dem Brunnen
    to \draw sb's bath jds Badewasser [o SCHWEIZ Badwasser] einlassen
    15. (pour)
    to \draw a beer ein Bier zapfen
    to \draw money/£500 from one's account Geld/500 Pfund von seinem Konto abheben
    to \draw a cheque on sb/sth einen Scheck auf jdn/etw ausstellen
    17. (inhale)
    to \draw a breath Luft [o Atem] holen
    she drew a deep breath sie holte [einmal] tief Luft
    to \draw breath ( fig) verschnaufen, eine Verschnaufpause einlegen
    18. NAUT
    the ship \draws 20 feet of water das Schiff hat sechs Meter Tiefgang
    19. SPORT (stretch a bow)
    to \draw a bow einen Bogen spannen
    to \draw fowl/game (at butcher's) ein Tier ausnehmen; (after hunt) ein Tier ausweiden
    to \draw a bead on sb/sth auf jdn/etw zielen
    to \draw a blank eine Niete ziehen, kein Glück haben
    she had spent all morning searching but had \drawn a blank sie hatte den ganzen Morgen gesucht — doch ohne Erfolg
    to \draw the line at sth bei etw dat die Grenze ziehen
    I \draw the line there da ist bei mir Schluss
    \drawn and quartered ( hist) gestreckt und gevierteilt
    to \draw a veil over sth über etw akk den Mantel des Schweigens breiten
    <drew, -n>
    1. (make pictures) zeichnen
    2. (proceed) sich akk bewegen; vehicle, ship fahren
    the train slowly drew into the station der Zug fuhr langsam in den Bahnhof ein
    to \draw alongside sth mit etw dat gleichziehen, an etw akk herankommen
    as we drew alongside the black Fiat I recognized the driver als wir mit dem schwarzen Fiat auf gleicher Höhe waren, erkannte ich den Fahrer
    to \draw apart sich akk voneinander trennen
    the embracing couple drew apart das eng umschlungene Pärchen löste sich voneinander
    to \draw away wegfahren
    to \draw away from sth BRIT sich akk von etw dat entfernen
    she drew away from him whenever he put his arm around her sie wich jedes Mal von ihm zurück, als er den Arm um sie legte
    to \draw level with sb/sth mit jdm/etw gleichziehen
    slowly Paul drew level with the BMW allmählich holte Paul den BMW ein
    3. (approach [in time])
    to \draw to a close [or an end] sich akk seinem Ende nähern, zu Ende gehen
    to \draw near [or nearer] näher rücken [o kommen]
    Christmas is \drawing nearer Weihnachten rückt [immer] näher
    4. (make use of)
    to \draw on sb auf jdn zurückkommen, jdn in Anspruch nehmen
    to \draw on sth auf etw akk zurückgreifen, von etw dat Gebrauch machen, etw in Anspruch nehmen
    like most writers, she \draws on personal experience in her work wie die meisten Schriftsteller schöpft sie bei ihrer Arbeit aus persönlichen Erfahrungen
    to \draw on funds auf [Geld]mittel zurückgreifen
    to \draw on sb's knowledge jdn als Kenner zurate ziehen, sich dat jds Wissen zunutze machen
    to \draw on one's cigarette/pipe an seiner Zigarette/Pfeife ziehen
    6. (draw lots) losen, das Los entscheiden lassen
    to \draw for sth um etw akk losen, etw durch das Los entscheiden lassen
    7. SPORT (tie) unentschieden spielen
    Coventry drew 1—1 with Manchester United in the semi-finals im Halbfinale trennten sich Coventry und Manchester United 1:1 unentschieden
    * * *
    I [drɔː] pret drew, ptp drawn
    1. vt (lit, fig)
    zeichnen; line ziehen

    I draw the line at cheating (personally) — Mogeln kommt für mich nicht infrage; (in others) beim Mogeln hörts bei mir auf

    some people just don't know where to draw the line (fig) — manche Leute wissen einfach nicht, wie weit sie gehen können

    2. vi
    zeichnen II [drɔː] vb: pret drew, ptp drawn
    1) = move by pulling ziehen; bolt zurückschieben; bow spannen; curtains (= open) aufziehen; (= shut) zuziehen

    he drew her close to him —

    he drew his finger along the edge of the table he drew the smoke into his lungs — er fuhr mit dem Finger die Tischkante entlang er machte einen (tiefen) Lungenzug

    2) = move by pulling behind coach, cart ziehen
    3) = bring bringen

    to draw sth to a close — etw zu Ende bringen, etw beenden

    4) = extract teeth, sword, gun ziehen; knife ziehen, zücken; cork herausziehen
    5) = take holen; wine (from barrel) zapfen

    to draw inspiration from sb/sth/somewhere — sich von jdm/von etw/von irgendwas inspirieren lassen

    he's bitten her – has he drawn blood? — er hat sie gebissen – blutet sie?

    to draw the dole/a big salary — Arbeitslosenunterstützung/ein großes Gehalt beziehen

    to draw one's pensionseine Rente bekommen


    = elicit her singing drew tears from the audience — ihr Singen rührte die Zuhörer zu Tränen

    to draw a smile/a laugh from sb — jdm ein Lächeln/ein Lachen entlocken

    7) = attract interest erregen; customer, crowd anlocken

    to draw sb into sthjdn in etw (acc) hineinziehen or verwickeln

    to draw sb away from sb/sth — jdn von jdm/etw weglocken

    8) = formulate conclusion, comparison ziehen; distinction treffen

    you can draw whatever conclusion you like — du kannst daraus schließen, was du willst

    9) NAUT

    = tie SPORT to draw a match — sich unentschieden trennen, unentschieden spielen

    11) = choose at random ziehen

    the first correct entry drawn from the hat — die erste richtige Einsendung, die gezogen wird

    we've been drawn (to play) away/at home

    12) CARDS
    13) COOK fowl ausnehmen hang
    14) HUNT fox aufstöbern
    1) = move person, time, event kommen

    he drew to one side — er ging/fuhr zur Seite

    the two horses drew leveldie beiden Pferde zogen gleich __diams; to draw near herankommen (to an +acc )

    2) = allow airflow chimney, pipe ziehen
    3) = tie SPORT unentschieden spielen

    they drew 2-2 — sie trennten sich or sie spielten 2:2 unentschieden

    the teams drew for second place —

    5) = infuse tea ziehen
    3. NOUN
    1) = random selection = lottery Ziehung f, Ausspielung f; (for sports competitions) Auslosung f, Ziehung f luck
    2) = tie SPORT Unentschieden nt
    3) = attraction play, film etc (Kassen)schlager m, Knüller m (inf); (person) Attraktion f

    in shooting __diams; the draw to be quick on the draw (lit) — schnell mit der Pistole sein, schnell (den Revolver) ziehen; (fig) schlagfertig sein

    to beat sb to the drawschneller sein als jd; ( lit : cowboy etc ) schneller ziehen als jd

    * * *
    draw [drɔː]
    A s
    1. Ziehen n:
    a) schnell (mit der Pistole),
    b) fig schlagfertig, fix umg
    2. Zug m ( auch on the pipe, etc an der Pfeife etc)
    3. fig Zug-, Anziehungskraft f
    4. fig Attraktion f (auch Person), besonders Zugstück n, Schlager m
    5. Ziehen n (eines Loses etc)
    6. a) Auslosen n, Verlosen n
    b) Verlosung f, Ziehung f
    7. gezogene Spielkarte(n pl)
    8. abgehobener Betrag
    9. US Aufzug m (einer Zugbrücke)
    10. SPORT Unentschieden n:
    end in ( oder be) a draw unentschieden ausgehen oder enden
    11. umg Vorteil m:
    have the draw over im Vorteil sein gegenüber
    12. draw poker
    13. TECH
    a) (Draht) Ziehen n
    b) Walzen n
    c) Verjüngung f
    B v/t prät drew [druː], pperf drawn [drɔːn]
    1. ziehen, zerren:
    draw sb into fig jemanden hineinziehen in (akk);
    draw sb into talk jemanden ins Gespräch ziehen
    2. ab-, an-, auf-, fort-, herab-, wegziehen:
    draw a drawbridge eine Zugbrücke aufziehen;
    draw the nets die Netze einziehen oder -holen;
    draw rein die Zügel anziehen (a. fig); curtain A 1, A 3
    3. einen Bogen spannen
    4. nach sich ziehen, bewirken, zur Folge haben
    5. bringen (on, upon über akk):
    draw sb’s anger on o.s. sich jemandes Zorn zuziehen;
    draw ruin upon o.s. sich ins Unglück stürzen
    6. Atem holen:
    draw a sigh aufseufzen; breath 1
    7. (heraus)ziehen:
    draw a tooth einen Zahn ziehen; fang A 1 a, tooth A 1
    a) (vom Geber) erhalten
    b) abheben, ziehen
    c) herausholen:
    draw the opponent’s trumps dem Gegner die Trümpfe herausholen
    9. eine Waffe ziehen
    10. a) Lose ziehen
    b) (durch Los) gewinnen, einen Preis erhalten
    c) auslosen:
    draw bonds WIRTSCH Obligationen auslosen;
    be drawn with SPORT ausgelost werden gegen
    11. Wasser heraufpumpen, -holen, schöpfen, ein Bad einlaufen lassen
    12. Bier etc abziehen, abzapfen ( beide:
    from von, aus)
    13. MED Blut entnehmen ( from dat)
    a) hervorlocken
    b) auch ein Lächeln etc entlocken ( from sb jemandem)
    15. Tee ziehen lassen
    16. fig anziehen, an sich ziehen, fesseln:
    feel drawn to ( oder toward[s]) sb sich zu jemandem hingezogen fühlen
    17. Kunden etc anziehen, anlocken:
    draw a full house THEAT das Haus füllen
    18. besonders Fußball: den Torhüter herauslocken
    19. jemandes Aufmerksamkeit lenken (to auf akk)
    20. jemanden (dazu) bewegen ( to do sth etwas zu tun)
    21. eine Linie, Grenze etc ziehen: line1 A 12
    22. die Finger, Feder etc gleiten lassen ( across über akk)
    23. zeichnen, malen, entwerfen ( alle:
    from nach)
    24. (in Worten) schildern, beschreiben, zeichnen:
    draw it fine umg es ganz genau nehmen;
    draw it mild umg mach mal halblang!, du übertreibst!
    25. auch draw up ein Schriftstück ab-, verfassen, aufsetzen
    26. einen Vergleich anstellen, auch eine Parallele etc ziehen
    27. einen Schluss, eine Lehre ziehen:
    draw one’s own conclusions seine eigenen Schlüsse ziehen
    28. Zinsen etc einbringen, abwerfen:
    draw a good price einen guten Preis erzielen
    29. WIRTSCH Geld abheben ( from von einem Konto)
    30. WIRTSCH einen Wechsel etc ziehen, trassieren, ausstellen:
    draw a bill of exchange on sb einen Wechsel auf jemanden ziehen;
    draw a check (Br cheque) einen Scheck ausstellen
    31. ein Gehalt etc, auch Nachrichten etc beziehen, bekommen
    32. fig entlocken ( from dat):
    draw applause Beifall hervorrufen;
    draw applause from an audience einem Publikum Beifall abringen;
    draw (information from) sb jemanden ausholen, -fragen, -horchen;
    draw no reply from sb aus jemandem keine Antwort herausbringen
    33. umg jemanden aus seiner Reserve herauslocken
    34. entnehmen ( from dat):
    draw consolation from Trost schöpfen aus; advantage A 2, inspiration 1
    a) trockenlegen
    b) (mit dem Netz) abfischen
    37. a) JAGD ein Dickicht (nach Wild) durchstöbern oder -suchen
    b) Wild aufstöbern
    38. TECH
    a) Draht, Röhren, Kerzen ziehen
    b) Blech etc auswalzen, (st)recken, ziehen
    39. das Gesicht verziehen:
    his face was drawn with pain sein Gesicht war schmerzverzerrt
    40. einem den Mund zusammenziehen:
    41. MED ein Geschwür etc ausziehen, -trocknen
    42. SCHIFF einen Tiefgang haben von:
    43. SPORT to draw the match unentschieden spielen, sich unentschieden trennen;
    the game was drawn 5-5 das Spiel endete unentschieden 5:5
    44. Golf: den Ball nach links verziehen
    C v/i
    1. ziehen ( auch on the pipe, etc an der Pfeife etc)
    2. fig ziehen (Theaterstück etc)
    3. (sein Schwert etc) ziehen (on gegen)
    4. sich leicht etc ziehen lassen, laufen:
    5. fahren, sich bewegen:
    draw into the station BAHN (in den Bahnhof) einfahren
    6. (to) sich nähern (dat), herankommen (an akk): close C 1, end Bes Redew
    7. sich versammeln (round, about um)
    8. sich zusammenziehen, (ein)schrumpfen ( beide:
    into zu)
    9. sich (aus)dehnen
    10. SCHIFF schwellen (Segel)
    11. ziehen (Tee, auch MED Pflaster, Salbe etc)
    12. ziehen, Zug haben (Kamin etc)
    13. zeichnen, malen
    14. (on, upon) in Anspruch nehmen (akk), Gebrauch machen (von), heranziehen (akk), (sein Kapital, seine Vorräte etc) angreifen:
    a) WIRTSCH jemandem eine Zahlungsaufforderung zukommen lassen,
    b) WIRTSCH auf jemanden (einen Wechsel) ziehen,
    c) fig jemanden oder jemandes Kräfte in Anspruch nehmen;
    draw on sb’s generosity jemandes Großzügigkeit ausnützen;
    draw on one’s imagination sich etwas einfallen lassen oder ausdenken
    15. SPORT (with) unentschieden kämpfen oder spielen (gegen), sich unentschieden trennen (von)
    16. losen ( for um)
    * * *
    [drɔː]transitive verb, drew [druː], drawn [drɔːn]
    1) (pull) ziehen

    draw the curtains/blinds — (open) die Vorhänge aufziehen/die Jalousien hochziehen; (close) die Vorhänge zuziehen/die Jalousien herunterlassen

    draw the bolt (unfasten) den Riegel zurückschieben

    2) (attract, take in) anlocken [Publikum, Menge, Kunden]
    3) (take out) herausziehen; ziehen ( from aus)

    draw money from the bank/one's account — Geld bei der Bank holen/von seinem Konto abheben

    4) (derive, elicit) finden

    draw reassurance/encouragement from something — Zuversicht/Mut aus etwas schöpfen

    5) (get as one's due) erhalten; bekommen; beziehen [Gehalt, Rente, Arbeitslosenunterstützung]
    7) (trace) ziehen [Strich]; zeichnen [geometrische Figur, Bild]

    draw the line at something(fig.) bei etwas nicht mehr mitmachen

    8) (formulate) ziehen [Parallele, Vergleich]; herstellen [Analogie]; herausstellen [Unterschied]
    9) (end with neither side winner) unentschieden beenden [Spiel]
    2. intransitive verb,
    drew, drawn
    1) (make one's way, move) [Person:] gehen; [Fahrzeug:] fahren

    draw into something[Zug:] in etwas (Akk.) einfahren; [Schiff:] in etwas (Akk.) einlaufen

    2) (draw lots) ziehen; losen

    draw [for partners] — [die Partner] auslosen

    3. noun
    1) (raffle) Tombola, die; (for matches, contests) Auslosung, die; (of lottery) Ziehung, die
    2) ([result of] drawn game) Unentschieden, das
    3) Attraktion, die; (film, play) Publikumserfolg, der

    be quick/slow on the draw — den Finger schnell/zu langsam am Abzug haben

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Remis -- (Schach) n. v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: drew, drawn)
    = zeichnen v.
    ziehen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: zog, ist/hat gezogen)

    English-german dictionary > draw

  • 8 secure

    si'kjuə 1. adjective
    1) ((often with against or from) safe; free from danger, loss etc: Is your house secure against burglary?; He went on holiday, secure in the knowledge that he had done well in the exam.) (-)sikker, trygg
    2) (firm, fastened, or fixed: Is that door secure?) solid, sikker, forsvarlig
    3) (definite; not likely to be lost: She has had a secure offer of a job; He has a secure job.) sikker, fast
    2. verb
    1) ((with against or from (something bad)) to guarantee or make safe: Keep your jewellery in the bank to secure it against theft.) sikre
    2) (to fasten or make firm: He secured the boat with a rope.) feste, surre/binde fast
    - security
    - security risk
    verb \/sɪˈkjʊə\/
    1) sikre, befeste, trygge, beskytte
    2) beslå, låse, lukke forsvarlig, sikre
    3) feste, gjøre fast, surre fast, binde fast
    4) skaffe, skaffe seg, sikre, sikre seg, få tak i, legge beslag på, forsikre seg om
    5) ( sjøfart) belegge, surre, surre fast
    6) vinne, oppnå
    7) sperre inn, sette inn, sette i trygg forvaring
    8) ( handel) stille sikkerhet for, stille garanti for
    9) ( medisin) binde for (blodåre)
    secure a loan stille sikkerhet for et lån
    secure a mast ( sjøfart) støtte opp en mast
    secure arms ( militærvesen) sikre våpen, sørge for at et våpen ikke kan gå av
    secure a vein binde for en blodåre
    secured loan ( økonomi) lån mot sikkerhet
    secure oneself against beskytte seg mot, gardere seg mot
    secure one's object oppnå målet sitt, nå sitt mål
    secure somebody something skaffe noen noe
    secure something for\/to somebody garantere noe for noen, sørge for at noen oppnår noe
    adj. \/sɪˈkjʊə\/
    1) sikker, trygg, beskyttet, sikret
    2) stødig, stø, sikker, fast, stabil
    3) i sikkerhet, i trygg forvaring
    be secure være sikret, være festet på en forsvarlig måte, stå støtt være trygg, være sikker
    feel secure about something eller feel secure as to something kjenne seg trygg på noe, kjenne seg trygg med tanke på noe
    secure against\/from trygg for, sikret for, beskyttet mot, sikret mot
    secure of sikker på

    English-Norwegian dictionary > secure

  • 9 take

    (to take or keep (someone) as a hostage: The police were unable to attack the terrorists because they were holding three people hostage.) tomar/coger a alguien como rehén
    take vb
    1. coger
    take your umbrella, it's raining coge el paraguas, que está lloviendo
    2. llevar
    could you take this to the post office? ¿podrías llevar esto a la oficina de correos?
    3. llevarse
    someone's taken my bicycle! ¡alguien se ha llevado mi bicicleta!
    4. tomar
    5. llevar / tardar / durar
    to take place tener lugar / ocurrir
    transitive verb (pt took tr[tʊk], pp taken tr['teɪkən])
    1 (carry, bring) llevar
    take your umbrella, it might rain lleva el paraguas, puede que llueva
    2 (drive, escort) llevar
    shall I take you to the station? ¿quieres que te lleve a la estación?
    3 (remove) llevarse, quitar, coger
    who's taken my pencil? ¿quién ha cogido mi lápiz?
    4 (hold, grasp) tomar, coger
    do you want me to take your suitcase? ¿quieres que te coja la maleta?
    5 (accept - money etc) aceptar, coger; (- criticism, advice, responsibility) aceptar, asumir; (- patients, clients) aceptar
    do you take cheques? ¿aceptáis cheques?
    6 (win prize, competition) ganar; (earn) ganar, hacer
    how much have we taken today? ¿cuánto hemos hecho hoy de caja?
    7 (medicine, drugs) tomar
    have you ever taken drugs? ¿has tomado drogas alguna vez?
    do you take sugar? ¿te pones azúcar?
    8 (subject) estudiar; (course of study) seguir, cursar
    9 (teach) dar clase a
    10 (bus, train, etc) tomar, coger
    11 (capture) tomar, capturar; (in board games) comer
    12 (time) tardar, llevar
    how long does it take to get to Madrid? ¿cuánto se tarda en llegar a Madrid?
    13 (hold, contain) tener cabida, acoger
    how many people does your car take? ¿cuántas personas caben en tu coche?
    14 (size of clothes) usar, gastar; (size of shoes) calzar
    what size do you take? ¿qué talla usas?, ¿cuál es tu talla?
    what size shoe does he take? ¿qué número calza?
    15 (measurement, temperature, etc) tomar; (write down) anotar
    16 (need, require) requerir, necesitar
    17 (buy) quedarse con, llevar(se)
    18 (bear) aguantar, soportar
    19 (react) tomarse; (interpret) interpretar
    she took it the wrong way lo interpretó mal, se lo tomó a mal
    20 (perform, adopt) tomar, adoptar; (exercise) hacer
    she takes the view that... opina que...
    21 (have) tomar(se)
    22 (suppose) suponer
    I take it that... supongo que...
    23 (consider) considerar, mirar
    25 (rent) alquilar
    1 (work - dye) coger; (- fire) prender; (- cutting) prender; (- seed) germinar
    2 (fish) picar
    not to take no for an answer no aceptar una respuesta negativa
    take it from me escucha lo que te digo
    take it or leave it lo tomas o lo dejas
    to be hard to take ser difícil de aceptar
    to be on the take dejarse sobornar
    to have what it takes tener lo que hace falta
    to take five descansar cinco minutos
    to take it out of somebody dejar a uno sin ganas de nada
    to take somebody out of himself hacer que alguien se olvide de sus propias penas
    to take something as read dar algo por sentado,-a
    take ['teɪk] v, took ['tʊk] ; taken ['teɪkə n] ; taking vt
    1) capture: capturar, apresar
    2) grasp: tomar, agarrar
    to take the bull by the horns: tomar al toro por los cuernos
    3) catch: tomar, agarrar
    taken by surprise: tomado por sorpresa
    4) captivate: encantar, fascinar
    5) ingest: tomar, ingerir
    take two pills: tome dos píldoras
    6) remove: sacar, extraer
    take an orange: saca una naranja
    7) : tomar, coger (un tren, un autobús, etc.)
    8) need, require: tomar, requirir
    these things take time: estas cosas toman tiempo
    9) bring, carry: llevar, sacar, cargar
    take them with you: llévalos contigo
    take the trash out: saca la basura
    10) bear, endure: soportar, aguantar (dolores, etc.)
    11) accept: aceptar (un cheque, etc.), seguir (consejos), asumir (la responsabilidad)
    12) suppose: suponer
    I take it that...: supongo que...
    to take a walk: dar un paseo
    to take a class: tomar una clase
    to take place happen: tener lugar, suceder, ocurrir
    take vi
    : agarrar (dícese de un tinte), prender (dícese de una vacuna)
    take n
    1) proceeds: recaudación f, ingresos mpl, ganancias fpl
    2) : toma f (de un rodaje o una grabación)
    taquilla s.f.
    toma (Film) s.f.
    toma s.f. (time)
    tardar expr.
    (§ p.,p.p.: took, taken) = aceptar v.
    asir v.
    calzar v.
    cautivar v.
    coger v.
    ganar v.
    llevar v.
    quedarse con v.
    tener v.
    (§pres: tengo, tienes...tenemos) pret: tuv-
    fut/c: tendr-•)
    tomar v.

    1. teɪk
    1) (past took; past p taken) transitive verb
    2) (carry, lead, drive) llevar

    shall I take the chairs inside/upstairs? — ¿llevo las sillas adentro/arriba?, ¿meto/subo las sillas?

    I'll take you up/down to the third floor — subo/bajo contigo al tercer piso, te llevo al tercer piso

    to take the dog (out) for a walk — sacar* el perro a pasear

    this path takes you to the main roadeste camino lleva or por este camino se llega a la carretera

    a) \<\<train/plane/bus/taxi\>\> tomar, coger* (esp Esp)

    are you taking the car? — ¿vas a ir en coche?

    we took the elevator (AmE) o (BrE) lift to the restaurant — tomamos or (esp Esp) cogimos el ascensor para subir/bajar al restaurante

    b) \<\<road/turning\>\> tomar, agarrar (esp AmL), coger* (esp Esp)
    c) \<\<bend\>\> tomar, coger* (esp Esp); \<\<fence\>\> saltar
    a) (grasp, seize) tomar, agarrar (esp AmL), coger* (esp Esp)

    he took her by the handla tomó or (esp AmL) la agarró or (esp Esp) la cogió de la mano

    may I take your coat? — ¿me permite el abrigo?

    would you mind taking the baby for a moment? — ¿me tienes al niño un momento?

    c) ( occupy)

    take a seat — siéntese, tome asiento (frml)

    5) (remove, steal) llevarse
    6) ( catch)

    he was taken completely unawareslo agarró or (esp Esp) lo cogió completamente desprevenido

    to be taken ill — caer* enfermo

    a) ( capture) \<\<town/fortress/position\>\> tomar; \<\<pawn/piece\>\> comer
    b) ( win) \<\<prize/title\>\> llevarse, hacerse* con; \<\<game/set\>\> ganar
    c) ( receive as profit) hacer*, sacar*
    8) \<\<medicine/drugs\>\> tomar

    have you taken your tablets? — ¿te has tomado las pastillas?

    a) (buy, order) llevar(se)

    I'll take 12 ouncesdéme or (Esp tb) póngame 12 onzas

    b) ( buy regularly) comprar

    we take The Globenosotros compramos or leemos The Globe

    c) ( rent) \<\<cottage/apartment\>\> alquilar, coger* (Esp)
    a) ( acquire) \<\<lover\>\> buscarse*

    to take a wife/husband — casarse

    b) ( sexually) (liter) \<\<woman\>\> poseer*
    11) ( of time) \<\<job/task\>\> llevar; \<\<process\>\> tardar; \<\<person\>\> tardar, demorar(se) (AmL)

    it took longer than expectedllevó or tomó más tiempo de lo que se creía

    the letter took a week to arrivela carta tardó or (AmL tb) se demoró una semana en llegar

    12) ( need)

    it takes courage to do a thing like thathay que tener or hace falta or se necesita valor para hacer algo así

    to have (got) what it takes — (colloq) tener* lo que hay que tener or lo que hace falta

    a) ( wear)

    what size shoes do you take? — ¿qué número calzas?

    she takes a 14usa la talla or (RPl) el talle 14

    b) ( Auto)
    c) ( Ling) construirse* con, regir*
    14) ( accept) \<\<money/bribes/job\>\> aceptar

    do you take checks? — ¿aceptan cheques?

    take it or leave it — (set phrase) lo tomas o lo dejas

    take that, you scoundrel! — (dated) toma, canalla!

    a) (hold, accommodate)

    the tank takes/will take 42 liters — el tanque tiene una capacidad de 42 litros

    b) (admit, receive) \<\<patients/pupils\>\> admitir, tomar, coger* (Esp)

    we don't take telephone reservations o (BrE) bookings — no aceptamos reservas por teléfono

    a) (withstand, suffer) \<\<strain/weight\>\> aguantar; \<\<beating/blow\>\> recibir
    b) (tolerate, endure) aguantar

    I can't take it any longer! — no puedo más!, ya no aguanto más!

    he can't take a jokeno sabe aceptar or no se le puede hacer una broma

    c) ( bear)

    how is he taking it? — ¿qué tal lo lleva?

    she's taken it very badly/well — lo lleva muy mal/bien; see also heart 2), 3)

    a) (understand, interpret) tomarse

    she took it the wrong way — se lo tomó a mal, lo interpretó mal

    to take something as read/understood — dar* algo por hecho/entendido

    I take it that you didn't like him much — por lo que veo no te cayó muy bien; see also take for

    b) ( consider) (in imperative) mirar

    take Japan, for example — mira el caso del Japón, por ejemplo

    a) \<\<steps/measures\>\> tomar; \<\<exercise\>\> hacer*

    to take a walk/a step forward — dar* un paseo/un paso adelante

    b) (supervise, deal with)

    would you take that call, please? — ¿puede atender esa llamada por favor?

    19) ( Educ)
    a) ( teach) (BrE) darle* clase a
    b) ( learn) \<\<subject\>\> estudiar, hacer*; \<\<course\>\> hacer*

    to take an exam — hacer* or dar* or (CS) rendir* or (Méx) tomar un examen, examinarse (Esp)

    a) ( record) tomar

    we took regular readingstomamos nota de la temperatura (or presión etc) a intervalos regulares

    b) ( write down) \<\<notes\>\> tomar
    21) ( adopt)

    he takes the view that... — opina que..., es de la opinión de que...

    she took an instant dislike to him — le tomó antipatía inmediatamente; see also liking a), offense 2) b), shape I 1) a)

    a) \<\<seed\>\> germinar; \<\<cutting\>\> prender
    b) \<\<dye\>\> agarrar (esp AmL), coger* (esp Esp)
    2) ( receive) recibir

    all you do is take, take, take — no piensas más que en ti

    Phrasal Verbs:

    1) ( Cin) toma f
    a) ( earnings) ingresos mpl, recaudación f
    b) ( share) parte f; ( commission) comisión f
    [teɪk] (vb: pt took) (pp taken)
    1. VT
    1) (=remove) llevarse; (=steal) robar, llevarse

    who took my beer? — ¿quién se ha llevado mi cerveza?

    someone's taken my handbag — alguien se ha llevado mi bolso, alguien me ha robado el bolso

    I picked up the letter but he took it from me — cogí la carta pero él me la quitó

    2) (=take hold of, seize) tomar, coger, agarrar (LAm)

    let me take your case/coat — permíteme tu maleta/abrigo

    I'll take the blue one, please — me llevaré el azul

    to take sb's armtomar del brazo a algn

    the devil take it! — ¡maldición!

    take five! * — ¡hagan una pausa!, ¡descansen un rato!

    take your partners for a waltz — saquen a su pareja a bailar un vals

    to take sb into partnershiptomar a algn como socio

    please take a seat — tome asiento, por favor

    is this seat taken? — ¿está ocupado este asiento?

    it took me by surprise — me cogió desprevenido, me pilló or agarró desprevenido (LAm)

    take ten!(US) * ¡hagan una pausa!, ¡descansen un rato!

    to take a wife casarse, contraer matrimonio

    3) (=lead, transport) llevar

    we took her to the doctorla llevamos al médico

    he took me home in his car — me llevó a casa en su coche

    they took me over the factory — me mostraron la fábrica, me acompañaron en una visita a la fábrica

    he took his suitcase upstairssubió su maleta

    to take sb for a walkllevar a algn de paseo

    it took us out of our waynos hizo desviarnos

    4) [+ bus, taxi] (=travel by) ir en; (at specified time) coger, tomar (esp LAm); [+ road, short cut] ir por

    we took the five o'clock traincogimos or tomamos el tren de las cinco

    take the first on the rightvaya por or tome la primera calle a la derecha

    5) (=capture) [+ person] coger, agarrar (LAm); [+ town, city] tomar; (Chess) comer

    to take sb hostagetomar or (LAm) agarrar a algn como rehén

    to take sb prisonertomar preso a algn

    6) (=obtain, win) [+ prize] ganar, llevarse; [+ 1st place] conseguir, obtener; [+ trick] ganar, hacer

    we took £500 today — (Brit) (Comm) hoy hemos ganado 500 libras

    7) (=accept, receive) [+ money] aceptar; [+ advice] seguir; [+ news, blow] tomar, recibir; [+ responsibility] asumir; [+ bet] aceptar, hacer

    take my advice, tell her the truth — sigue mi consejo or hazme caso y dile la verdad

    what will you take for it? — ¿cuál es tu mejor precio?

    he took it badlyle afectó mucho

    London took a battering in 1941 — Londres recibió una paliza en 1941, Londres sufrió terriblemente en 1941

    will you take a cheque? — ¿aceptaría un cheque?

    he can certainly take his drinktiene buen aguante para la bebida

    you must take us as you find us — nos vas a tener que aceptar tal cual

    take it from me! — ¡escucha lo que te digo!

    you can take it from me that... — puedes tener la seguridad de que...

    losing is hard to take — es difícil aceptar la derrota

    it's £50, take it or leave it! — son 50 libras, lo toma o lo deja

    whisky? I can take it or leave it — ¿el whisky? ni me va ni me viene

    I won't take no for an answer — no hay pero que valga

    I take your pointentiendo lo que dices

    he took a lot of punishment — (fig) le dieron muy duro

    take that! — ¡toma!

    8) (=rent) alquilar, tomar; (=buy regularly) [+ newspaper] comprar, leer
    9) (=have room or capacity for) tener cabida para; (=support weight of) aguantar

    can you take two more? — ¿puedes llevar dos más?, ¿caben otros dos?

    10) (=wear) [+ clothes size] gastar, usar (LAm); [+ shoe size] calzar

    what size do you take? (clothes) ¿qué talla usas?; (shoes) ¿qué número calzas?

    11) (=call for, require) necesitar, requerir

    it takes a lot of courageexige or requiere gran valor

    that will take some explaininga ver cómo explicas eso

    it takes two to make a quarrel — uno solo no puede reñir

    she's got what it takes — tiene lo que hace falta

    I'll just iron this, it won't take long — voy a planchar esto, no tardaré or no me llevará mucho tiempo

    it takes timelleva tiempo

    take your time! — ¡despacio!

    13) (=conduct) [+ meeting, church service] presidir; (=teach) [+ course, class] enseñar; [+ pupils] tomar; (=study) [+ course] hacer; [+ subject] dar, estudiar; (=undergo) [+ exam, test] presentarse a, pasar

    what are you taking next year? — ¿qué vas a hacer or estudiar el año que viene?

    to take a degree in — licenciarse en

    to take (holy) ordersordenarse de sacerdote

    14) (=record) [+ sb's name, address] anotar, apuntar; [+ measurements] tomar
    15) (=understand, assume)

    I take it that... — supongo que..., me imagino que...

    am I to take it that you refused? — ¿he de suponer que te negaste?

    how old do you take him to be? — ¿cuántos años le das?

    I took him for a doctor — lo tenía por médico, creí que era médico

    what do you take me for? — ¿por quién me has tomado?

    I don't quite know how to take that — no sé muy bien cómo tomarme eso

    16) (=consider) [+ case, example] tomar

    now take Ireland, for example — tomemos, por ejemplo, el caso de Irlanda, pongamos como ejemplo Irlanda

    take John, he never complains — por ejemplo John, él nunca se queja

    taking one thing with another... — considerándolo todo junto..., considerándolo en conjunto...

    17) (=put up with, endure) [+ treatment, climate] aguantar, soportar

    we can take itlo aguantamos or soportamos todo

    I can't take any more! — ¡no aguanto más!, ¡no soporto más!

    I won't take any nonsense! — ¡no quiero oír más tonterías!

    18) (=eat) comer; (=drink) tomar

    will you take sth before you go? — ¿quieres tomar algo antes de irte?

    to take drugs (narcotics) tomar drogas

    he took no food for four days — estuvo cuatro días sin comer

    don't forget to take your medicineno te olvides de tomar la medicina

    he takes sugar in his tea — toma or pone azúcar en el té

    to take a tablettomar una pastilla

    to take tea (with sb) — tomar té (con algn)

    19) (=negotiate) [+ bend] tomar; [+ fence] saltar, saltar por encima de
    20) (=acquire)

    to take against sb, take a dislike to sb — tomar antipatía a algn

    to take frightasustarse (at de)

    to be taken ill — ponerse enfermo, enfermar

    he took great pleasure in teasing her — se regodeaba tomándole el pelo

    I do not take any satisfaction in knowing that... — no experimento satisfacción alguna sabiendo que...

    21) (Ling) [+ case] regir

    to be taken with sth/sb (=attracted)

    23) liter (=have sexual intercourse with) tener relaciones sexuales con
    24) (as function verb) [+ decision, holiday] tomar; [+ step, walk] dar; [+ trip] hacer; [+ opportunity] aprovechar

    to take a bathbañarse

    2. VI
    1) (=be effective) [dye] coger, agarrar (LAm); [vaccination, fire] prender; [glue] pegar
    2) (Bot) [cutting] arraigar
    3) (=receive)

    she's all take, take, take — ella mucho dame, dame, pero luego no da nada

    3. N
    1) (Cine) toma f
    2) (=takings) ingresos mpl ; (=proceeds) recaudación f ; (US) (Comm) caja f, ventas fpl del día
    - be on the take
    4) (=share) parte f ; (=commission) comisión f, tajada * f
    5) * (=opinion) opinión f

    what's your take on the new government? — ¿qué piensas de or qué opinión te merece el nuevo gobierno?

    TAKE Both t ardar and llevar can be used to translate take with {time}. ► Use tar dar (en + ((infinitive))) to describe how long someone or something will take to do something. The subject of tardar is the person or thing that has to complete the activity or undergo the process:
    How long do letters take to get to Spain? ¿Cuánto (tiempo) tardan las cartas en llegar a España?
    How much longer will it take you to do it? ¿Cuánto más vas a tardar en hacerlo?
    It'll take us three hours to get to Douglas if we walk Tardaremos tres horas en llegar a Douglas si vamos andando ► Use lle var to describe how long an activity, task or process takes to complete. The subject of llevar is the activity or task:
    The tests will take at least a month Las pruebas llevarán por lo menos un mes
    How long will it take? ¿Cuánto tiempo llevará? ► Compare the different focus in the alternative translations of the following example:
    It'll take me two more days to finish this job Me llevará dos días más terminar este trabajo, Tardaré dos días más en terminar este trabajo For further uses and examples, see main entry
    * * *

    1. [teɪk]
    1) (past took; past p taken) transitive verb
    2) (carry, lead, drive) llevar

    shall I take the chairs inside/upstairs? — ¿llevo las sillas adentro/arriba?, ¿meto/subo las sillas?

    I'll take you up/down to the third floor — subo/bajo contigo al tercer piso, te llevo al tercer piso

    to take the dog (out) for a walk — sacar* el perro a pasear

    this path takes you to the main roadeste camino lleva or por este camino se llega a la carretera

    a) \<\<train/plane/bus/taxi\>\> tomar, coger* (esp Esp)

    are you taking the car? — ¿vas a ir en coche?

    we took the elevator (AmE) o (BrE) lift to the restaurant — tomamos or (esp Esp) cogimos el ascensor para subir/bajar al restaurante

    b) \<\<road/turning\>\> tomar, agarrar (esp AmL), coger* (esp Esp)
    c) \<\<bend\>\> tomar, coger* (esp Esp); \<\<fence\>\> saltar
    a) (grasp, seize) tomar, agarrar (esp AmL), coger* (esp Esp)

    he took her by the handla tomó or (esp AmL) la agarró or (esp Esp) la cogió de la mano

    may I take your coat? — ¿me permite el abrigo?

    would you mind taking the baby for a moment? — ¿me tienes al niño un momento?

    c) ( occupy)

    take a seat — siéntese, tome asiento (frml)

    5) (remove, steal) llevarse
    6) ( catch)

    he was taken completely unawareslo agarró or (esp Esp) lo cogió completamente desprevenido

    to be taken ill — caer* enfermo

    a) ( capture) \<\<town/fortress/position\>\> tomar; \<\<pawn/piece\>\> comer
    b) ( win) \<\<prize/title\>\> llevarse, hacerse* con; \<\<game/set\>\> ganar
    c) ( receive as profit) hacer*, sacar*
    8) \<\<medicine/drugs\>\> tomar

    have you taken your tablets? — ¿te has tomado las pastillas?

    a) (buy, order) llevar(se)

    I'll take 12 ouncesdéme or (Esp tb) póngame 12 onzas

    b) ( buy regularly) comprar

    we take The Globenosotros compramos or leemos The Globe

    c) ( rent) \<\<cottage/apartment\>\> alquilar, coger* (Esp)
    a) ( acquire) \<\<lover\>\> buscarse*

    to take a wife/husband — casarse

    b) ( sexually) (liter) \<\<woman\>\> poseer*
    11) ( of time) \<\<job/task\>\> llevar; \<\<process\>\> tardar; \<\<person\>\> tardar, demorar(se) (AmL)

    it took longer than expectedllevó or tomó más tiempo de lo que se creía

    the letter took a week to arrivela carta tardó or (AmL tb) se demoró una semana en llegar

    12) ( need)

    it takes courage to do a thing like thathay que tener or hace falta or se necesita valor para hacer algo así

    to have (got) what it takes — (colloq) tener* lo que hay que tener or lo que hace falta

    a) ( wear)

    what size shoes do you take? — ¿qué número calzas?

    she takes a 14usa la talla or (RPl) el talle 14

    b) ( Auto)
    c) ( Ling) construirse* con, regir*
    14) ( accept) \<\<money/bribes/job\>\> aceptar

    do you take checks? — ¿aceptan cheques?

    take it or leave it — (set phrase) lo tomas o lo dejas

    take that, you scoundrel! — (dated) toma, canalla!

    a) (hold, accommodate)

    the tank takes/will take 42 liters — el tanque tiene una capacidad de 42 litros

    b) (admit, receive) \<\<patients/pupils\>\> admitir, tomar, coger* (Esp)

    we don't take telephone reservations o (BrE) bookings — no aceptamos reservas por teléfono

    a) (withstand, suffer) \<\<strain/weight\>\> aguantar; \<\<beating/blow\>\> recibir
    b) (tolerate, endure) aguantar

    I can't take it any longer! — no puedo más!, ya no aguanto más!

    he can't take a jokeno sabe aceptar or no se le puede hacer una broma

    c) ( bear)

    how is he taking it? — ¿qué tal lo lleva?

    she's taken it very badly/well — lo lleva muy mal/bien; see also heart 2), 3)

    a) (understand, interpret) tomarse

    she took it the wrong way — se lo tomó a mal, lo interpretó mal

    to take something as read/understood — dar* algo por hecho/entendido

    I take it that you didn't like him much — por lo que veo no te cayó muy bien; see also take for

    b) ( consider) (in imperative) mirar

    take Japan, for example — mira el caso del Japón, por ejemplo

    a) \<\<steps/measures\>\> tomar; \<\<exercise\>\> hacer*

    to take a walk/a step forward — dar* un paseo/un paso adelante

    b) (supervise, deal with)

    would you take that call, please? — ¿puede atender esa llamada por favor?

    19) ( Educ)
    a) ( teach) (BrE) darle* clase a
    b) ( learn) \<\<subject\>\> estudiar, hacer*; \<\<course\>\> hacer*

    to take an exam — hacer* or dar* or (CS) rendir* or (Méx) tomar un examen, examinarse (Esp)

    a) ( record) tomar

    we took regular readingstomamos nota de la temperatura (or presión etc) a intervalos regulares

    b) ( write down) \<\<notes\>\> tomar
    21) ( adopt)

    he takes the view that... — opina que..., es de la opinión de que...

    she took an instant dislike to him — le tomó antipatía inmediatamente; see also liking a), offense 2) b), shape I 1) a)

    a) \<\<seed\>\> germinar; \<\<cutting\>\> prender
    b) \<\<dye\>\> agarrar (esp AmL), coger* (esp Esp)
    2) ( receive) recibir

    all you do is take, take, take — no piensas más que en ti

    Phrasal Verbs:

    1) ( Cin) toma f
    a) ( earnings) ingresos mpl, recaudación f
    b) ( share) parte f; ( commission) comisión f

    English-spanish dictionary > take

  • 10 first

    first [fɜ:st]
    (a) (in series) premier;
    the first few days les deux ou trois premiers jours;
    the first six months les six premiers mois;
    Louis the First Louis Premier ou Ier;
    one hundred and first cent unième;
    to be first in the queue être le (la) premier(ère) de la queue;
    I'm first je suis ou c'est moi le premier;
    she was first in English Literature elle était première en littérature anglaise;
    she's in first place (in race) elle est en tête;
    to win first prize gagner le premier prix;
    this is the first time I've been to New York c'est la première fois que je viens à New York;
    first floor British premier étage m; American rez-de-chaussée m;
    Cars first gear première f (vitesse f);
    put the car into first gear passe la première (vitesse);
    British first year University première année f; School sixième f;
    British a first-year university student un étudiant de première année à l'université;
    I learnt of it at first hand je l'ai appris de la bouche de l'intéressé/l'intéressée, c'est lui-même/elle-même qui me l'a appris;
    I learned of her resignation at first hand c'est elle-même qui m'a appris sa démission;
    I haven't (got) the first idea je n'en ai pas la moindre idée;
    I don't know the first thing about cars je n'y connais absolument rien en voitures;
    I'll pick you up first thing (in the morning) je passerai te chercher demain matin à la première heure;
    I'm not at my best first thing in the morning je ne suis pas au mieux de ma forme très tôt le matin;
    there's a first time for everything il y a un début à tout;
    to be the first person to do sth être le (la) premier(ère) à faire qch
    (b) (immediately) tout de suite;
    first thing after lunch tout de suite après le déjeuner;
    literary she's past her first youth elle n'est plus de la première jeunesse
    (c) (most important → duty, concern) premier;
    the first priority la priorité des priorités;
    to put first things first commencer par le commencement;
    first things first! prenons les choses dans l'ordre!;
    to go back to first principles repartir sur des bases saines
    (a) (before the others → arrive, leave, speak) le (la) premier(ère), en premier;
    I saw it first! c'est moi qui l'ai vu le (la) premier(ère) ou en premier!;
    you go first vas-y en premier;
    ladies first les dames d'abord;
    women and children first les femmes et les enfants d'abord;
    Computing & Industry first in, first out premier entré, premier sorti;
    Administration last in, first out dernier entré, premier sorti;
    to come first (in race) arriver premier; (in exam) avoir la première place, être premier;
    her career comes first sa carrière passe d'abord ou avant tout;
    I've never come first with you, have I? tu ne m'as jamais fait passer avant le reste, n'est-ce pas?;
    to put one's family first faire passer sa famille d'abord ou avant tout;
    proverb first come first served les premiers arrivés sont les premiers servis;
    tickets were handed out on a first come first served basis les billets ont été distribués par ordre d'arrivée
    (b) (firstly, before anything else) d'abord;
    first, I want to say thank you tout d'abord, je voudrais vous remercier, je voudrais d'abord vous remercier;
    first prepare the meat préparez d'abord la viande;
    I need to go to the lavatory first il faut d'abord que j'aille aux toilettes;
    what should I do first? qu'est-ce que je dois faire en premier?;
    first hear the arguments, then make up your mind écoutez d'abord les arguments, ensuite vous vous déciderez;
    she says first one thing then another elle dit d'abord une chose, et puis une autre;
    I'm a mother first and a wife second je suis une mère avant d'être une épouse
    (c) (for the first time) pour la première fois; (initially) au début;
    we first met in London nous nous sommes rencontrés à Londres;
    when I first knew him quand je l'ai connu
    (d) (sooner, rather)
    I'd die first plutôt mourir;
    familiar I'll see him damned first or in hell first j'aimerais bien voir ça
    3 noun
    the first le (la) premier(ère);
    he was among the first to realise il a été parmi les premiers à s'en rendre compte;
    we were the very first to arrive nous sommes arrivés les tout premiers;
    she was the first in our family to go to university c'était la première de la famille à aller à l'université;
    he came in an easy first (in race) il est arrivé premier haut la main
    (b) (achievement) première f;
    that's a notable first for France c'est une grande première pour la France
    the first we heard/knew of it was when... nous en avons entendu parler pour la première fois/l'avons appris quand...;
    it's the first I've heard of it! première nouvelle!
    the first of May/the month le premier mai/du mois
    he got a first in economics il a eu mention très bien en économie;
    she got a double first in French and Russian elle a eu mention très bien en français et en russe
    (f) Cars première f;
    in first en première;
    to put the car into first se mettre en première, passer la première
    first of exchange première f de change
    au début
    d'abord et surtout
    avant tout
    tout d'abord, pour commencer
    familiar pour commencer
    du début à la fin
    dès le début
    apply in the first instance to the personnel department adressez d'abord votre demande au service du personnel
    why did you do it in the first place? et puis d'abord, pourquoi as-tu fait cela?;
    I don't understand why he married her in the first place d'abord, je ne comprends pas ce qui a bien pu le pousser à se marier avec elle
    in the first place... and in the second place d'abord... et ensuite
    ►► first aid
    1 noun
    (UNCOUNT) (technique) secourisme m; (attention) premiers soins mpl;
    does anyone know any first aid? quelqu'un s'y connaît-il en secourisme?;
    to give/to receive first aid donner/recevoir les premiers soins
    (class, manual) de secourisme;
    first aid box trousse f à pharmacie;
    first aid certificate brevet m de secourisme;
    first aid kit trousse f à pharmacie;
    British first aid post, first aid station poste m de secours;
    American the First Amendment le premier amendement (de la Constitution des États-Unis garantissant les libertés individuelles du citoyen américain, notamment la liberté d'expression);
    first class (on train, plane) première classe f; (for letter, parcel) tarif m normal;
    first cousin cousin(e) m,f germain(e);
    British first eleven (in soccer, cricket) = les onze meilleurs joueurs sélectionnés pour former l'équipe la plus forte dans un club;
    American the First Family (presidential family) la famille présidentielle; (in a State) la famille du gouverneur;
    British School first form sixième f; also figurative first fruits premiers fruits mpl;
    American School first grade = classe de l'école primaire (5 à 6 ans);
    Sport first half première mi-temps f;
    First Lady (in US) = femme du président des États-Unis;
    figurative the first lady of rock/of the detective novel la grande dame du rock/du roman policier;
    first language langue f maternelle;
    first lieutenant Nautical lieutenant m de vaisseau; American Military & Aviation lieutenant m;
    first love premier amour m;
    Nautical first mate second m;
    Politics First Minister (of Scottish Parliament) Premier ministre m;
    first name prénom m;
    to be on first name terms with sb appeler qn par son prénom;
    Theatre first night première f;
    Law first offender délinquant(e) m,f primaire;
    Nautical first officer second m;
    Theatre first performance première f;
    Grammar first person première personne f;
    in the first person à la première personne;
    first principle principe m fondamental ou de base;
    Finance first quarter (of financial year) premier trimestre m;
    first refusal préférence f;
    to give sb first refusal on sth donner la préférence à qn pour qch;
    I promised Nadine first refusal j'ai promis à Nadine que je lui donnerais la préférence;
    Cinema first showing première exclusivité f;
    American the First State = surnom donné au Delaware;
    Sport first string les meilleurs joueurs mpl (d'une équipe);
    Sport first team (équipe f) première f;
    Music first violin (person, instrument) premier violon m;
    the First World les pays mpl industrialisés;
    the First World War la Première Guerre mondiale

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > first

  • 11 take

    [teɪk]transitive verb, took [tʊk], taken ['teɪkn]
    1) (get hold of, grasp, seize) nehmen

    take somebody's arm — jmds. Arm nehmen

    take somebody by the hand/arm — jemanden bei der Hand/am Arm nehmen

    2) (capture) einnehmen [Stadt, Festung]; machen [Gefangenen]; (chess) schlagen; nehmen
    3) (gain, earn) [Laden:] einbringen; [Film, Stück:] einspielen; (win) gewinnen [Satz, Spiel, Preis, Titel]; erzielen [Punkte]; (Cards) machen [Stich]

    take first/second etc. place — den ersten/zweiten usw. Platz belegen; (fig.) an erster/zweiter usw. Stelle kommen

    take the biscuit (Brit. coll.) or (coll.) cake — (fig.) alle/alles übertreffen

    4) (assume possession of) nehmen; (take away with one) mitnehmen; (steal) mitnehmen (verhüll.); (obtain by purchase) kaufen, (by rent) mieten [Auto, Wohnung, Haus]; nehmen [Klavier-, Deutsch-, Fahrstunden]; mitmachen [Tanzkurs]; (buy regularly) nehmen; lesen [Zeitung, Zeitschrift]; (subscribe to) beziehen; (obtain) erwerben [akademischen Grad]; (form a relationship with) sich (Dat.) nehmen [Frau, Geliebten usw.]

    that woman took my pursedie Frau hat mir meinen Geldbeutel gestohlen

    he took his degree at Sussex Universityer hat sein Examen an der Universität von Sussex gemacht

    take place — stattfinden; (spontaneously) sich ereignen; [Wandlung:] sich vollziehen

    I'll take this handbag/the curry, please — ich nehme diese Handtasche/das Curry

    5) (avail oneself of, use) nehmen; machen [Pause, Ferien, Nickerchen]; nehmen [Beispiel, Zitat usw.] ( from aus)

    take the opportunity to do/of doing something — die Gelegenheit dazu benutzen, etwas zu tun

    take the car/bus into town — mit dem Auto/Bus in die Stadt fahren

    take two eggsetc. (in recipe) man nehme zwei Eier usw.

    [let's] take a more recent example/my sister [for example] — nehmen wir ein Beispiel neueren Datums/einmal meine Schwester

    6) (carry, guide, convey) bringen

    take somebody's shoes to the mender['s]/somebody's coat to the cleaner's — jmds. Schuhe zum Schuster/jmds. Mantel in die Reinigung bringen

    take somebody to school/hospital — jemanden zur Schule/ins Krankenhaus bringen

    take somebody to the zoo/cinema/to dinner — mit jemandem in den Zoo/ins Kino/zum Abendessen gehen

    take somebody into one's home/house — jemanden bei sich aufnehmen

    the road takes you/the story takes us to London — die Straße führt nach/die Erzählung führt uns nach London

    his ability will take him far/to the top — mit seinen Fähigkeiten wird er es weit bringen/wird er ganz nach oben kommen

    take somebody/something with one — jemanden/etwas mitnehmen

    take home — mit nach Hause nehmen; (earn) nach Hause bringen [Geld]; (accompany) nach Hause bringen od. begleiten; (to meet one's parents etc.) mit nach Hause bringen

    take somebody through/over something — (fig.) mit jemandem etwas durchgehen

    take in hand(begin) in Angriff nehmen; (assume responsibility for) sich kümmern um

    take somebody into partnership [with one]/into the business — jemanden zu seinem Teilhaber machen/in sein Geschäft aufnehmen

    take a stick etc. to somebody — den Stock usw. bei jemandem gebrauchen

    take something to pieces or bits — etwas auseinander nehmen

    you can/can't take somebody anywhere — (fig. coll.) man kann jemanden überallhin/nirgendwohin mitnehmen

    you can't take it 'with you(coll.) man kann es ja nicht mitnehmen

    7) (remove) nehmen; (deduct) abziehen

    take something/somebody from somebody — jemandem etwas/jemanden wegnehmen

    take all the fun/hard work out of something — einem alle Freude an etwas (Dat.) nehmen/einem die schwere Arbeit bei etwas ersparen


    somebody takes courage from something — etwas macht jemandem Mut; see also academic.ru/34054/heart">heart 1)


    be taken ill or (coll.) sick — krank werden

    10) (make) machen [Foto, Kopie]; (photograph) aufnehmen
    11) (perform, execute) aufnehmen [Brief, Diktat]; machen [Prüfung, Sprung, Spaziergang, Reise, Umfrage]; durchführen [Befragung, Volkszählung]; ablegen [Gelübde, Eid]; übernehmen [Rolle, Part]; treffen [Entscheidung]

    take a fall/tumble — stürzen/straucheln

    take a step forward/backward — einen Schritt vor-/zurücktreten

    take a turn for the better/worse — eine Wende zum Besseren/Schlechteren nehmen

    12) (negotiate) nehmen [Zaun, Mauer, Hürde, Kurve, Hindernis]
    13) (conduct) halten [Gottesdienst, Andacht, Unterricht]
    14) (be taught)
    15) (consume) trinken [Tee, Kaffee, Kognak usw.]; nehmen [Zucker, Milch, Überdosis, Tabletten, Medizin]

    what can I take for a cold?was kann ich gegen eine Erkältung nehmen?

    not to be taken [internally] — nicht zur innerlichen Anwendung

    16) (occupy) einnehmen [Sitz im Parlament]; übernehmen, antreten [Amt]

    take somebody's seat — sich auf jmds. Platz setzen

    is that/this seat taken? — ist da/hier noch frei?

    17) (need, require) brauchen [Platz, Zeit]; haben [Kleider-, Schuhgröße usw.]; (Ling.) haben [Objekt, Plural-s]; gebraucht werden mit [Kasus]

    this verb takes "sein" — dieses Verb wird mit "sein" konjugiert

    the wound will take some time to heal — es braucht einige Zeit, bis die Wunde geheilt ist

    as long as it takesso lange wie nötig

    something takes an hour/a year/all day — etwas dauert eine Stunde/ein Jahr/einen ganzen Tag

    it takes an hour etc. to do something — es dauert eine Stunde usw., [um] etwas zu tun

    somebody takes or it takes somebody a long time/an hour etc. to do something — jmd. braucht lange/eine Stunde usw., um etwas zu tun

    what took you so long?was hast du denn so lange gemacht?

    take a lot of work/effort/courage — viel Arbeit/Mühe/Mut kosten

    have [got] what it takes — das Zeug dazu haben

    it will take [quite] a lot of explaining — es wird schwer zu erklären sein

    that story of his takes some believing — die Geschichte, die er da erzählt, ist kaum zu glauben

    it takes a thief to know a thiefnur ein Dieb kennt einen Dieb

    it takes all sorts [to make a world] — es gibt solche und solche

    18) (contain, hold) fassen; (support) tragen
    19) (ascertain and record) notieren [Namen, Adresse, Autonummer usw.]; fühlen [Puls]; messen [Temperatur, Größe usw.]

    take the minutes of a meeting — bei einer Sitzung [das] Protokoll führen

    take somebody's meaning/drift — verstehen, was jmd. meint

    take somebody's point — jmds. Standpunkt verstehen

    take it [that]... — annehmen, [dass]...

    can I take it that...? — kann ich davon ausgehen, dass...?

    take something to mean something — etwas so verstehen, dass...

    take something as settled/as a compliment/refusal — etwas als erledigt betrachten/als eine Ablehnung/ein Kompliment auffassen

    take somebody/something for/to be something — jemanden/etwas für etwas halten

    21) (treat or react to in a specified manner) aufnehmen

    take something well/badly/hard — etwas gut/schlecht/nur schwer verkraften

    somebody takes something very badly/hard — etwas trifft jemanden sehr

    take something calmly or coolly — etwas gelassen [auf- od. hin]nehmen

    you can/may take it as read that... — du kannst sicher sein, dass...

    taking it all in all, taking one thing with another — alles in allem

    22) (accept) annehmen

    take money etc. [from somebody/for something] — Geld usw. [von jemandem/für etwas] [an]nehmen

    will you take £500 for the car? — wollen Sie den Wagen für 500 Pfund verkaufen?

    [you can] take it or leave it — entweder du bist damit einverstanden, oder du lässt es bleiben

    take somebody's word for itsich auf jemanden od. jmds. Wort[e] verlassen

    take things as they come, take it as it comes — es nehmen, wie es kommt

    23) (receive, submit to) einstecken [müssen] [Schlag, Tritt, Stoß]; (Boxing) nehmen [müssen] [Schlag]; (endure, tolerate) aushalten; vertragen [Klima, Alkohol, Kaffee, Knoblauch]; verwinden [Schock]; (put up with) sich (Dat.) gefallen lassen [müssen] [Kritik, Grobheit]

    take one's punishment bravelyseine Strafe tapfer ertragen

    take no nonsensesich (Dat.) nichts bieten lassen

    take it(coll.) es verkraften; (referring to criticism, abuse) damit fertigwerden

    24) (adopt, choose) ergreifen [Maßnahmen]; unternehmen [Schritte]; einschlagen [Weg]; sich entschließen zu [Schritt, Handlungsweise]

    take the wrong road — die falsche Straße fahren/gehen

    take a firm etc. stand [with somebody/on or over something] — jemandem gegenüber/hinsichtlich einer Sache nicht nachgeben

    25) (receive, accommodate) [an]nehmen [Bewerber, Schüler]; aufnehmen [Gäste]
    26) (swindle)

    he was taken for £500 by the conman(coll.) der Schwindler hat ihm 500 Pfund abgeknöpft (ugs.)


    be taken with somebody/something — von jemandem/etwas angetan sein

    2. intransitive verb,
    took, taken
    1) (be successful, effective) [Transplantat:] vom Körper angenommen werden; [Impfung:] anschlagen; [Pfropfreis:] anwachsen; [Sämling, Pflanze:] angehen; [Feuer:] zu brennen beginnen; [Fisch:] [an]beißen
    2) (detract)
    3. noun
    (Telev., Cinemat.) Einstellung, die; Take, der od. das (fachspr.)
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (to take or keep (someone) as a hostage: The police were unable to attack the terrorists because they were holding three people hostage.) (jemanden) als Geisel festhalten
    * * *
    I. NOUN
    1. no pl (money received) Einnahmen pl
    2. (filming of a scene) Aufnahme f, Take m o nt fachspr
    to be on the \take AM ( fam) korrupt sein pej, Bestechungsgelder nehmen
    <took, taken>
    to \take sth etw annehmen
    this restaurant \takes credit cards dieses Restaurant akzeptiert Kreditkarten
    would you \take an offer? darf ich Ihnen ein Angebot machen?
    to \take sb's advice jds Rat annehmen
    not to \take no for an answer ein Nein nicht akzeptieren
    to \take a bet eine Wette annehmen
    to \take criticism Kritik akzeptieren
    to \take responsibility [for sth] die Verantwortung [für etw akk] übernehmen
    \take my word for it [or \take it from me] das kannst du mir glauben
    to \take sth badly/well etw schlecht/gut aufnehmen
    to \take sth seriously etw ernst nehmen
    to \take sb/sth somewhere jdn/etw irgendwohin bringen
    could you \take this drink over to Marsha? könntest du Marsha diesen Drink rüberbringen? fam
    will you \take me swimming tomorrow? nimmst du mich morgen zum Schwimmen mit?
    to \take sb to hospital/the station/home jdn ins Krankenhaus/zum Bahnhof/nach Hause fahren
    to \take sb to the cinema jdn ins Kino einladen
    to \take sb for a meal jdn zum Essen einladen (im Restaurant)
    to \take sth etw nehmen
    he took my arm and led me to the door er nahm meinen Arm und führte mich zur Tür
    may I \take your coat? darf ich Ihnen den Mantel abnehmen?
    to \take sb by the hand/throat jdn bei der Hand nehmen/am Kragen packen
    to \take hold of sb ( fig) jdn ergreifen
    to \take sth etw ertragen [o verkraften]; abuse, insults etw hinnehmen
    you don't have to take his insults, you know du brauchst dir seine Beleidigungen nicht gefallen lassen
    I just can't take it anymore ich bin am Ende, ich kann einfach nicht mehr
    he couldn't \take it anymore er konnte es nicht länger ertragen
    to be able to \take a joke einen Spaß verstehen [o fam vertragen
    to \take sth etw aufnehmen
    my car \takes five people mein Auto hat Platz für fünf Leute
    to \take sth etw erfordern [o benötigen]
    his story took some believing seine Geschichte ist kaum zu glauben
    I \take [a] size five (in shoes) ich habe Schuhgröße fünf
    to \take one's time sich dat Zeit lassen
    to \take the time to do sth sich dat die Zeit nehmen, etw zu tun
    it \takes... man braucht...
    it \takes more than that to convince me das überzeugt mich noch lange nicht
    it \takes me an hour ich brauche eine Stunde
    it took me a long time [to...] es hat lange gedauert [bis...]
    hold on, it won't \take long warten Sie, es dauert nicht lange
    it will \take some persuasion er/sie wird schwer zu überreden sein
    it took a lot of courage dazu gehörte viel Mut
    8. LING
    to \take sth:
    here, ‘sich’ \takes the dative hier wird ‚sich‘ mit dem Dativ gebraucht
    this verb \takes ‘haben’ dieses Verb wird mit ‚haben‘ konjugiert
    to \take sth etw erhalten [o bekommen]
    we've stopped taking the newspaper wir beziehen die Zeitung nicht mehr
    to \take sth etw [weg]nehmen; (steal a.) etw stehlen
    \take your books off the table please nimm bitte deine Bücher vom Tisch; MATH
    \take three from five ziehe drei von fünf ab
    to \take a chesspiece eine Schachfigur schlagen
    11. (travel by)
    to \take sth taxi, train etw nehmen
    she took the 10.30 flight to Edinburgh sie nahm den Flug um 10:30 Uhr nach Edinburg
    \take the M1 motorway up to Newcastle nehmen Sie die Autobahn M1 bis Newcastle
    he took that last bend too fast er nahm die letzte Kurve zu schnell
    to \take the bus/car mit dem Bus/Auto fahren
    12. (eat, consume)
    to \take sth food, drink etw zu sich dat nehmen; medicine etw einnehmen
    \take a sip trink [o nimm] einen Schluck
    we'll \take the tea in the sitting room wir trinken den Tee im Wohnzimmer
    not to be \taken internally MED nur zur äußerlichen Anwendung
    to \take a flat/house eine Wohnung/ein Haus mieten
    14. (let stay)
    to \take sb jdn [auf]nehmen
    my mother takes lodgers meine Mutter vermietet [ein] Zimmer
    to \take sb jdn gefangen nehmen
    to \take prisoners Gefangene machen
    the terrorists took him prisoner die Terroristen nahmen ihn gefangen
    to \take a city eine Stadt einnehmen
    to \take power die Macht ergreifen
    to \take office ein Amt antreten
    17. BRIT, AUS (teach)
    to \take sth etw unterrichten
    Mr Marshall \takes us for physics in Physik haben wir Herrn Marshall fam
    she \takes private pupils sie gibt Privatstunden
    18. (officiate at)
    to \take a church service einen Gottesdienst halten
    19. (have)
    to \take a rest eine Pause machen
    to \take a walk einen Spaziergang machen
    to \take a cold sich erkälten
    20. (tackle)
    to \take a hurdle/fence eine Hürde/einen Zaun überspringen
    to \take an obstacle ein Hindernis nehmen
    21. BRIT (sit exam)
    to \take a test einen Test machen
    to \take an exam eine Prüfung ablegen
    she took her degree in May sie hat im Mai [ihr] Examen gemacht
    22. (achieve)
    to \take first prize den ersten Preis erhalten
    23. (feel)
    to \take an interest in sb/sth sich akk für jdn/etw interessieren, Interesse an jdm/etw haben
    to \take notice of sb/sth jdn/etw beachten
    to \take offence beleidigt sein
    to \take pity on sb/sth mit jdm/etw Mitleid haben
    to \take the view that... der Ansicht sein, dass..., auf dem Standpunkt stehen, dass...
    24. (earn)
    to \take sth etw einnehmen
    she \takes £300 a week sie nimmt 300 Pfund die Woche ein
    25. (write)
    to \take notes sich dat Notizen machen
    to \take pictures [or photos] Bilder machen, fotografieren
    this photo was taken last summer dieses Foto ist vom letzten Sommer
    to have one's photo \taken sich akk fotografieren lassen
    27. THEAT, MUS, FILM
    let's \take that scene again lass uns die Szene nochmal machen
    can you \take me through my lines? kannst du mit mir meine Rolle durchgehen?
    let's \take it from the third act fangen wir mit dem dritten Akt an
    \take last week/me,... letzte Woche/ich zum Beispiel...
    to \take sb/sth for sb/sth [or to be sb/sth] jdn/etw für jdn/etw halten
    I took him to be more intelligent than he turned out to be ich hielt ihn für intelligenter, als er tatsächlich war
    I \take it [that]... ich nehme an, [dass]...
    I \take it that you're coming with us ich nehme an, du kommst mit
    to \take sb's/the point jds/den Standpunkt verstehen
    I \take your point, but... ich verstehe, was du meinst, aber...
    point \taken [habe] verstanden
    if you \take my meaning BRIT wenn du verstehst, was ich meine
    to \take it as it comes es nehmen, wie es kommt
    what do you \take me for? wofür [o SCHWEIZ für was] hältst du mich?
    he's got what it \takes er bringt's fam, er kann was
    \take it from me das kannst du mir glauben
    \take it or leave it entweder du akzeptierst es, oder du lässt es bleiben fam
    to \take sth lying down etw stillschweigend hinnehmen
    to \take sb by surprise [or unawares] jdn überraschen
    to \take one thing at a time eins nach dem anderen erledigen
    <took, taken>
    1. (have effect) wirken; plant angehen; dye angenommen werden; medicine anschlagen
    the ink won't take on this paper dieses Papier nimmt die Tinte nicht an
    2. (become)
    to \take ill krank werden
    to \take from sth etw schmälern
    will that not \take from it's usefulness? würde das nicht den Gebrauchswert vermindern?
    * * *
    take [teık]
    A s
    1. Fischerei: Fang m
    2. JAGD
    a) Beute f
    b) Erbeutung f
    3. umg Anteil m (of an dat)
    4. besonders US umg Einnahme(n) f(pl)
    5. Take m/n:
    a) FILM Szene(naufnahme) f
    b) RADIO etc Aufnahme f
    6. TYPO Portion f (eines Manuskripts)
    7. MED
    a) Reaktion f (auf eine Impfung)
    b) Anwachsen n (eines Hauttransplantats)
    8. fig Reaktion f: double take
    9. besonders Br Pachtland n
    10. Schach etc: Schlagen n (einer Figur)
    B v/t prät took [tʊk], pperf taken [ˈteıkən]
    1. allg, z. B. Abschied, Unterricht etc nehmen:
    take it or leave it umg mach, was du willst;
    taken all in all im Großen (u.) Ganzen;
    2. (weg)nehmen:
    take one’s foot off the clutch AUTO den Fuß von der Kupplung nehmen;
    take that silly grin off your face umg hör auf, so blöd zu grinsen!;
    he took three seconds off the record SPORT er verbesserte den Rekord um drei Sekunden
    3. a) nehmen, fassen, packen, ergreifen
    b) SPORT einen Pass etc aufnehmen
    4. Fische etc fangen
    5. einen Verbrecher etc fangen, ergreifen
    6. MIL gefangen nehmen, Gefangene machen
    7. MIL eine Stadt, Stellung etc (ein)nehmen, auch Land erobern, ein Schiff kapern
    8. jemanden erwischen, ertappen ( beide:
    stealing beim Stehlen;
    in a lie bei einer Lüge)
    9. nehmen, sich etwas aneignen, Besitz ergreifen von, sich bemächtigen (gen); place A 18
    10. a) eine Gabe etc (an-, entgegen)nehmen, empfangen
    b) eine Bestellung aufnehmen (Ober etc)
    11. bekommen, erhalten, Geld, Steuern etc einnehmen, einen Preis etc gewinnen, Geld einspielen (Film): trick A 7
    12. (heraus)nehmen (from, out of aus), auch fig ein Zitat etc entnehmen ( from dat):
    I take it from sb who knows ich habe (weiß) es von jemandem, der es genau weiß;
    today’s text is taken from … der heutige Text stammt aus …;
    take a single from an album eine Single aus einem Album auskoppeln;
    be taken from … eine Auskopplung aus … sein
    13. eine Speise etc zu sich nehmen, eine Mahlzeit einnehmen, Gift, eine Medizin etc nehmen
    14. sich eine Krankheit holen oder zuziehen: ill A 6
    15. nehmen:
    a) auswählen:
    I’m not taking any sl ohne mich!
    b) kaufen
    c) mieten
    d) eine Eintritts-, Fahrkarte lösen
    e) eine Frau heiraten
    f) mit einer Frau schlafen
    g) einen Weg wählen
    16. mitnehmen:
    don’t forget to take your umbrella;
    take me with you nimm mich mit;
    you can’t take it with you fig im Grab nützt (dir) aller Reichtum nichts mehr, das letzte Hemd hat keine Taschen
    17. (hin- oder weg)bringen, jemanden wohin führen:
    I took her some flowers ich brachte ihr Blumen
    19. MATH abziehen ( from von)
    20. jemanden treffen, erwischen (Schlag)
    21. ein Hindernis nehmen
    22. jemanden befallen, packen (Empfindung, Krankheit):
    be taken with a disease eine Krankheit bekommen;
    be taken with fear von Furcht gepackt werden
    23. ein Gefühl haben, bekommen, Mitleid etc empfinden, Mut fassen, Anstoß nehmen, Ab-, Zuneigung fassen (to gegen, für):
    take alarm beunruhigt sein (at über akk); comfort B 1, courage, fancy A 7, pride A 2
    24. Feuer fangen
    25. eine Bedeutung, einen Sinn, eine Eigenschaft, Gestalt annehmen, bekommen, einen Namen, eine Staatsbürgerschaft annehmen
    26. eine Farbe, einen Geruch oder Geschmack annehmen
    27. SPORT und Spiele:
    a) den Ball, einen Punkt, eine Figur, einen Stein abnehmen ( from dat)
    b) einen Stein schlagen
    c) eine Karte stechen
    d) einen Satz etc gewinnen:
    he took bronze medal er gewann die Bronzemedaille
    e) einen Eckstoß etc ausführen
    28. JUR etc erwerben, besonders erben
    29. eine Ware, Zeitung beziehen, WIRTSCH einen Auftrag hereinnehmen
    30. nehmen, verwenden:
    take four eggs man nehme vier Eier
    31. einen Zug, ein Taxi etc nehmen, benutzen
    32. eine Gelegenheit, einen Vorteil ergreifen, wahrnehmen: chance A 5
    33. (als Beispiel) nehmen
    34. a) einen Platz einnehmen:
    be taken besetzt sein; seat A 4
    b) seinen Platz einnehmen: seat A 4
    35. fig jemanden, das Auge, den Sinn gefangen nehmen, fesseln, (für sich) einnehmen:
    be taken with ( oder by) begeistert oder entzückt sein von
    36. den Befehl, die Führung, eine Rolle, eine Stellung, den Vorsitz, JUR jemandes Verteidigung übernehmen
    37. eine Mühe, Verantwortung auf sich nehmen
    38. leisten:
    a) eine Arbeit, einen Dienst verrichten
    b) einen Eid, ein Gelübde ablegen: oath Bes Redew
    39. eine Notiz, Aufzeichnungen machen, niederschreiben, ein Diktat, Protokoll aufnehmen
    40. FOTO etwas aufnehmen, ein Bild machen
    41. eine Messung, Zählung etc vornehmen, durchführen
    42. wissenschaftlich ermitteln, eine Größe, die Temperatur etc messen, Maß nehmen: blood pressure, temperature 2
    43. machen, tun:
    take a look einen Blick tun oder werfen (at auf akk)
    44. eine Maßnahme ergreifen, treffen
    45. eine Auswahl treffen
    46. einen Entschluss fassen
    47. eine Fahrt, einen Spaziergang, auch einen Sprung, eine Verbeugung, Wendung etc machen, Anlauf nehmen
    48. eine Ansicht vertreten: stand A 2, view C 7
    49. a) verstehen
    b) auffassen, auslegen ( beide:
    as als)
    c) etwas gut etc aufnehmen:
    do you take me? verstehen Sie(, was ich meine)?;
    I take it that … ich nehme an, dass …;
    may we take it that …? dürfen wir es so verstehen, dass …?;
    take sth ill of sb jemandem etwas übel nehmen; seriously
    50. ansehen, betrachten ( beide:
    as als), halten ( for für):
    what do you take me for? wofür halten Sie mich eigentlich?
    51. sich Rechte, Freiheiten (heraus)nehmen
    52. a) einen Rat, eine Auskunft einholen
    b) einen Rat annehmen, befolgen
    53. eine Wette, ein Angebot annehmen
    54. glauben:
    you may take it from me verlass dich drauf!
    55. eine Beleidigung, einen Verlust etc, auch jemanden hinnehmen, eine Strafe, Folgen auf sich nehmen, sich etwas gefallen lassen:
    take people as they are die Leute nehmen, wie sie (eben) sind;
    take life as it comes das Leben so nehmen, wie es kommt;
    I’m not taking this das lass ich mir nicht gefallen
    56. etwas ertragen, aushalten:
    he can take a lot er ist hart im Nehmen;
    take it umg es kriegen, es ausbaden (müssen)
    57. MED sich einer Behandlung etc unterziehen
    58. SCHULE, UNIV eine Prüfung machen, ablegen:
    take French Examen im Französischen machen; degree 8
    59. eine Rast, Ferien etc machen, Urlaub, auch ein Bad nehmen
    60. Platz, Raum ein-, wegnehmen, beanspruchen
    61. a) Zeit, Material etc, auch fig Geduld, Mut etc brauchen, erfordern, kosten, eine gewisse Zeit dauern:
    it took a long time es dauerte oder brauchte lange;
    the book takes a long time to read man braucht viel Zeit, um das Buch zu lesen;
    the project took two years to plan die Planung des Projekts dauerte zwei Jahre oder nahm zwei Jahre in Anspruch;
    take some minutes einige Minuten brauchen ( doing sth um etwas zu tun);
    it takes a lot of courage to do a thing like that es gehört viel Mut dazu, so etwas zu tun;
    it takes a man to do that das kann nur ein Mann (fertigbringen);
    he took a little convincing es bedurfte (bei ihm) einiger Überredung
    b) jemanden etwas kosten, jemandem etwas abverlangen:
    it took him ( oder he took) three hours es kostete ihn oder er brauchte drei Stunden;
    it took him a long time to get over it er brauchte lange, um darüber hinwegzukommen
    62. eine Kleidergröße, Nummer haben: size1 A 2
    63. LING
    a) eine grammatische Form annehmen, im Konjunktiv etc stehen
    b) einen Akzent, eine Endung, ein Objekt etc bekommen
    64. aufnehmen, fassen, Platz bieten für
    65. ein Gewicht tragen, aushalten
    C v/i
    1. BOT Wurzeln schlagen
    2. BOT, MED anwachsen (Pfropfreis, Steckling, Transplantat)
    3. MED wirken, anschlagen (Medikament etc)
    4. umg ankommen, ziehen, einschlagen, Anklang finden (Buch, Theaterstück etc)
    5. JUR das Eigentumsrecht erlangen, besonders erben, (als Erbe) zum Zuge kommen
    6. sich gut etc fotografieren (lassen)
    7. Feuer fangen
    8. anbeißen (Fisch)
    9. TECH an-, eingreifen
    * * *
    [teɪk]transitive verb, took [tʊk], taken ['teɪkn]
    1) (get hold of, grasp, seize) nehmen

    take somebody's arm — jmds. Arm nehmen

    take somebody by the hand/arm — jemanden bei der Hand/am Arm nehmen

    2) (capture) einnehmen [Stadt, Festung]; machen [Gefangenen]; (chess) schlagen; nehmen
    3) (gain, earn) [Laden:] einbringen; [Film, Stück:] einspielen; (win) gewinnen [Satz, Spiel, Preis, Titel]; erzielen [Punkte]; (Cards) machen [Stich]

    take first/second etc. place — den ersten/zweiten usw. Platz belegen; (fig.) an erster/zweiter usw. Stelle kommen

    take the biscuit (Brit. coll.) or (coll.) cake — (fig.) alle/alles übertreffen

    4) (assume possession of) nehmen; (take away with one) mitnehmen; (steal) mitnehmen (verhüll.); (obtain by purchase) kaufen, (by rent) mieten [Auto, Wohnung, Haus]; nehmen [Klavier-, Deutsch-, Fahrstunden]; mitmachen [Tanzkurs]; (buy regularly) nehmen; lesen [Zeitung, Zeitschrift]; (subscribe to) beziehen; (obtain) erwerben [akademischen Grad]; (form a relationship with) sich (Dat.) nehmen [Frau, Geliebten usw.]

    take place — stattfinden; (spontaneously) sich ereignen; [Wandlung:] sich vollziehen

    I'll take this handbag/the curry, please — ich nehme diese Handtasche/das Curry

    5) (avail oneself of, use) nehmen; machen [Pause, Ferien, Nickerchen]; nehmen [Beispiel, Zitat usw.] ( from aus)

    take the opportunity to do/of doing something — die Gelegenheit dazu benutzen, etwas zu tun

    take the car/bus into town — mit dem Auto/Bus in die Stadt fahren

    take two eggsetc. (in recipe) man nehme zwei Eier usw.

    [let's] take a more recent example/my sister [for example] — nehmen wir ein Beispiel neueren Datums/einmal meine Schwester

    6) (carry, guide, convey) bringen

    take somebody's shoes to the mender['s]/somebody's coat to the cleaner's — jmds. Schuhe zum Schuster/jmds. Mantel in die Reinigung bringen

    take somebody to school/hospital — jemanden zur Schule/ins Krankenhaus bringen

    take somebody to the zoo/cinema/to dinner — mit jemandem in den Zoo/ins Kino/zum Abendessen gehen

    take somebody into one's home/house — jemanden bei sich aufnehmen

    the road takes you/the story takes us to London — die Straße führt nach/die Erzählung führt uns nach London

    his ability will take him far/to the top — mit seinen Fähigkeiten wird er es weit bringen/wird er ganz nach oben kommen

    take somebody/something with one — jemanden/etwas mitnehmen

    take home — mit nach Hause nehmen; (earn) nach Hause bringen [Geld]; (accompany) nach Hause bringen od. begleiten; (to meet one's parents etc.) mit nach Hause bringen

    take somebody through/over something — (fig.) mit jemandem etwas durchgehen

    take in hand (begin) in Angriff nehmen; (assume responsibility for) sich kümmern um

    take somebody into partnership [with one]/into the business — jemanden zu seinem Teilhaber machen/in sein Geschäft aufnehmen

    take a stick etc. to somebody — den Stock usw. bei jemandem gebrauchen

    take something to pieces or bits — etwas auseinander nehmen

    you can/can't take somebody anywhere — (fig. coll.) man kann jemanden überallhin/nirgendwohin mitnehmen

    you can't take it 'with you(coll.) man kann es ja nicht mitnehmen

    7) (remove) nehmen; (deduct) abziehen

    take something/somebody from somebody — jemandem etwas/jemanden wegnehmen

    take all the fun/hard work out of something — einem alle Freude an etwas (Dat.) nehmen/einem die schwere Arbeit bei etwas ersparen


    somebody takes courage from something — etwas macht jemandem Mut; see also heart 1)


    be taken ill or (coll.) sick — krank werden

    10) (make) machen [Foto, Kopie]; (photograph) aufnehmen
    11) (perform, execute) aufnehmen [Brief, Diktat]; machen [Prüfung, Sprung, Spaziergang, Reise, Umfrage]; durchführen [Befragung, Volkszählung]; ablegen [Gelübde, Eid]; übernehmen [Rolle, Part]; treffen [Entscheidung]

    take a fall/tumble — stürzen/straucheln

    take a step forward/backward — einen Schritt vor-/zurücktreten

    take a turn for the better/worse — eine Wende zum Besseren/Schlechteren nehmen

    12) (negotiate) nehmen [Zaun, Mauer, Hürde, Kurve, Hindernis]
    13) (conduct) halten [Gottesdienst, Andacht, Unterricht]
    15) (consume) trinken [Tee, Kaffee, Kognak usw.]; nehmen [Zucker, Milch, Überdosis, Tabletten, Medizin]

    not to be taken [internally] — nicht zur innerlichen Anwendung

    16) (occupy) einnehmen [Sitz im Parlament]; übernehmen, antreten [Amt]

    take somebody's seat — sich auf jmds. Platz setzen

    is that/this seat taken? — ist da/hier noch frei?

    17) (need, require) brauchen [Platz, Zeit]; haben [Kleider-, Schuhgröße usw.]; (Ling.) haben [Objekt, Plural-s]; gebraucht werden mit [Kasus]

    this verb takes "sein" — dieses Verb wird mit "sein" konjugiert

    the wound will take some time to heal — es braucht einige Zeit, bis die Wunde geheilt ist

    something takes an hour/a year/all day — etwas dauert eine Stunde/ein Jahr/einen ganzen Tag

    it takes an hour etc. to do something — es dauert eine Stunde usw., [um] etwas zu tun

    somebody takes or it takes somebody a long time/an hour etc. to do something — jmd. braucht lange/eine Stunde usw., um etwas zu tun

    take a lot of work/effort/courage — viel Arbeit/Mühe/Mut kosten

    have [got] what it takes — das Zeug dazu haben

    it will take [quite] a lot of explaining — es wird schwer zu erklären sein

    that story of his takes some believing — die Geschichte, die er da erzählt, ist kaum zu glauben

    it takes all sorts [to make a world] — es gibt solche und solche

    18) (contain, hold) fassen; (support) tragen
    19) (ascertain and record) notieren [Namen, Adresse, Autonummer usw.]; fühlen [Puls]; messen [Temperatur, Größe usw.]

    take the minutes of a meeting — bei einer Sitzung [das] Protokoll führen

    20) (apprehend, grasp)

    take somebody's meaning/drift — verstehen, was jmd. meint

    take somebody's point — jmds. Standpunkt verstehen

    take it [that]... — annehmen, [dass]...

    can I take it that...? — kann ich davon ausgehen, dass...?

    take something to mean something — etwas so verstehen, dass...

    take something as settled/as a compliment/refusal — etwas als erledigt betrachten/als eine Ablehnung/ein Kompliment auffassen

    take somebody/something for/to be something — jemanden/etwas für etwas halten

    take something well/badly/hard — etwas gut/schlecht/nur schwer verkraften

    somebody takes something very badly/hard — etwas trifft jemanden sehr

    take something calmly or coolly — etwas gelassen [auf- od. hin]nehmen

    you can/may take it as read that... — du kannst sicher sein, dass...

    taking it all in all, taking one thing with another — alles in allem

    22) (accept) annehmen

    take money etc. [from somebody/for something] — Geld usw. [von jemandem/für etwas] [an]nehmen

    will you take £500 for the car? — wollen Sie den Wagen für 500 Pfund verkaufen?

    [you can] take it or leave it — entweder du bist damit einverstanden, oder du lässt es bleiben

    take somebody's word for itsich auf jemanden od. jmds. Wort[e] verlassen

    take things as they come, take it as it comes — es nehmen, wie es kommt

    23) (receive, submit to) einstecken [müssen] [Schlag, Tritt, Stoß]; (Boxing) nehmen [müssen] [Schlag]; (endure, tolerate) aushalten; vertragen [Klima, Alkohol, Kaffee, Knoblauch]; verwinden [Schock]; (put up with) sich (Dat.) gefallen lassen [müssen] [Kritik, Grobheit]

    take no nonsensesich (Dat.) nichts bieten lassen

    take it(coll.) es verkraften; (referring to criticism, abuse) damit fertigwerden

    24) (adopt, choose) ergreifen [Maßnahmen]; unternehmen [Schritte]; einschlagen [Weg]; sich entschließen zu [Schritt, Handlungsweise]

    take the wrong road — die falsche Straße fahren/gehen

    take a firm etc. stand [with somebody/on or over something] — jemandem gegenüber/hinsichtlich einer Sache nicht nachgeben

    25) (receive, accommodate) [an]nehmen [Bewerber, Schüler]; aufnehmen [Gäste]

    he was taken for £500 by the conman — (coll.) der Schwindler hat ihm 500 Pfund abgeknöpft (ugs.)


    be taken with somebody/something — von jemandem/etwas angetan sein

    2. intransitive verb,
    took, taken
    1) (be successful, effective) [Transplantat:] vom Körper angenommen werden; [Impfung:] anschlagen; [Pfropfreis:] anwachsen; [Sämling, Pflanze:] angehen; [Feuer:] zu brennen beginnen; [Fisch:] [an]beißen
    3. noun
    (Telev., Cinemat.) Einstellung, die; Take, der od. das (fachspr.)
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (do) one's driving test expr.
    seinen Führerschein machen ausdr. (in) shorthand expr.
    stenographieren v. (lift) from an album expr.
    auskoppeln (Titel von einem Album) v. (the) responsibility for expr.
    verantworten v. (advice) v.
    befolgen (Rat) v. v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: took, taken)
    = einnehmen v.
    ergreifen v.
    nehmen v.
    nehmen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: nahm, genommen)
    vornehmen v.
    wegnehmen v.

    English-german dictionary > take

  • 12 go

    1. intransitive verb,
    pres. he goes, p.t. went, pres. p. going, p.p. gone
    1) gehen; [Fahrzeug:] fahren; [Flugzeug:] fliegen; [Vierfüßer:] laufen; [Reptil:] kriechen; (on horseback etc.) reiten; (on skis, roller skates) laufen; (in wheelchair, pram, lift) fahren

    go by bicycle/car/bus/train or rail/boat or sea or ship — mit dem [Fahr]rad/Auto/Bus/Zug/Schiff fahren

    go by plane or air — fliegen

    go on foot — zu Fuß gehen; laufen (ugs.)

    as one goes [along] — (fig.) nach und nach

    do something as one goes [along] — (lit.) etwas beim Gehen od. unterwegs tun

    go on a journey — eine Reise machen; verreisen

    go first-class/at 50 m.p.h. — erster Klasse reisen od. fahren/80 Stundenkilometer fahren

    have far to goweit zu gehen od. zu fahren haben; es weit haben

    the doll/dog goes everywhere with her — sie hat immer ihre Puppe/ihren Hund dabei

    who goes there?(sentry's challenge) wer da?

    there you go(coll., giving something) bitte!; da! (ugs.)

    2) (proceed as regards purpose, activity, destination, or route) [Bus, Zug, Lift, Schiff:] fahren; (use means of transportation) fahren; (fly) fliegen; (proceed on outward journey) weg-, abfahren; (travel regularly) [Verkehrsmittel:] verkehren (from... to zwischen + Dat.... und)

    his hand went to his pocketer griff nach seiner Tasche

    go to the toilet/cinema/moon/a museum/a funeral — auf die Toilette/ins Kino gehen/zum Mond fliegen/ins Museum/zu einer Beerdigung gehen

    go to the doctor['s] — etc. zum Arzt usw. gehen

    go [out] to China — nach China gehen

    go [over] to America — nach Amerika [hinüber]fliegen/-fahren

    go [off] to London — nach London [ab]fahren/[ab]fliegen

    go this/that way — hier/da entlanggehen/-fahren

    go out of one's way — einen Umweg machen; (fig.) keine Mühe scheuen

    go towards something/somebody — auf etwas/jemanden zugehen

    don't go on the grassgeh nicht auf den Rasen

    go by something/somebody — [Festzug usw.:] an etwas/jemandem vorbeiziehen; [Bus usw.:] an etwas/jemandem vorbeifahren

    go in and out [of something] — [in etwas (Dat.)] ein- und ausgehen

    go into somethingin etwas (Akk.) [hinein]gehen

    go chasing after something/somebody — hinter etwas/jemandem herrennen (ugs.)

    go and do something — [gehen und] etwas tun

    I'll go and get my coatich hole jetzt meinen Mantel

    go and see whether... — nachsehen [gehen], ob...

    go on a pilgrimageetc. eine Pilgerfahrt usw. machen

    go on TV/the radio — im Fernsehen/Radio auftreten

    I'll go! — ich geh schon!; (answer phone) ich geh ran od. nehme ab; (answer door) ich mache auf

    you go! (to the phone) geh du mal ran!

    3) (start) losgehen; (in vehicle) losfahren

    let's go!(coll.) fangen wir an!

    here goes!(coll.) dann mal los!

    whose turn is it to go?(in game) wer ist an der Reihe?

    go first (in game) anfangen

    from the word go(fig. coll.) [schon] von Anfang an

    a shiver went up or down my spine — ein Schauer lief mir über den Rücken od. den Rücken hinunter

    go to(be given to) [Preis, Sieg, Gelder, Job:] gehen an (+ Akk.); [Titel, Krone, Besitz:] übergehen auf (+ Akk.); [Ehre, Verdienst:] zuteil werden (Dat.)

    go towards(be of benefit to) zugute kommen (+ Dat.)

    go according to(be determined by) sich richten nach

    5) (make specific motion, do something specific)

    go round[Rad:] sich drehen

    there he etc. goes again — (coll.) da, schon wieder!

    here we go again(coll.) jetzt geht das wieder los!

    6) (act, work, function effectively) gehen; [Mechanismus, Maschine:] laufen

    get the car to godas Auto ankriegen (ugs.) od. starten

    at midnight we were still goingum Mitternacht waren wir immer noch dabei od. im Gange

    keep going(in movement) weitergehen/-fahren; (in activity) weitermachen; (not fail) sich aufrecht halten

    keep somebody going(enable to continue) jemanden aufrecht halten

    make something go, get/set something going — etwas in Gang bringen


    go to(attend)

    go to church/school — in die Kirche/die Schule gehen

    go to a comprehensive school — eine Gesamtschule besuchen; auf eine Gesamtschule gehen

    8) (have recourse)

    go to the relevant authority/UN — sich an die zuständige Behörde/UN wenden

    where do we go from here?(fig.) und was nun? (ugs.)

    9) (depart) gehen; [Bus, Zug:] [ab]fahren; [Post:] rausgehen (ugs.)

    I must be going nowich muss allmählich gehen

    time to go! — wir müssen/ihr müsst usw. gehen!

    to go(Amer.) [Speisen, Getränke:] zum Mitnehmen

    10) (euphem.): (die) sterben
    11) (fail) [Gedächtnis, Kräfte:] nachlassen; (cease to function) kaputtgehen; [Maschine, Computer usw.:] ausfallen; [Sicherung:] durchbrennen; (break) brechen; [Seil usw.:] reißen; (collapse) einstürzen; (fray badly) ausfransen
    12) (disappear) verschwinden; [Geruch, Rauch:] sich verziehen; [Geld, Zeit:] draufgehen (ugs.) (in, on für); (be relinquished) aufgegeben werden; [Tradition:] abgeschafft werden; (be dismissed) [Arbeitskräfte:] entlassen werden

    my coat/the stain has gone — mein Mantel/der Fleck ist weg

    where has my hat gone?wo ist mein Hut [geblieben]?

    13) (elapse) [Zeit:] vergehen; [Interview usw.:] vorüber-, vorbeigehen

    to go(still remaining)

    have something [still] to go — [noch] etwas übrig haben

    one week etc. to go to... — noch eine Woche usw. bis...

    there's only another mile to go — [es ist] nur noch eine Meile

    one down, two to go — einer ist bereits erledigt, bleiben noch zwei übrig (salopp)

    15) (be sold) weggehen (ugs.); verkauft werden

    it went for £1 — es ging für 1 Pfund weg

    16) (run) [Grenze, Straße usw.:] verlaufen, gehen; (afford access, lead) gehen; führen; (extend) reichen; (fig.) gehen

    as or so far as he/it goes — soweit

    17) (turn out, progress) [Ereignis, Projekt, Interview, Abend:] verlaufen

    go against somebody/something — [Wahl, Kampf:] zu jemandes/einer Sache Ungunsten ausgehen; [Entscheidung, Urteil:] zu jemandes/einer Sache Ungunsten ausfallen

    how did your holiday/party go? — wie war Ihr Urlaub/Ihre Party?

    how is the book going? — was macht [denn] das Buch?

    things have been going well/badly/smoothly — etc. in der letzten Zeit läuft alles gut/schief/glatt usw.

    how are things going?, how is it going? — wie steht's od. (ugs.) läuft's?

    18) (be, have form or nature, be in temporary state) sein; [Sprichwort, Gedicht, Titel:] lauten

    this is how things go, that's the way it goes — so ist es nun mal

    go hungry — hungern; hungrig bleiben

    go without food/water — es ohne Essen/Wasser aushalten

    go in fear of one's life — in beständiger Angst um sein Leben leben; see also academic.ru/31520/go_against">go against

    19) (become) werden

    the constituency/York went Tory — der Wahlkreis/York ging an die Tories

    20) (have usual place) kommen; (belong) gehören

    where does the box go?wo kommt od. gehört die Kiste hin?

    where do you want this chair to go?wo soll od. kommt der Stuhl hin?

    21) (fit) passen

    go in[to] something — in etwas (Akk.) gehen od. [hinein]passen

    go through something — durch etwas [hindurch]gehen od. [hindurch]passen

    22) (harmonize, match) passen ( with zu)
    23) (serve, contribute) dienen

    the qualities that go to make a leader — die Eigenschaften, die einen Führer ausmachen

    it just goes to show that... — daran zeigt sich, dass...

    24) (make sound of specified kind) machen; (emit sound) [Turmuhr, Gong:] schlagen; [Glocke:] läuten

    There goes the bell. School is over — Es klingelt. Die Schule ist aus

    the fire alarm went at 3 a. m. — der Feueralarm ging um 3 Uhr morgens los

    25) as intensifier (coll.)

    don't go making or go and make him angry — verärgere ihn bloß nicht

    I gave him a £10 note and, of course, he had to go and lose it — (iron.) ich gab ihm einen 10-Pfund-Schein, und er musste ihn natürlich prompt verlieren

    now you've been and gone and done it!(coll.) du hast ja was Schönes angerichtet! (ugs. iron.)

    go tell him I'm ready(coll./Amer.) geh und sag ihm, dass ich fertig bin

    26) (coll.): (be acceptable or permitted) erlaubt sein; gehen (ugs.)

    everything/anything goes — es ist alles erlaubt

    it/that goes without saying — es/das ist doch selbstverständlich

    what he etc. says, goes — was er usw. sagt, gilt. See also going; gone

    2. transitive verb, forms as
    1) (Cards) spielen
    2) (coll.)

    go ites toll treiben; (work hard) rangehen

    go it! — los!; weiter!

    3. noun
    , pl. goes (coll.)
    1) (attempt, try) Versuch, der; (chance) Gelegenheit, die

    have a goes versuchen od. probieren

    have a go at doing something — versuchen, etwas zu tun

    let me have/can I have a go? — lass mich [auch ein]mal/kann ich [auch ein]mal? (ugs.)

    it's my goich bin an der Reihe od. dran

    in two/three goes — bei zwei/drei Versuchen


    have a go at somebody(scold) sich (Dat.) jemanden vornehmen od. vorknöpfen (ugs.); (attack) über jemanden herfallen

    3) (period of activity)

    he downed his beer in one goer trank sein Bier in einem Zug aus

    4) (energy) Schwung, der

    be full of govoller Schwung od. Elan sein

    5) (vigorous activity)
    6) (success)

    it's no goda ist nichts zu machen

    4. adjective
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    [ɡəu] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - goes; verb
    1) (to walk, travel, move etc: He is going across the field; Go straight ahead; When did he go out?) gehen
    2) (to be sent, passed on etc: Complaints have to go through the proper channels.) gehen
    3) (to be given, sold etc: The prize goes to John Smith; The table went for $100.) abgehen
    4) (to lead to: Where does this road go?) führen
    5) (to visit, to attend: He goes to school every day; I decided not to go to the movie.) gehen
    6) (to be destroyed etc: This wall will have to go.) verschwinden
    7) (to proceed, be done: The meeting went very well.) ablaufen
    8) (to move away: I think it is time you were going.) gehen
    9) (to disappear: My purse has gone!)
    10) (to do (some action or activity): I'm going for a walk; I'm going hiking next week-end.) im Begriff stehen, zu...
    11) (to fail etc: I think the clutch on this car has gone.) versagen
    12) (to be working etc: I don't think that clock is going.) gehen
    13) (to become: These apples have gone bad.) werden
    14) (to be: Many people in the world regularly go hungry.) sich befinden
    15) (to be put: Spoons go in that drawer.) gehören
    16) (to pass: Time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself.) vorbeigehen
    17) (to be used: All her pocket-money goes on sweets.) draufgehen
    18) (to be acceptable etc: Anything goes in this office.) gehen
    19) (to make a particular noise: Dogs go woof, not miaow.) ertönen, machen
    20) (to have a particular tune etc: How does that song go?) gehen
    21) (to become successful etc: She always makes a party go.) erfolgreich
    2. noun
    1) (an attempt: I'm not sure how to do it, but I'll have a go.) der Versuch
    2) (energy: She's full of go.) der Schwung
    3. adjective
    1) (successful: That shop is still a going concern.) gutgehend
    2) (in existence at present: the going rate for typing manuscripts.) bestehend
    4. noun
    (permission: We'll start as soon as we get the go-ahead.) grünes Licht
    - go-getter
    - going-over
    - goings-on
    - no-go
    - all go
    - be going on for
    - be going on
    - be going strong
    - from the word go
    - get going
    - give the go-by
    - go about
    - go after
    - go against
    - go along
    - go along with
    - go around
    - go around with
    - go at
    - go back
    - go back on
    - go by
    - go down
    - go far
    - go for
    - go in
    - go in for
    - go into
    - go off
    - go on
    - go on at
    - go out
    - go over
    - go round
    - go slow
    - go steady
    - go through
    - go through with
    - go too far
    - go towards
    - go up
    - go up in smoke/flames
    - go with
    - go without
    - keep going
    - make a go of something
    - make a go
    - on the go
    * * *
    [gəʊ, AM goʊ]
    <goes, went, gone>
    1. (proceed) gehen; vehicle, train fahren; plane fliegen
    don't \go any closer — that animal is dangerous geh' nicht näher randas Tier ist gefährlich
    the bus \goes from Vaihingen to Sillenbuch der Bus verkehrt zwischen Vaihingen und Sillenbuch
    a shiver went down my spine mir fuhr ein Schauer über den Rücken
    you \go first! geh du zuerst!
    you \go next du bist als Nächste(r) dran!
    hey, I \go now he, jetzt bin ich dran! fam
    the doll \goes everywhere with him die Puppe nimmt er überallhin mit
    drive to the end of the road, \go left, and... fahren Sie die Straße bis zum Ende entlang, biegen Sie dann links ab und...
    \go south till you get to the coast halte dich südlich, bis du zur Küste kommst
    we have a long way to \go wir haben noch einen weiten Weg vor uns
    we've completed all of our goalswhere do we \go from here? wir haben all unsere Ziele erreicht — wie geht es jetzt weiter?
    the train hooted as it went into the tunnel der Zug pfiff, als er in den Tunnel einfuhr
    who \goes there? wer da?; (to dog)
    \go fetch it! hol'!
    to \go towards sb/sth auf jdn/etw zugehen
    to \go home nach Hause gehen
    to \go to hospital/a party/prison/the toilet ins Krankenhaus/auf eine Party/ins Gefängnis/auf die Toilette gehen
    to \go across to the pub rüber in die Kneipe gehen fam
    to \go to sea zur See gehen fam
    to \go across the street über die Straße gehen
    to \go aboard/ashore an Bord/Land gehen
    to \go below nach unten gehen
    to \go below deck unter Deck gehen
    to \go downhill ( also fig) bergab gehen
    to have it far to \go es weit haben
    to \go offstage [von der Bühne] abgehen
    to \go round sich akk drehen
    2. (in order to get)
    could you \go into the kitchen and get me something to drink, please? könntest du bitte in die Küche gehen und mir was zu trinken holen?
    would you \go and get me some things from the supermarket? würdest du mir ein paar Sachen vom Supermarkt mitbringen?
    I just want to \go and have a look at that antique shop over there ich möchte nur schnell einen Blick in das Antiquitätengeschäft da drüben werfen
    would you wait for me while I \go and fetch my coat? wartest du kurz auf mich, während ich meinen Mantel hole?
    I'll just \go and put my shoes on ich ziehe mir nur schnell die Schuhe on
    \go and wash your hands geh und wasch deine Hände
    she's gone to meet Brian at the station sie ist Brian vom Bahnhof abholen gegangen
    to \go and get some fresh air frische Luft schnappen gehen
    to \go to see sb jdn aufsuchen
    3. (travel) reisen
    have you ever gone to Africa before? warst du schon einmal in Afrika?
    to \go by bike/car/coach/train mit dem Fahrrad/Auto/Bus/Zug fahren
    to \go on a cruise eine Kreuzfahrt machen
    to \go on [a] holiday in Urlaub gehen
    to \go to Italy nach Italien fahren
    last year I went to Spain letztes Jahr war ich in Spanien
    to \go on a journey verreisen, eine Reise machen
    to \go by plane fliegen
    to \go on a trip eine Reise machen
    to \go abroad ins Ausland gehen
    4. (disappear) stain, keys verschwinden
    where have my keys gone? wo sind meine Schlüssel hin?
    ah, my tummy ache is gone! ah, meine Bauchschmerzen sind weg!
    I really don't know where all my money \goes ich weiß auch nicht, wo mein ganzes Geld hinverschwindet!
    half of my salary \goes on rent die Hälfte meines Gehaltes geht für die Miete drauf
    gone are the days when... vorbei sind die Zeiten, wo...
    here \goes my free weekend... das war's dann mit meinem freien Wochenende...
    all his money \goes on his car er steckt sein ganzes Geld in sein Auto
    there \goes another one! und wieder eine/einer weniger!
    hundreds of jobs will \go das wird Hunderte von Arbeitsplätzen kosten
    the president will have to \go der Präsident wird seinen Hut nehmen müssen
    that cat will have to \go die Katze muss verschwinden!
    all hope has gone jegliche Hoffnung ist geschwunden
    to \go adrift NAUT abtreiben, wegtreiben; ( fig) gestohlen werden
    one of my books has gone adrift from my desk eines meiner Bücher ist von meinem Schreibtisch verschwunden
    to \go missing BRIT, AUS verschwinden
    5. (leave) gehen
    we have to \go now [or it's time to \go] wir müssen jetzt gehen
    I must be \going ich muss jetzt allmählich gehen
    has she gone yet? ist sie noch da?
    the bus has gone der Bus ist schon weg; ( old)
    be gone! hinweg mit dir veraltet
    to let sth/sb \go, to let \go of sth/sb etw/jdn loslassen
    6. (do)
    to \go biking/jogging/shopping/swimming etc. Rad fahren/joggen/einkaufen/schwimmen etc. gehen
    to \go looking for sb/sth jdn/etw suchen gehen
    if you \go telling all my secrets,... wenn du hergehst und alle meine Geheimnisse ausplauderst,...
    don't you dare \go crying to your mum about this untersteh dich, deswegen heulend zu deiner Mama zu laufen
    to \go to church/a concert in die Kirche/ins Konzert gehen
    to \go to the cinema [or AM a movie] [or BRIT ( fam) the pictures] ins Kino gehen
    to \go to the doctor zum Arzt gehen
    to \go to kindergarten/school/university in den Kindergarten/in die Schule/auf die Universität gehen
    to \go on a pilgrimage auf Pilgerfahrt gehen
    I'll \go (phone) ich geh' ran; (door) ich mach' auf
    to \go as sth witch, pirate als etw gehen
    what shall I \go in? als was soll ich gehen?
    10. + adj (become) werden
    the line has gone dead die Leitung ist tot
    the milk's gone sour die Milch ist sauer
    the tyre has gone flat der Reifen ist platt
    my mind suddenly went blank ich hatte plötzlich wie ein Brett vorm Kopf sl
    I always \go red when I'm embarrassed ich werde immer rot, wenn mir etwas peinlich ist
    he described the new regulations as bureaucracy gone mad er bezeichnete die neuen Bestimmungen als Ausgeburt einer wild gewordenen Bürokratie
    I went cold mir wurde kalt
    she's gone Communist sie ist jetzt Kommunistin
    he's gone all environmental er macht jetzt voll auf Öko fam
    to \go bad food schlecht werden
    to \go bald/grey kahl/grau werden
    to \go bankrupt bankrottgehen
    to \go haywire (out of control) außer Kontrolle geraten; (malfunction) verrücktspielen fam
    to \go public an die Öffentlichkeit treten; STOCKEX an die Börse gehen
    to \go to sleep einschlafen
    11. + adj (be) sein
    to \go hungry hungern
    to \go thirsty dursten, durstig sein ÖSTERR
    to \go unmentioned/unnoticed/unsolved unerwähnt/unbemerkt/ungelöst bleiben
    12. (turn out) gehen
    how did your party \go? und, wie war deine Party?
    how's your thesis \going? was macht deine Doktorarbeit?
    how are things \going? und, wie läuft's? fam
    if everything \goes well... wenn alles gutgeht...
    things have gone well es ist gut gelaufen
    the way things \go wie das halt so geht
    the way things are \going at the moment... so wie es im Moment aussieht...
    to \go like a bomb ein Bombenerfolg sein fam
    to \go according to plan nach Plan laufen
    to \go from bad to worse vom Regen in die Traufe kommen
    to \go against/for sb election zu jds Ungunsten/Gunsten ausgehen
    to \go wrong schiefgehen, schieflaufen fam
    13. (pass) vergehen, verstreichen
    time seems to \go faster as you get older die Zeit scheint schneller zu vergehen, wenn man älter wird
    only two days to \go... nur noch zwei Tage...
    one week to \go till Christmas noch eine Woche bis Weihnachten
    in days gone by in längst vergangenen Zeiten
    two exams down, one to \go zwei Prüfungen sind schon geschafft, jetzt noch eine, dann ist es geschafft!
    I've three years to \go before I can retire mir fehlen noch drei Jahre bis zur Rente!
    14. (begin) anfangen
    ready to \go? bist du bereit?
    one, two, three, \go! eins, zwei, drei, los!
    we really must get \going with these proposals wir müssen uns jetzt echt an diese Konzepte setzen
    let's \go! los!
    here \goes! jetzt geht's los!
    15. (fail) kaputtgehen; hearing, health, memory nachlassen; rope reißen
    our computer is \going unser Computer gibt seinen Geist auf hum fam
    my jeans is gone at the knees meine Jeans ist an den Knien durchgescheuert
    her mind is \going sie baut geistig ganz schön ab! fam
    16. (die) sterben
    she went peacefully in her sleep sie starb friedlich im Schlaf
    17. (belong) hingehören
    I'll put it away if you tell me where it \goes ich räum's weg, wenn du mir sagst, wo es hingehört
    the silverware \goes in the drawer over there das Silber kommt in die Schublade da drüben
    those tools \go in the garage diese Werkzeuge gehören in die Garage
    that is to \go into my account das kommt auf mein Konto
    where do you want that to \go? wo soll das hin?
    that \goes under a different chapter das gehört in ein anderes Kapitel
    to \go to sb prize, house an jdn gehen; property auf jdn übergehen geh
    Manchester went to Labour Manchester ging an Labour
    19. (lead) road führen
    where does this trail \go? wohin führt dieser Pfad?
    20. (extend) gehen
    the meadow \goes all the way down to the road die Weide erstreckt sich bis hinunter zur Straße
    your idea is good enough, as far as it \goes... deine Idee ist so weit ganz gut,...
    the numbers on the paper \go from 1 to 10 die Nummern auf dem Blatt gehen von 1 bis 10
    21. (in auction) gehen
    I'll \go as high as £200 ich gehe bis zu 200 Pfund
    22. (function) watch gehen; machine laufen
    our business has been \going for twenty years unser Geschäft läuft seit zwanzig Jahren
    I'm not saying anything as long as the tape recorder is \going ich sage gar nichts, solange das Tonbandgerät läuft
    to \go slow ECON einen Bummelstreik machen; watch nachgehen
    to get sth \going [or to \go] [or to make sth \go] etw in Gang bringen
    to get a party \going eine Party in Fahrt bringen
    to get [or set] sb \going jdn in Fahrt bringen
    to keep \going person weitermachen; car weiterfahren
    come on! keep \going! ja, weiter! fam
    to keep sth \going etw in Gang halten; factory in Betrieb halten
    to keep a conversation \going eine Unterhaltung am Laufen halten
    to keep a fire \going ein Feuer am Brennen halten
    that thought kept me \going dieser Gedanke ließ mich durchhalten
    here's some food to keep you \going hier hast du erst mal was zu essen
    23. (have recourse) gehen
    to \go to court over sth wegen einer S. gen vor Gericht gehen
    to \go to the police zur Polizei gehen
    to \go to war in den Krieg ziehen
    24. (match, be in accordance)
    to \go [with sth] [zu etw dat] passen
    these two colours don't \go diese beiden Farben beißen sich
    to \go against logic unlogisch sein
    to \go against one's principles gegen jds Prinzipien verstoßen
    25. (fit)
    five \goes into ten two times [or five into ten \goes twice] fünf geht zweimal in zehn
    do you think all these things will \go into our little suitcase? glaubst du, das ganze Zeug wird in unseren kleinen Koffer passen? fam
    26. (be sold) weggehen fam
    \going, \going, gone! zum Ersten, zum Zweiten, [und] zum Dritten!
    pocketbooks are \going for $10 for the next two days in den nächsten zwei Tagen sind die Taschenbücher für 10 Dollar zu haben
    to \go to sb an jdn gehen
    to \go like hot cakes weggehen wie warme Semmeln fam
    to be \going cheap billig zu haben sein
    27. (serve, contribute)
    to \go [to sth] [zu etw dat] beitragen
    the money will \go to the victims of the earthquake das Geld ist für die Erdbebenopfer bestimmt
    this will \go towards your holiday das [Geld] ist für deinen Urlaub bestimmt
    your daughter's attitude only \goes to prove how much... die Einstellung deiner Tochter zeigt einmal mehr, wie sehr...
    28. (move) machen
    when I \go like this, my hand hurts wenn ich so mache, tut meine Hand weh
    \go like this with your hand to show that... mach so mit deiner Hand, um zu zeigen, dass...
    29. (sound) machen
    I think I heard the doorbell \go just now ich glaube, es hat gerade geklingelt
    there \goes the bell es klingelt
    ducks \go ‘quack’ Enten machen ‚quack‘
    with sirens \going ambulance mit heulender Sirene
    30. (accepted)
    anything \goes alles ist erlaubt
    that \goes for all of you das gilt für euch alle!
    31. (be told, sung) gehen; title, theory lauten
    I can never remember how that song \goes ich weiß nie, wie dieses Lied geht
    the story \goes that... es heißt, dass...
    the rumour \goes that... es geht das Gerücht, dass...
    as hospitals/things \go verglichen mit anderen Krankenhäusern/Dingen
    as things \go today it wasn't that expensive für heutige Verhältnisse war es gar nicht so teuer
    I really have to \go ich muss ganz dringend mal! fam
    I've gone and lost my earring ich habe meinen Ohrring verloren
    you've really gone and done it now! jetzt hast du aber was Schönes angerichtet! iron; (pej!)
    \go to hell! geh [o scher dich] zum Teufel! fam
    35. AM (in restaurant)
    do you want that pizza here or to \go? möchten Sie die Pizza hier essen oder mitnehmen?; AM
    I'd like a cheeseburger to \go, please ich hätte gerne einen Cheeseburger zum Mitnehmen
    36. (available)
    is there any beer \going? gibt es Bier?
    I'll have whatever is \going ich nehme das, was gerade da ist
    37. ( fam: treat)
    to \go easy on sb jdn schonend behandeln, jdn glimpflich davonkommen lassen
    to \go all out to do sth alles daransetzen, etw zu tun
    to \go Dutch getrennt zahlen
    easy come, easy \go ( prov) wie gewonnen, so zerronnen prov
    \go [and] get stuffed! ( fam) du kannst mich mal! fam
    to \go halves on sth sich dat etw je zur Hälfte teilen
    here we \go again ( fam) jetzt geht das wieder los! fam
    \go [and] take a running jump! mach bloß, dass du abhaust [o ÖSTERR verschwindest]! fam
    there you \go bitte schön!; (told you so) sag ich's doch! fam
    there he \goes again ( fam) jetzt fängt er schon wieder damit an! fam
    don't \go there ( fam) lass dich nicht darauf ein
    that \goes without saying das versteht sich von selbst
    to be \going to do sth etw tun werden
    we are \going to have a party tomorrow wir geben morgen eine Party
    he was \going to phone me this morning er wollte mich heute Morgen anrufen
    isn't she \going to accept the job after all? nimmt sie den Job nun doch nicht an?
    <goes, went, gone>
    to \go sth a route, a highway etw nehmen
    2. ( fam: say)
    to \go sth:
    she \goes to me: I never want to see you again! sie sagt zu mir: ich will dich nie wieder sehen!
    to \go sth etw reizen
    to \go nap die höchste Zahl von Stichen ansagen
    to not \go much on sth sich dat nicht viel aus etw dat machen
    to \go sth:
    my mind went a complete blank ich hatte voll ein Brett vorm Kopf! fam
    to \go it alone etw im Alleingang tun
    to \go it ( fam) es toll treiben fam; (move quickly) ein tolles Tempo drauf haben; (work hard) sich akk reinknien
    to \go a long way lange [vor]halten
    sb will \go a long way jd wird es weit bringen
    to \go nap alles auf eine Karte setzen
    to \go it some es laufenlassen fam
    IV. NOUN
    <pl -es>
    I'll have a \go at driving if you're tired ich kann dich mit dem Fahren ablösen, wenn du müde bist fam
    you've had your \go already! du warst schon dran!
    hey, it's Ken's \go now he, jetzt ist Ken dran
    can I have a \go? darf ich mal?
    to miss one \go einmal aussetzen; (not voluntarily) einmal übersprungen werden
    2. (attempt) Versuch m
    have a \go! versuch' es doch einfach mal! fam
    at one \go auf einen Schlag; (drink) in einem Zug fam
    all in one \go alle[s] auf einmal
    at the first \go auf Anhieb
    to give sth a \go etw versuchen
    to have a \go at sb (criticize) jdn runtermachen fam; (attack) über jdn herfallen
    his boss had a \go at him about his appearance sein Chef hat sich ihn wegen seines Äußeren vorgeknöpft fam
    members of the public are strongly advised not to have a \go at this man die Öffentlichkeit wird eindringlich davor gewarnt, etwas gegen diesen Mann zu unternehmen
    to have a \go at doing sth versuchen, etw zu tun
    to have several \goes at sth für etw akk mehrere Anläufe nehmen
    3. no pl (energy) Antrieb m, Elan m
    to be full of \go voller Elan sein
    4. esp BRIT ( fam: dose) Anfall m
    she had such a bad \go of the flu that she took a week off from work sie hatte so eine schlimme Grippe, dass sie eine Woche in Krankenstand ging
    it's all \go here hier ist immer was los fam
    it's all \go and no relaxing on those bus tours auf diesen Busfahrten wird nur gehetzt und man kommt nie zum Ausruhen fam
    I've got two projects on the \go at the moment ich habe momentan zwei Projekte gleichzeitig laufen
    to be on the \go [ständig] auf Trab sein
    I've been on the \go all day long ich war den ganzen Tag auf Achse fam
    to keep sb on the \go jdn auf Trab halten fam
    to be all the \go BRIT ( dated fam) der letzte Schrei sein
    to make a \go of sth mit etw dat Erfolg haben
    she's making a \go of her new antique shop ihr neues Antiquitätengeschäft ist ein voller Erfolg fam
    that was a near \go das war knapp
    it's no \go da ist nichts zu machen
    to be touch and \go auf der Kippe stehen fam
    from the word \go von Anfang an
    pred [start]klar, in Ordnung
    all systems [are] \go alles klar
    all systems \go, take-off in t minus 10 alle Systeme zeigen grün, Start in t minus 10
    * * *
    go1 [ɡəʊ]
    A pl goes [ɡəʊz] s
    1. Gehen n:
    a) (ständig) in Bewegung oder auf Achse
    b) obs im Verfall begriffen, im Dahinschwinden;
    from the word go umg von Anfang an
    2. Gang m, (Ver)Lauf m
    3. umg Schwung m, Schmiss m umg:
    he is full of go er hat Schwung, er ist voller Leben
    4. umg Mode f:
    it is all the go now es ist jetzt große Mode
    5. umg Erfolg m:
    make a go of sth etwas zu einem Erfolg machen;
    a) kein Erfolg,
    b) aussichts-, zwecklos;
    it’s no go es geht nicht, nichts zu machen
    6. umg Abmachung f:
    it’s a go! abgemacht!
    7. umg Versuch m:
    have a go at sth etwas probieren oder versuchen;
    let me have a go lass mich mal (probieren)!;
    have a go at sb jemandem was zu hören geben umg;
    at one go auf einen Schlag, auf Anhieb;
    in one go auf einen Sitz;
    at the first go gleich beim ersten Versuch;
    it’s your go du bist an der Reihe oder dran
    8. umg ( besonders unangenehme) Sache, Geschichte f:
    what a go! ’ne schöne Geschichte oder Bescherung!, so was Dummes!;
    it was a near go das ging gerade noch (einmal) gut
    9. umg
    a) Portion f (einer Speise)
    b) Glas n:
    his third go of brandy sein dritter Kognak
    10. Anfall m (einer Krankheit):
    my second go of influenza meine zweite Grippe
    B adj TECH umg funktionstüchtig
    C v/i prät went [went], pperf gone [ɡɒn; US ɡɔːn], 3. sg präs goes [ɡəʊz]
    1. gehen, fahren, reisen ( alle:
    to nach), sich (fort)bewegen:
    go on foot zu Fuß gehen;
    go by plane ( oder air) mit dem Flugzeug reisen, fliegen;
    go to Paris nach Paris reisen oder gehen;
    go to the country Br (das Parlament auflösen und) Neuwahlen ausschreiben; horseback A, train A 1
    2. (fort)gehen, abfahren, abreisen (to nach):
    people were coming and going Leute kamen und gingen;
    who goes there? MIL wer da?;
    I must be going ich muss gehen oder weg oder fort; let1 Bes Redew
    3. verkehren, fahren (Fahrzeuge)
    4. anfangen, loslegen, -gehen:
    go! SPORT los!;
    go to it! mach dich dran!, ran! (beide umg);
    here you go again! jetzt fängst du schon wieder an!;
    just go and try versuchs doch mal!;
    here goes! umg dann mal los!, ran (an den Speck)!
    5. gehen, führen (to nach):
    6. sich erstrecken, reichen, gehen (to bis):
    the belt does not go round her waist der Gürtel geht oder reicht nicht um ihre Taille;
    as far as it goes bis zu einem gewissen Grade;
    it goes a long way es reicht lange (aus)
    7. fig gehen:
    let it go at that lass es dabei bewenden; all Bes Redew, anywhere 1, court A 10, expense Bes Redew, far Bes Redew, heart Bes Redew, nowhere A 2
    8. MATH (into) gehen (in akk), enthalten sein (in dat):
    9. gehen, passen ( beide:
    into, in in akk), fallen (to auf akk):
    it does not go into my pocket es geht oder passt nicht in meine Tasche;
    12 inches go to the foot 12 Zoll gehen auf oder bilden einen Fuß
    10. gehören (in, into in akk; on auf akk):
    the books go on the shelf die Bücher gehören in oder kommen auf das Regal;
    where does this go? wohin kommt das?
    11. (to) gehen (an akk) (Preis etc), zufallen (dat) (Erbe):
    the money is going to a good cause das Geld fließt einem guten Zweck zu oder kommt einem guten Zweck zugute!
    12. TECH gehen, laufen, funktionieren (alle auch fig):
    keep (set) sth going etwas in Gang halten (bringen);
    make things go die Sache in Schwung bringen; get B 14, C 4, keep B 2
    13. werden, in einen (bestimmten) Zustand übergehen oder verfallen:
    your coffee will go cold dein Kaffee wird kalt;
    go blind erblinden;
    go Conservative zu den Konservativen übergehen; bad1 A 13, hot A 3, mad A 1
    14. (gewöhnlich) (in einem Zustand) sein, sich ständig befinden:
    go armed bewaffnet sein;
    go in rags ständig in Lumpen herumlaufen;
    go hungry hungern;
    going sixteen im 16. Lebensjahr; fear A 1, unheeded
    15. a) meist go with child schwanger sein
    b) go with young ZOOL trächtig sein
    16. (with) gehen (mit), sich halten oder anschließen (an akk): tide1 A 3
    17. sich halten (by, on, upon an akk), gehen, handeln, sich richten, urteilen (on, upon nach):
    have nothing to go upon keine Anhaltspunkte haben;
    going by her clothes ihrer Kleidung nach (zu urteilen)
    18. umgehen, kursieren, im Umlauf sein (Gerüchte etc):
    the story goes that … es heißt oder man erzählt sich, dass …
    19. gelten ( for für):
    what he says goes umg was er sagt, gilt;
    that goes for all of you das gilt für euch alle;
    it goes without saying es versteht sich von selbst, (es ist) selbstverständlich
    20. gehen, laufen, bekannt sein:
    it goes by ( oder under) the name of … es läuft unter dem Namen …;
    my dog goes by the name of Rover mein Hund hört auf den Namen Rover
    21. as hotels go im Vergleich zu anderen Hotels;
    he’s a meek man, as men go er ist ein vergleichsweise sanftmütiger Mann
    22. vergehen, -streichen:
    how time goes! wie (doch) die Zeit vergeht!;
    one minute to go noch eine Minute;
    with five minutes to go SPORT fünf Minuten vor Spielende
    23. WIRTSCH weggehen, abgesetzt oder verkauft werden ( beide:
    at, for für):
    “everything must go” „Totalausverkauf“;
    go for nothing umsonst sein (Mühe etc); cake A 1
    24. (on, in) aufgehen (in dat), ausgegeben werden (für):
    all his money goes on drink er gibt sein ganzes Geld für Alkohol aus
    25. dazu beitragen oder dienen ( to do zu tun), dienen (to zu), verwendet werden (to, toward[s] für, zu):
    it goes to show dies zeigt, daran erkennt man;
    this only goes to show you the truth dies dient nur dazu, Ihnen die Wahrheit zu zeigen
    26. verlaufen, sich entwickeln oder gestalten:
    how does the play go? wie geht oder welchen Erfolg hat das Stück?;
    things have gone badly with me es ist mir schlecht ergangen
    27. ausgehen, -fallen:
    the decision went against him die Entscheidung fiel zu seinen Ungunsten aus;
    it went well es ging gut (aus)
    28. Erfolg haben:
    go big umg ein Riesenerfolg sein
    29. (with) gehen, sich vertragen, harmonieren (mit), passen (zu):
    30. ertönen, erklingen, läuten (Glocke), schlagen (Uhr):
    the clock went five die Uhr schlug fünf;
    the doorbell went es klingelte oder läutete
    31. mit einem Knall etc losgehen:
    bang went the gun die Kanone machte bumm
    32. lauten (Worte etc):
    I forget how the words go mir fällt der Text im Moment nicht ein;
    this is how the tune goes so geht die Melodie;
    this song goes to the tune of … dieses Lied geht nach der Melodie von …
    33. gehen, verschwinden, abgeschafft werden:
    he must go er muss weg;
    these laws must go die Gesetze müssen verschwinden
    34. (dahin)schwinden:
    my eyesight is going meine Augen werden immer schlechter
    35. zum Erliegen kommen, zusammenbrechen (Handel etc)
    36. kaputtgehen (Sohlen etc)
    37. sterben
    38. (im ppr mit inf) zum Ausdruck einer Zukunft, besonders
    it is going to rain es gibt Regen, es wird (bald oder gleich) regnen;
    he is going to read it er wird oder will es (bald) lesen;
    she is going to have a baby sie bekommt ein Kind;
    what was going to be done? was sollte nun geschehen?
    39. (mit nachfolgendem ger) meist gehen:
    go swimming schwimmen gehen;
    you must not go telling him du darfst es ihm ja nicht sagen;
    he goes frightening people er erschreckt immer die Leute
    40. (daran)gehen, sich aufmachen oder anschicken:
    he went to find him er ging ihn suchen;
    she went to see him sie besuchte ihn;
    go fetch! bring es!, hol es!;
    he went and sold it umg er hat es tatsächlich verkauft; er war so dumm, es zu verkaufen
    41. “pizzas to go” (Schild) US „Pizzas zum Mitnehmen“
    42. erlaubt sein:
    everything goes in this place hier ist alles erlaubt
    43. besonders US umg wiegen:
    I went 90 kilos last year letztes Jahr hatte ich 90 Kilo
    D v/t
    1. einen Weg, eine Strecke etc gehen
    2. einen Betrag wetten, setzen (on auf akk)
    3. Kartenspiel: ansagen
    4. US umg eine Einladung oder Wette annehmen von:
    I’ll go you! ich nehme an!, gemacht!
    5. go it umg
    a) sich reinknien, (mächtig) rangehen,
    b) es toll treiben, auf den Putz hauen,
    c) handeln:
    go it alone einen Alleingang machen;
    go it! ran!, (immer) feste! umg
    go2 [ɡəʊ] Go n (japanisches Brettspiel)
    * * *
    1. intransitive verb,
    pres. he goes, p.t. went, pres. p. going, p.p. gone
    1) gehen; [Fahrzeug:] fahren; [Flugzeug:] fliegen; [Vierfüßer:] laufen; [Reptil:] kriechen; (on horseback etc.) reiten; (on skis, roller skates) laufen; (in wheelchair, pram, lift) fahren

    go by bicycle/car/bus/train or rail/boat or sea or ship — mit dem [Fahr]rad/Auto/Bus/Zug/Schiff fahren

    go by plane or air — fliegen

    go on foot — zu Fuß gehen; laufen (ugs.)

    as one goes [along] — (fig.) nach und nach

    do something as one goes [along] — (lit.) etwas beim Gehen od. unterwegs tun

    go on a journey — eine Reise machen; verreisen

    go first-class/at 50 m.p.h. — erster Klasse reisen od. fahren/80 Stundenkilometer fahren

    have far to goweit zu gehen od. zu fahren haben; es weit haben

    the doll/dog goes everywhere with her — sie hat immer ihre Puppe/ihren Hund dabei

    there you go(coll., giving something) bitte!; da! (ugs.)

    2) (proceed as regards purpose, activity, destination, or route) [Bus, Zug, Lift, Schiff:] fahren; (use means of transportation) fahren; (fly) fliegen; (proceed on outward journey) weg-, abfahren; (travel regularly) [Verkehrsmittel:] verkehren (from... to zwischen + Dat.... und)

    go to the toilet/cinema/moon/a museum/a funeral — auf die Toilette/ins Kino gehen/zum Mond fliegen/ins Museum/zu einer Beerdigung gehen

    go to the doctor['s] — etc. zum Arzt usw. gehen

    go [out] to China — nach China gehen

    go [over] to America — nach Amerika [hinüber]fliegen/-fahren

    go [off] to London — nach London [ab]fahren/[ab]fliegen

    go this/that way — hier/da entlanggehen/-fahren

    go out of one's way — einen Umweg machen; (fig.) keine Mühe scheuen

    go towards something/somebody — auf etwas/jemanden zugehen

    go by something/somebody — [Festzug usw.:] an etwas/jemandem vorbeiziehen; [Bus usw.:] an etwas/jemandem vorbeifahren

    go in and out [of something] — [in etwas (Dat.)] ein- und ausgehen

    go into somethingin etwas (Akk.) [hinein]gehen

    go chasing after something/somebody — hinter etwas/jemandem herrennen (ugs.)

    go and do something — [gehen und] etwas tun

    go and see whether... — nachsehen [gehen], ob...

    go on a pilgrimageetc. eine Pilgerfahrt usw. machen

    go on TV/the radio — im Fernsehen/Radio auftreten

    I'll go! — ich geh schon!; (answer phone) ich geh ran od. nehme ab; (answer door) ich mache auf

    you go! (to the phone) geh du mal ran!

    3) (start) losgehen; (in vehicle) losfahren

    let's go!(coll.) fangen wir an!

    here goes!(coll.) dann mal los!

    whose turn is it to go? (in game) wer ist an der Reihe?

    go first (in game) anfangen

    from the word go(fig. coll.) [schon] von Anfang an

    4) (pass, circulate, be transmitted) gehen

    a shiver went up or down my spine — ein Schauer lief mir über den Rücken od. den Rücken hinunter

    go to (be given to) [Preis, Sieg, Gelder, Job:] gehen an (+ Akk.); [Titel, Krone, Besitz:] übergehen auf (+ Akk.); [Ehre, Verdienst:] zuteil werden (Dat.)

    go towards (be of benefit to) zugute kommen (+ Dat.)

    go according to (be determined by) sich richten nach

    5) (make specific motion, do something specific)

    go round[Rad:] sich drehen

    there he etc. goes again — (coll.) da, schon wieder!

    here we go again(coll.) jetzt geht das wieder los!

    6) (act, work, function effectively) gehen; [Mechanismus, Maschine:] laufen

    get the car to godas Auto ankriegen (ugs.) od. starten

    keep going (in movement) weitergehen/-fahren; (in activity) weitermachen; (not fail) sich aufrecht halten

    keep somebody going (enable to continue) jemanden aufrecht halten

    make something go, get/set something going — etwas in Gang bringen


    go to(attend)

    go to church/school — in die Kirche/die Schule gehen

    go to a comprehensive school — eine Gesamtschule besuchen; auf eine Gesamtschule gehen

    go to the relevant authority/UN — sich an die zuständige Behörde/UN wenden

    where do we go from here?(fig.) und was nun? (ugs.)

    9) (depart) gehen; [Bus, Zug:] [ab]fahren; [Post:] rausgehen (ugs.)

    time to go! — wir müssen/ihr müsst usw. gehen!

    to go(Amer.) [Speisen, Getränke:] zum Mitnehmen

    10) (euphem.): (die) sterben
    11) (fail) [Gedächtnis, Kräfte:] nachlassen; (cease to function) kaputtgehen; [Maschine, Computer usw.:] ausfallen; [Sicherung:] durchbrennen; (break) brechen; [Seil usw.:] reißen; (collapse) einstürzen; (fray badly) ausfransen
    12) (disappear) verschwinden; [Geruch, Rauch:] sich verziehen; [Geld, Zeit:] draufgehen (ugs.) (in, on für); (be relinquished) aufgegeben werden; [Tradition:] abgeschafft werden; (be dismissed) [Arbeitskräfte:] entlassen werden

    my coat/the stain has gone — mein Mantel/der Fleck ist weg

    where has my hat gone? — wo ist mein Hut [geblieben]?

    13) (elapse) [Zeit:] vergehen; [Interview usw.:] vorüber-, vorbeigehen

    to go(still remaining)

    have something [still] to go — [noch] etwas übrig haben

    one week etc. to go to... — noch eine Woche usw. bis...

    there's only another mile to go — [es ist] nur noch eine Meile

    one down, two to go — einer ist bereits erledigt, bleiben noch zwei übrig (salopp)

    15) (be sold) weggehen (ugs.); verkauft werden

    it went for £1 — es ging für 1 Pfund weg

    16) (run) [Grenze, Straße usw.:] verlaufen, gehen; (afford access, lead) gehen; führen; (extend) reichen; (fig.) gehen

    as or so far as he/it goes — soweit

    17) (turn out, progress) [Ereignis, Projekt, Interview, Abend:] verlaufen

    go against somebody/something — [Wahl, Kampf:] zu jemandes/einer Sache Ungunsten ausgehen; [Entscheidung, Urteil:] zu jemandes/einer Sache Ungunsten ausfallen

    how did your holiday/party go? — wie war Ihr Urlaub/Ihre Party?

    how is the book going? — was macht [denn] das Buch?

    things have been going well/badly/smoothly — etc. in der letzten Zeit läuft alles gut/schief/glatt usw.

    how are things going?, how is it going? — wie steht's od. (ugs.) läuft's?

    18) (be, have form or nature, be in temporary state) sein; [Sprichwort, Gedicht, Titel:] lauten

    this is how things go, that's the way it goes — so ist es nun mal

    go hungry — hungern; hungrig bleiben

    go without food/water — es ohne Essen/Wasser aushalten

    go in fear of one's life — in beständiger Angst um sein Leben leben; see also go against

    19) (become) werden

    the constituency/York went Tory — der Wahlkreis/York ging an die Tories

    20) (have usual place) kommen; (belong) gehören

    where does the box go?wo kommt od. gehört die Kiste hin?

    where do you want this chair to go?wo soll od. kommt der Stuhl hin?

    21) (fit) passen

    go in[to] something — in etwas (Akk.) gehen od. [hinein]passen

    go through something — durch etwas [hindurch]gehen od. [hindurch]passen

    22) (harmonize, match) passen ( with zu)
    23) (serve, contribute) dienen

    the qualities that go to make a leader — die Eigenschaften, die einen Führer ausmachen

    it just goes to show that... — daran zeigt sich, dass...

    24) (make sound of specified kind) machen; (emit sound) [Turmuhr, Gong:] schlagen; [Glocke:] läuten

    There goes the bell. School is over — Es klingelt. Die Schule ist aus

    the fire alarm went at 3 a. m. — der Feueralarm ging um 3 Uhr morgens los

    25) as intensifier (coll.)

    don't go making or go and make him angry — verärgere ihn bloß nicht

    I gave him a £10 note and, of course, he had to go and lose it — (iron.) ich gab ihm einen 10-Pfund-Schein, und er musste ihn natürlich prompt verlieren

    now you've been and gone and done it!(coll.) du hast ja was Schönes angerichtet! (ugs. iron.)

    go tell him I'm ready(coll./Amer.) geh und sag ihm, dass ich fertig bin

    26) (coll.): (be acceptable or permitted) erlaubt sein; gehen (ugs.)

    everything/anything goes — es ist alles erlaubt

    it/that goes without saying — es/das ist doch selbstverständlich

    what he etc. says, goes — was er usw. sagt, gilt. See also going; gone

    2. transitive verb, forms as
    1) (Cards) spielen
    2) (coll.)

    go it — es toll treiben; (work hard) rangehen

    go it! — los!; weiter!

    3. noun
    , pl. goes (coll.)
    1) (attempt, try) Versuch, der; (chance) Gelegenheit, die

    have a goes versuchen od. probieren

    have a go at doing something — versuchen, etwas zu tun

    let me have/can I have a go? — lass mich [auch ein]mal/kann ich [auch ein]mal? (ugs.)

    in two/three goes — bei zwei/drei Versuchen


    have a go at somebody (scold) sich (Dat.) jemanden vornehmen od. vorknöpfen (ugs.); (attack) über jemanden herfallen

    4) (energy) Schwung, der

    be full of govoller Schwung od. Elan sein

    4. adjective
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (deer-) stalking expr.
    auf die Pirsch gehen ausdr. v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: went, gone)
    = funktionieren v.
    führen v.
    gehen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: ging, ist gegangen)

    English-german dictionary > go

  • 13 Harrison, John

    b. 24 March 1693 Foulby, Yorkshire, England
    d. 24 March 1776 London, England
    English horologist who constructed the first timekeeper of sufficient accuracy to determine longitude at sea and invented the gridiron pendulum for temperature compensation.
    John Harrison was the son of a carpenter and was brought up to that trade. He was largely self-taught and learned mechanics from a copy of Nicholas Saunderson's lectures that had been lent to him. With the assistance of his younger brother, James, he built a series of unconventional clocks, mainly of wood. He was always concerned to reduce friction, without using oil, and this influenced the design of his "grasshopper" escapement. He also invented the "gridiron" compensation pendulum, which depended on the differential expansion of brass and steel. The excellent performance of his regulator clocks, which incorporated these devices, convinced him that they could also be used in a sea dock to compete for the longitude prize. In 1714 the Government had offered a prize of £20,000 for a method of determining longitude at sea to within half a degree after a voyage to the West Indies. In theory the longitude could be found by carrying an accurate timepiece that would indicate the time at a known longitude, but the requirements of the Act were very exacting. The timepiece would have to have a cumulative error of no more than two minutes after a voyage lasting six weeks.
    In 1730 Harrison went to London with his proposal for a sea clock, supported by examples of his grasshopper escapement and his gridiron pendulum. His proposal received sufficient encouragement and financial support, from George Graham and others, to enable him to return to Barrow and construct his first sea clock, which he completed five years later. This was a large and complicated machine that was made out of brass but retained the wooden wheelwork and the grasshopper escapement of the regulator clocks. The two balances were interlinked to counteract the rolling of the vessel and were controlled by helical springs operating in tension. It was the first timepiece with a balance to have temperature compensation. The effect of temperature change on the timekeeping of a balance is more pronounced than it is for a pendulum, as two effects are involved: the change in the size of the balance; and the change in the elasticity of the balance spring. Harrison compensated for both effects by using a gridiron arrangement to alter the tension in the springs. This timekeeper performed creditably when it was tested on a voyage to Lisbon, and the Board of Longitude agreed to finance improved models. Harrison's second timekeeper dispensed with the use of wood and had the added refinement of a remontoire, but even before it was tested he had embarked on a third machine. The balance of this machine was controlled by a spiral spring whose effective length was altered by a bimetallic strip to compensate for changes in temperature. In 1753 Harrison commissioned a London watchmaker, John Jefferys, to make a watch for his own personal use, with a similar form of temperature compensation and a modified verge escapement that was intended to compensate for the lack of isochronism of the balance spring. The time-keeping of this watch was surprisingly good and Harrison proceeded to build a larger and more sophisticated version, with a remontoire. This timekeeper was completed in 1759 and its performance was so remarkable that Harrison decided to enter it for the longitude prize in place of his third machine. It was tested on two voyages to the West Indies and on both occasions it met the requirements of the Act, but the Board of Longitude withheld half the prize money until they had proof that the timekeeper could be duplicated. Copies were made by Harrison and by Larcum Kendall, but the Board still continued to prevaricate and Harrison received the full amount of the prize in 1773 only after George III had intervened on his behalf.
    Although Harrison had shown that it was possible to construct a timepiece of sufficient accuracy to determine longitude at sea, his solution was too complex and costly to be produced in quantity. It had, for example, taken Larcum Kendall two years to produce his copy of Harrison's fourth timekeeper, but Harrison had overcome the psychological barrier and opened the door for others to produce chronometers in quantity at an affordable price. This was achieved before the end of the century by Arnold and Earnshaw, but they used an entirely different design that owed more to Le Roy than it did to Harrison and which only retained Harrison's maintaining power.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Royal Society Copley Medal 1749.
    1767, The Principles of Mr Harrison's Time-keeper, with Plates of the Same, London. 1767, Remarks on a Pamphlet Lately Published by the Rev. Mr Maskelyne Under the
    Authority of the Board of Longitude, London.
    1775, A Description Concerning Such Mechanisms as Will Afford a Nice or True Mensuration of Time, London.
    Further Reading
    R.T.Gould, 1923, The Marine Chronometer: Its History and Development, London; reprinted 1960, Holland Press.
    —1978, John Harrison and His Timekeepers, 4th edn, London: National Maritime Museum.
    H.Quill, 1966, John Harrison, the Man who Found Longitude, London. A.G.Randall, 1989, "The technology of John Harrison's portable timekeepers", Antiquarian Horology 18:145–60, 261–77.
    J.Betts, 1993, John Harrison London (a good short account of Harrison's work). S.Smiles, 1905, Men of Invention and Industry; London: John Murray, Chapter III. Dictionary of National Biography, Vol. IX, pp. 35–6.

    Biographical history of technology > Harrison, John

  • 14 run

    1. I
    1) set off running пуститься бежать; run and fetch the doctor сбегай за врачом; when I called he came running когда я позвал его, он тут же прибежал /примчался/; the enemy ran противник бежал; he dropped his gun and ran он бросил ружье и пустился наутек; I must run мне надо бежать /срочно идти/
    2) a ball (a sledge, etc.) runs мяч и т.д. катится; a wheel (a spindle, etc.) runs колесо вращается /вертится/
    3) water (blood, etc.) runs вода и т.д. течет /льется/; the pus was running сочился гной; the ice cream (the jelly, the coating, etc.) is beginning to run мороженое и т.д. потекло; the candle ran свеча оплыла; the butter ran масло растаяло; this ink does not run эти чернила не расплываются; colours are guaranteed not to run прочность красок гарантируется; I'm afraid the colours ran when I washed that skirt к сожалению, юбка в стирке полиняла; wash this towel separately the dye runs стирай это полотенце отдельно run оно линяет || let water run спустить воду
    4) the tap (the barrel, the vessel, the kettle, etc.) runs кран и т.д. течет; who has left the tap running? кто оставил кран открытым /не закрыл кран/?; this pen runs ручка течет /сажает кляксы/; his nose is running у него течет из носу, у него насморк; his eyes are running у него слезятся глаза; we laughed till our eyes ran мы смеялись до слез; an ulcer (a wound, a sore, etc.) that runs язва и т.д., которая гноится
    5) trains (buses, boats, ships, etc.) run поезда и т.д. ходят; trams are not running трамваи не ходят
    6) a motor (a machine, the works, etc.) runs мотор и т.д. работает; the lift is not running лифт не работает; leave the engine running не выключай мотор; the plant has ceased running завод встал /остановился/; the clock (the watch) runs часы идут /ходят/
    7) time runs время летит /мчится/
    8) several days running несколько дней подряд; he hit the target seven times running он попал в цель семь раз подряд
    9) the agreement (the contract, the lease of the house, etc.) has two more years to run срок соглашения и т.д. действует еще два года
    10) my stocking has run у меня на чулке спустилась петля; stockings guaranteed not to run чулки с неспускающимися петлями
    2. II
    1) run in some manner run run fast (slowly, noiselessly, etc.) бегать быстро и т.д.; the horse runs well лошадь хорошо бежит /идет/, у лошади хороший ход; run somewhere run about бегать повсюду, суетиться, сновать взад и вперед; let the dogs run about пусть собаки побегают /порезвятся/; the children are running about дети играют /резвятся/; chickens run about as soon as they are out of the shell стоит только цыплятам вылупиться, как они начинают бегать; run up /upstairs/ (down/downstairs/) бегать вверх (вниз) [по лестнице]; run upstairs and get the iodine сбегай наверх и принеси йод; run at some time I must run now мне пора бежать /уходить/
    2) run in some manner the river runs quietly (smoothly, sluggishly, etc.) река течет спокойно и т.д.; the current is running strong сейчас сильное течение; the tide is running strong вода сильно поднимается (при приливе), blood ran in torrents кровь лилась ручьями; his ideas ran freely его мысли текли свободно; run somewhere the water has run out вся вода вытекла
    3) run at some time these pens (such taps, etc.) often run эти ручки и т.д. часто текут
    4) run at some time these trains (the steamers, the buses, etc.) run daily /every day/ (every ten minutes, etc.) эти поезда и т.д. ходят ежедневно и т.д.; the traffic runs day and night движение на улице не прекращается ни днем ни ночью; the 9 o'clock train is not running today девятичасовой поезд сегодня отменен /не ходит/
    5) run in some manner an engine (a sewing-machine, etc.) runs smoothly (well, badly, efficiently, etc.) мотор и т.д. работает ритмично и т.д.; the саг is running nicely машина идет хорошо; the printing-press doesn't run properly печатный станок плохо работает; the drawer doesn't run easily ящик открывается /выдвигается/ с трудом; how does your new watch runrun? как идут ваши новые часы?
    7) run somewhere the road (the boundary, the forest, etc.) runs east (north and south, up, etc.) дорога и т.д. идет /тянется/ на восток и т.д.; the river runs south река течет на юг; new streets will run here здесь пройдут /будут проложены/ новые улицы
    8) run in some manner months (years, days, etc.) run fast быстро проходит месяц за месяцем; time runs fast время летит быстро; his life runs smoothly (quietly, etc.) жизнь его течет спокойно /гладко/ и т.д.; how time runs! как бежит /летит/ время!
    9) run for some time this law (this bill) will run much longer этот закон (этот билль) будет действовать значительно дольше; run at /in/ some place regions (places, offices, etc.) where these rules do not run районы и т.д., где не действуют эти правила /на которые не распространяются эти правила/; this writ doesn't run here здесь это постановление /распоряжение/ не действует / не имеет силы/
    10) run in some manner the letter (the note, the clause, the contract, etc.) ran thus... письмо и т.д. гласило следующее...; so the story ran вот что говорилось в рассказе; this is how the tune runs вот как звучит эта мелодия; I don't remember how the first line runs я не помню первую строку
    11) run somewhere the ship /the boat/ ran aground корабль сел на мель; the boat ran ashore лодка врезалась в берег
    12) run at some time silk stockings often (sometimes) run на шелковых чулках часто (иногда) спускаются петли; run in some manner these stockings run easily на этих чулках очень легко спускаются петли; эти чулки быстро рвутся
    13) run in some manner all my arrangements ran smoothly все шло, как было обусловлено; is everything running well in your office? на работе у вас все в порядке?, дела на работе идут нормально?
    3. III
    1) run smth. run a mile (six miles. etc.) пробежать милю и т.д., участвовать в беге на одну милю и т.д.; run a distance бежать на какую-л. дистанцию; run a race участвовать в забеге /в скачках/; the children ran races дети бегали наперегонки
    2) run smth. run errands /messages/ быть посыльным; быть на посылках; I want you to run an errand я хочу послать тебя с поручением
    3) run smb., smth. run a fox (a hare, a stag, etc.) гнать /преследовать лису/ и т.д.; run a false scent идти по ложному следу; run cattle (horses, etc.) гнать скот и т.д.; run logs сплавлять /гнать/ лес /бревна/
    4) run smth. run extra (special) trains пускать дополнительные (специальные) поезда
    5) run smth. run cargoes (a cargo of coffee, etc.) перевозить /транспортировать/ грузы и т.д.; run arms (drugs, liquor, narcotics. etc.) нелегально /контрабандой/ ввозить в страну оружие и т.д.
    6) run smth., smb. run a blockade прорвать /прорваться через/ блокаду; run the rapids пройти /преодолеть/ пороги; run the guard проскользнуть /пройти незамеченным/ мимо охраны
    7) run smth. run a саг (a bus, a taxi, etc.) водить машину и т.д.; he runs a blue Volga он ездит на голубой "Волге"; run the engine запускать мотор /двигатель/; run a tractor (a sewing-machine, a ferry, etc.) работать на тракторе и т.д.; can you run a washing-machine? вы умеете обращаться со стиральной машиной?; run a bath наполнить ванну
    10) run some distance the river (the road, etc.) run 200 miles река (дорога и т.д.) тянется на 200 миль
    11) || run its course идти своим чередом; the illness must run its course болезнь должна идти своим ходом; the war was running its course война все продолжалась
    12) run smth. run a business (a bus company, a factory, etc.) управлять предприятием и т.д.; run a theatre (a newspaper, a youth club, etc.) руководить театром и т.д.; run a shop (a hotel, etc.) заведовать магазином и т.д.; run a competition (a match, a race, etc.) проводить соревнования и т.д.; run the external affairs of a country направлять внешнюю политику государства, руководить внешней политикой страны; run a new system of payment осуществлять /внедрять/ новую систему оплаты; run smb.'s house вести чье-л. хозяйство; she runs the household она ведет хозяйство; весь дом на ней; run the show cool. заправлять чем-л.; who is running the show? кто здесь главный?; run one's life (one's fortune) самому строить свою жизнь (свое счастье); run experiments ставить /проводить/ опыты; run a blood test сделать анализ крови
    13) run smb. run a candidate выставлять чью-л. кандидатуру, выдвигать кого-л. кандидатом
    14) semiaux run smth. run debts залезать в /делать/ долги; run a temperature температурить
    15) id run smth. run a risk (the risk of discovery, the risk of losing one's job, a danger, the danger of being fired, the chance of being suspect of theft, etc.) подвергаться риску и т.д.; run chances положиться на счастье
    4. IV
    1) run smth. т some time this bus (a car, ale.) runs 40 miles (an hour, etc.) автобус и т.д. делает сорок миль в час и т.д.; we ran 20 knots a day мы делали двадцать узлов в день
    2) run smb. in some manner run smb. (too) fast гнать кого-л. (очень) быстро; run smb. somewhere run a horse up and down прохаживать лошадь [взад и вперед]; run the gun out выкапывать орудие; run the car downhill (uphill) ехать на машине с горы (в гору)
    3) run smth. at some time run a bus every three minutes отправлять автобус каждые три минуты; run cars day and night держать машины на линии круглые сутки, обеспечивать работу у машин круглосуточно
    4) run smb. somewhere run smb. home отвозить кого-л. домой; run smb. out выгнать кого-л.
    5) run smth. for (in) some time run the machine (the press, etc.) 24 hours a day работать на машине и т.д. двадцать четыре часа в сутки /круглосуточно/; run 500 barrels of oil daily (1000 bottles of milk a day, etc.) выпускать 500 бочек масла и т.д. в день
    6) run smth. at some time run a film often (twice a week, six times, etc.) демонстрировать /показывать/ фильм часто и т.д.; I'll run the first part of the film through again я прокручу еще раз первую часть фильма
    7) run smth. at some time interviews (oral examinations, the programme, etc.) ran twenty minutes behind интервью и т.д. началось на двадцать минут позже; the rehearsal (the meeting, etc.) can ten minutes earlier репетиция и т.д. началась на десять минут раньше
    8) run smth. somewhere run a ship aground посадить корабль на мель; run a boat (a ship) ashore направить лодку корабль) к берегу
    5. V
    1) run smb. some distance run a fox (a hare, etc.) five miles (a long distance, the length of the field, etc.) преследовать /гнать/ лису и т.д. пять миль и т.д.
    2) run smb. some sum of money the dress (this picture, this boat, the new house, this car, etc.) will run you a considerable sum of money это платье и т.д. будет вам дорого стоить
    6. VI
    semiaux run smb. to some state run smb. breathless гонять кого-л. до изнеможения || run smb. close (hard) не уступать кому-л., быть чьим-л. опасным противником /соперником/; run smth. close быть почти равным чему-л.; run it fine иметь (времени, денег) в обрез
    7. XI
    1) be run after she is much run after a) с ней многие ищут знакомства; б) за ней многие ухаживают; I hate to feel that I am being run after терпеть не могу, когда за мной бегают
    2) || be run off one's feet coll. сбиться с ног; I was run off my feet that day я набегался за день
    3) be run into smth. molten metal is run into moulds расплавленный металл разливают в формы
    4) be run at some time sleepingcars (express trains, these boats, etc.) are run twice a week (on week days, etc.) поезда со спальными вагонами и т.д. ходят два раза в неделю и т.д.; be run somewhere these trains are run between X and Y эти поезда курсируют между X и Y
    5) be run on smth. trains (buses, etc.) are run on electricity (on coal, on steam, etc.) поезда и т.д. работают на электричестве и т.д.; be run at smth. be run at some cost обходиться в определенную сумму (об эксплуатации машины и т.п.); this car can be run at a small cost расходы на эксплуатацию этой машины очень невелика
    6) be run on smth. this book is to be run on good paper эта книга будет издана на хорошей бумаге
    7) be run through he was run through and through ему было нанесено множество колотых ран; be run through by smth. he was run through by a bayonet его пронзили штыком, его закололи штыком
    8) be run at some time the race (the match, the competition, etc.) will be run tomorrow (next week, etc.) скачки и т.д. состоятся /будут проводиться/ завтра и т.д.; the cup will be run for today сегодня состоятся соревнования на кубок /состоится розыгрыш кубка/; be run in some condition the Derby was run in a snowstorm (in rain, etc.) дерби проводилось во время сильного снегопада /вьюги/ и т.д.; be run as (on) smth. this business (it, this scheme, etc.) is run /is being run/ as a commercial enterprise /on a commercial basis/ это дело и т.д. ведется на коммерческой основе; be run by smb. he is (hard) run by his wife (by his secretary, etc.) он под башмаком у своей жены и т.д.; the school is run by a committee школа управляется советом
    8. XIII
    run to do smth. run to catch the train (to meet us, to see what is going on, etc.) бежать /торопиться/, чтобы успеть на писал и т.д.; she ran to help us она бросилась нам на помощь
    9. XV
    1) run in some state run free /loose/ бегать на свободе; let the dog run loose дай собаке побегать на воле
    2) run in some order run second (third, etc.) a) бежать вторым и т.д.; б) идти /прийти/ вторым и т.д.; my horse ran last моя лошадь пришла последней /заняла последнее место/
    3) abs run parallel идти /бежать/ параллельно /бок о бок/ || run foul of smth. налететь на что-л.; run foul of a hidden reef налететь на скрытый риф; run foul of the law нарушить закон; run foul of smb. вызвать чье-л. недовольство; the ships ran foul of each other корабли столкнулись [в море]
    4) semiaux run to some state run low /short/ a) понижаться, опускаться; б) иссякать; our provisions /our supplies, our stock, our stores /are running low /short/ наши запасы кончаются /на исходе/; I am running short of time у меня остается мало времени; run dry высыхать, пересыхать; the well ran dry колодец высох; the river ran dry река пересохла; my imagination ran dry моя фантазия иссякла, мое воображение истощилось; run cold похолодеть; my blood ran cold у меня кровь застыла в жилах; run hot нагреваться; wait till the water runs hot at the tap подожди, пока из крана пойдет горячая вода; run clear быть чистым; rivers run clear вода в реках частая; run high a) подниматься; б) возрастать; the sea runs high море волнуется; the waves run high волны вздымаются; the tide runs high /strong/ прилив нарастает, вода прибывает; feelings /passions/ run high страсти бушуют; the debates ran high споры разгорелись; the prices run high цены растут; run strong набирать силу; run mad сходить с ума; run wild не знать удержу; she lets her children run wild она оставляет детей без присмотра; the garden ran wild сад запущен; we are letting the flowers run wild за цветами у нас никто не ухаживает; his imagination ran wild у него разыгралось воображение; run a certain size apples (pears, potatoes, etc.) run big (small, etc.) this year яблоки и т.д. в этом году крупные и т.д.
    10. XVI
    1) run about (across, around, up, down, in, etc.) smth. run about the streets (about the fields, about the garden, in the pastures, in the yard, etc.) бегать по улицам и т.д.; run across the road (across the street, across the square, etc.) перебегать дорогу и т.д.; run down the road (down the street, down the hill, down the path, down the mountain, down the lane, etc.) бежать вниз по дороге и т.д.; run along the wall (along the bank of the river, etc.) бежать вдоль стены и т.д.; run up the path (up the mountain, etc.) бежать вверх по тропинке и т.д.; run out of the house (out of the room, etc.) выбежать из дома и т.д.; run into a room вбежать в комнату; run through the garden (through the yard, through the village, etc.) пробегать через сад и т.д.; every morning he ran around the garden to keep in condition каждое утро он бегал по саду, чтобы быть в форме; run to /towards/ smth., smb. run towards the door (to the coming visitors, to her son, etc.) подбежать /броситься/ к двери и т.д.; run before (behind, past, by, etc.) smb. run before the crowd (behind the marchers, by her past the waiting people, etc.) бежать впереди толпы и т.д.; he ran past her without saying "hello" он пробежал мимо и даже не поздоровался; run before the wind идти по ветру
    2) run after smb., smth. run after the burglar (after the thief, after a rabbit, etc.) гнаться за грабителем и т.д.; don't bother running after the bus, you'll never catch it какой толк бежать за автобусом, все равно его не догонишь; run after him, he's left his wallet behind догони его, он забыл свой бумажник; who's running after you? кто за вами гонится?; I can't keep running after you all day! coll. я не могу бегать за тобой весь день!; run from smth., smb. run from the village (from the enemy, from danger, etc.) бежать из деревни и т.д.; run to (for) smth., smb. run to smb.'s help поспешить кому-л. на помощь; run to the post-office сбегать на почту; run for the doctor (for the police, etc.) сбегать за врачом и т.д.; run for a prize бежать на приз; run to smb. for help бежать к кому-л. за помощью; run to his mother (to his parents, etc.) with every little problem бегать к матери и т.д. с каждой мелочью; run in smth. run in a race участвовать в забеге /в соревнованиях по бегу/ || run for one's life colt. бежать во весь дух; run for it coll, бежать что есть мочи
    3) run after smb. coll. she runs after every good-looking man in the village она бегает за каждым красивым парнем в деревне; you shouldn't run after him не надо вешаться ему на шею, run after the great увлекаться великими людьми: run after smth. coll. he runs after the country club set он стремится попасть в круг членов загородного клуба; run after new theories увлекаться новыми веяниями
    4) run along (over, past, on, etc.) smth. run along the highway (along the streets, over the hill, over slippery roads, through the city, etc.) двигаться /мчаться, нестись/ по шоссе и т.д.; cars run along these roads по этим дорогам движутся автомобили; sledges run well over frozen snow сани хорошо скользят по мерзлому снегу, the train ran past the signal поезд проскочил светофор; the ball ran past the hole шарик прокатился мимо лунки; the ball ran over the curb and into the street мяч перекатился через обочину и попал /выкатился/ на дорогу; run on snow (on macadam roads, etc.) передвигаться /катиться, скользить/ по снегу и т.д.; trains run on rails поезда ходят по рельсам; the table runs on wheels стол передвигается на колесиках; file drawers run on ball bearings каталожные ящики двигаются /выдвигаются, ходят/ на подшипниках; the fire ran along the ground огонь побежал по земле the fire ran through the-building огонь охватил все здание; run at some speed run at a very high speed (at full speed, at 60 miles an hour, etc.) двигаться с очень большой скоростью и т.д. the train ran at an illegal speed поезд шел с превышением предела скорости
    5) run at smb. run at the enemy (на)броситься на врага
    6) run down ( along, into, to, from, at, etc.) smth. run down the wind screen (down the rain-pipe, down the slope, down smb.'s face, down her cheeks,.etc.) катится /стекать/ по ветровому стеклу и т.д.; the rapids run over the rocks на камнях вода образовывает пороги; run over the table (over the floor, etc.) растекаться или рассыпаться по столу и т.д.; wax ran down the burning candle воск оплывал и стекал по горящей свече; the river runs into the ocean (into the sea, etc.) река впадает в океан и т.д.; water is running into the bath в ванну наливается вода; water runs from a tap (from a cistern from a cask, etc.) из крана и т.д. бежит /льётся вода; sweat was running from his forehead (from his face) у него по лбу (по лицу) струился пот; blood ran from a wound (from a cut, etc.) из раны и т.д. потекла кровь; tears ran from her eyes у нее из глаз катились слезы; he is running at the nose (at the mouth) у него течет из носу (изо рта); I felt tile blood running to my head я чувствовал, как кровь бросилась мне в голову; good blood runs in his veins в его жилах течет хорошая кровь; the colours (the dyes) run in the washing при стирке краски линяют; run with smth. run with sweat взмокнуть от пота, обливаться потом; his eyes ran with tears у него глаза наполнились слезами; the floor (the streets, etc.) ran with water (with blood, with wine, etc.) пол и т.д. был залит водой и т.д.; run off smb. water ran off him с него стекала вода id run off smb. as /like/ water off a duck's back = как с гуся вода; her words (scoldings, admonitions, etc.) ran off him like water off a duck's back на все ее слова и т.д. он не обращал ни малейшего внимания
    7) run to (between) smth. a morning train runs to Paris (to the south, to this city, etc.) в Париж и т.д. ходит утренний поезд; trains (boats, buses, etc.) run between the capitals of these countries (between these towns, between London and the coast. etc.) между столицами этих стран и т.д. ходят /курсируют/ поезда и т.д.
    8) run on (off) smth. cars run on gasoline автомобили работают на бензине; the apparatus runs off the mains аппаратура работает от сети
    9) run for some time the play ran for 200 nights (for a year) пьеса выдержала двести спектаклей (шла целый год); the picture runs for 3 hours фильм идет три часа; the interval sometimes runs to as much as half an hour антракт иногда длится полчаса; run at some place the play (the film) is now running at the Lyceum пьеса сейчас идет в театре "Лицеум"
    10) run across ( along, through, over, up, etc.) smth. the road (the path, etc.) runs across the plain (along the river, along the shore, through the wood, over a hill, up the mountain, close to the village, right by my house, at right angles to the highway, etc.) дорога и т.д. проходит по равнине и т.д.; a corridor runs through the house по всей длине дома тянется коридор; shelves run round the walls (round the room) по всем стенам (по всей комнате) идут полки; a fence runs round the house дом обнесен забором: ivy runs all over the wall (up the side of the house, upon other plants, etc.) плющ вьется по всей стене и т.д.; vine.runs over the porch крыльцо увито виноградом; a scar runs across his left cheek через всю его левую щеку проходит шрам; run from smth. to smth. the chain of mountains runs from north to south горная цепь тянется с севера на юг; shelves run from floor to ceiling полки идут от пола до потолка; this road runs from the village to the station эта дорога идет от деревни к станции; run for some distance the river ( the unpaved section, the path, etc.) runs for 200 miles (for eight miles, etc.) река и т.д. тянется на двести миль и т.д.
    11) run in smth. what sizes do these dresses run in? каких размеров бывают в продаже эти платья?; run in certain numbers иметь определенные номера; on this side house numbers run in odd numbers по этой стороне [улицы] идут нечетные номера домов
    12) run over smth. his fingers ran over the strings (over the piano, over the keys, etc.) он пробежал пальцами по струнам и т.д.; run over one's pockets ощупать свой карманы; run over the seams of the boat осмотреть /ощупать/ швы лодки
    13) run down ( over, through, etc.) smth. a cheer ran down the line (down the ranks of spectators) возгласы одобрения /крики ура/ прокатились по строю (по рядам зрителей); a murmur (a whisper) ran through the crowd по толпе пробежал /прокатился/ ропот (шепот); the news ran all over the town новость облетела весь город; rumours ran through the village (through the town, etc.) no деревне и т.д. прошли /разнеслись/ слухи; a thought (an idea, etc.) ran in /through/ his head /his mind/ у него в голове пронеслась /промелькнула/ мысль и т.д.; this idea run-s through the whole book эта идея проходит через /пронизывает/ всю книгу; the song (the old tune, his words, a snatch of their conversation, etc.) kept running in my mind /through my head/ эта песенка и т.д. неотвязно звучала у меня в ушах; his influence runs through every department его влияние чувствуется /ощущается/ во всех отделах; run up /down/ smth. a cold shiver ran up /down/ his spine холодная дрожь пробежала у него по спине; a sharp pain ran up /down/ his arm (his spine, his leg, etc.) он почувствовал острую боль в руке и т.д.
    14) run into smth. days ran into weeks дни складывались в недели; one year ran into the next шел год за годом
    15) run (up)on smth. the talk (the whole argument, etc.) ran on this point (on this subject, upon the past, on this problem, on the matter, on the same event, on the recent occurrence, etc.) разговор и т.д. вертелся вокруг этого вопроса и т.д.; the conversation ran on politics разговор шел о политике; the boy's thoughts /mind/ kept running on the same theme (on food, on the event, etc.) мальчик все время думал об одном и том же и т.д. || run along familiar lines касаться привычных тем, думать или говорить традиционно
    16) run for some time the law (the contract, the lease, etc.) runs for 3 years этот закон и т.д. имеет /сохраняет/ силу в течение трех лет; your interest runs from January 1st to December 31 вам начисляются проценты с первого января по тридцать первое декабря
    17) run out of smth. we have run out of sugar (out of provisions, out of food, out of petrol, out of tobacco, out of bread, etc.) у нас кончился сахар и т.д.
    18) run over (through, down) smth. run over one's notes (over these proofs, over the story, through one's mail, through the main points of the subject, down the list of names, etc.) просмотреть /пробежать глазами/ свои заметки и т.д.; her eyes ran over the room она окинула комнату беглым взглядом; his eyes ran down the front row and stopped suddenly он глазами пробежал по первому ряду, и вдруг его взгляд на ком-то задержался; don't run through your work so fast не делайте свою работу в спешке
    19) run over/through/ smth. just run over /through/ my lines with me before the rehearsal begins повторите со мной роль до начала репетиции; we'll run over that song again мы еще раз пропоем эту песенку; she ran over his good points она перечислила его достоинства; run through the scene оживить в своей памяти эту сцену
    20) run in (on, etc.) smth. the account (the story, the article, etc.) ran in all the papers сообщение и т.д. было напечатано /опубликовано/ во всех газетах; this item ran under a sensational heading эта информация была напечатана под сенсационным заголовком; political cartoons run on the editorial page политические карикатуры печатаются /помещаются/ на той же полосе, где и передовая статья || run in certain words быть сформулированным определённым образом; the order ran in these words приказ был сформулирован именно следующими словами
    21) run into /through /smth. the book (his novel, etc.) ran into /through/ 5 editions (10 impressions, thousands of copies, etc.) эта книга выдержала пять изданий и т.д.
    22) run through smth. run through a fortune (through the money he won, through his winnings, etc.) растратить /растранжирить/ наследство и т.д.; he ran through his father's money very quickly он очень быстро промотал отцовские деньги; money runs through his fingers [like water through a sieve], he runs through money quickly деньги у него не задерживаются; we run through a lot of sugar in a week мы расходуем много сахара за неделю
    23) run in (to) some amount his income (her bank account, their inheritance, etc.) runs to ten or twelve thousand pounds его доходы и т.д. исчисляются в десять-двенадцать тысяч фунтов; our hotel bill ran to t 500 наш счет за гостиницу достиг суммы в пятьсот фунтов /равняется пятистам фунтам/; the losses run into five figures убытки выражаются в пятизначных числах; a boat like that runs into a lot of money (to a pretty penny) такая лодка стоит больших денег (станет в копеечку); prices run from 50 pence to a pound цены колеблются от пятидесяти пенсов до одного фунта; my money won't run to a car на машину у меня не хватит денег; we can't run to a holiday abroad this year в этом году мы себе не можем позволить провести отпуск за границей; the story (the manuscript, etc.) runs to 16 pages (to three volumes, etc.) рассказ и т.д. занимает шестнадцать страниц и т.д.; her letter ran to a great length она написала очень длинное письмо
    24) run against (into, on, at, etc.) smth. run against /into/ a tree (into a wall, into a bank of soft mud, at the railing, etc.) налететь на дерево и т.д., врезаться в дерево и т.д.; run against a rock (on a mine, etc.) наскочить на скалу и т.д.; run into a patch of thick mist (into a gale, into a storm, etc.) попасть в густой туман и т.д.
    25) run into (across, etc.) smb. run into each other (into an old classmate, into an old friend, etc.) случайно встретить друг друга и т.д.; run across smb. in the street столкнуться с кем-л. на улице; when did you last run across him? когда вы с ним последний раз виделись?; you never know whom you'll run into at a party никогда не знаешь, кого встретишь на вечеринке
    26) run into (across) smth. run into danger (into trouble, into mischief, etc.) попасть в опасное положение и т.д.; run into difficulties очутиться в затруднительном положении; run into debts залезть в долга; run across one of his earliest recordings (across the first edition of this book in a second-hand bookshop, etc.) натолкнуться на /случайно найти/ одну из его ранних записей и т.д.; he ran across her name in the phone book он случайно встретил /увидел/ ее имя в телефонной книге; run against smth. this runs against my interests это идет вразрез с моими интересами
    27) run for smth. run for parliament (for office, for the presidency, for governor, etc.) баллотироваться в члены парламента и т.д.; run in smth. run in an election баллотироваться на выборах; how many candidates is the Liberal Party running in the General Election? сколько кандидатов выставляет либеральная партия на выборах?; run against smb. whom will the Republicans run against the Democratic candidate? кого выставят республиканцы против кандидата от демократической партии?
    28) aux run in smth. musical talent (courage, broadmindedness, red hair, etc) runs in the family (in the blood) музыкальность и т.д. - их семейная черта (у них в крови); run to smth. run to sentiment /to sentimentality/ (to fat, etc.) быть склонным /расположенным/ к сентиментальности и т.д.; they run to big noses (to red hair, to being overweight, etc.) in that family в их семье у всех большие носы и т.д.; the novel runs to long descriptions в романе слишком много затянутых описаний
    11. XIX1
    1) run like smb., smth. run like a deer /like a hare, like the devil, like hell, like blazes, like anything/ бежать во весь опор /что есть мочи/
    2) run like smth. news (rumours) run like wildfire (like lightning) новости (слухи) распространяются как лесной пожар (с быстротой молнии)
    12. XX3
    2) || run as follows гласить следующее; the conversation ran as follows... разговор был такой...
    13. XXI1
    1) run smth. in (over) smth. run two miles in six minutes проехать две мили за шесть минут; run a race over a mile бежать на дистанцию в одну милю;
    2) run smb. across (out of, etc.) smth. run a horse across a field погонять лошадь по полю; run oneself out of breath бежать так, что начинаешь задыхаться
    3) run smb., smth. (in)to (off, out of, etc.) smth. run a fox to cover /to earth/ загнать лису в нору; they ran him off his property его согнали с собственной земля; run smb. out of the country выдворить кого-л. из страны; run a саг into a garage (a ship into harbour, a cart into the yard, etc.) завезти машину в гараж и т.д.
    4) run smth. in (to) smth. run some water into glasses (milk into casks, lead into moulds, etc.) наливать воду в стаканы и т.д.; run bullets into a mould отливать пули; run oil in a still рафинировать масло; run smth. for smb., smth. run a hot tub for smb. сделать для кого-л. горячую ванну; run the water for a tub наполнять ванну водой
    5) run smth. to smth. run ships (trains, etc.) to London водить корабли и т.д. в Лондон; run smth. between smth. run trains (buses, etc.) between these towns пускать поезда и т.д. между этими городами; run a ferry between these villages соединить эти деревни паромом; run smth. from smth. to smth. run trains ( line of mail-boats, etc.) from the capital to other cities пускать поезда и т.д. из столицы в другие города; run smth. during smth. run extra trains during rush hours пускать дополнительные поезда в часы пик
    6) run smth., smb. across (into, to, etc.) smth. run guns (narcotics, drugs, etc.) across the border (into the country) провозить /переправлять/ оружие и т.д. [контрабандой] через границу (в какую-л. страну); run smb. up to town отвозить кого-л. в город
    7) run smth. at smth. run a factory at a loss иметь от фабрики один убытки; run a саг at small cost тратить на содержание машины немного денег; run smth. off smth. she runs her electric sewing-machine off the mains ее электрическая швейная машина работает от сети; run smth., smb. in smth. run a car (a bicycle, etc.) in a race участвовать в автогонках и т.д.; he runs horses in races a) он жокей; б) он держит конюшню /скаковых лошадей/
    8) run smth. across (around, from... to, etc.) smth. run a partition across a room разгородить комнату перегородкой; run a rope across the street натянуть канат через улицу; run a fence around the lot обнести участок забором; run a telephone cable from one place to another проложить /провести/ телефонный кабель от одного пункта в другой, соединять два пункта телефонным кабелем
    9) run smth. against (over, through, etc.) smth. run one's fingers (one's hand) against a door (over a surface, over the seams of the boat, etc.) провести пальцами (рукой) по двери и т.д.; ощупать дверь и т.д.; run a comb through one's hair расчесать волосы гребнем; run one's hand over one's hair пригладить волосы ладонью; run one's fingers over the strings of a harp (over the keys of a piano, etc.) пробежать пальцами по струнам арфы и т.д.; run one's eyes over a page (over a letter, etc.) пробежать глазами страницу и т.д.; run one's finger down the list просмотреть список, водя по строчкам пальцем; run one's pencil through these names (through a word, etc.) зачеркнуть эти фамилии и т.д. карандашом; run a line on a map (over a surface, etc.) провести /прочертить/ линию на карте и т.д.
    10) run smth. behind smth. run a few minutes behind schedule (behind time) не укладываться в расписание (во времени); if we run ten minutes behind schedule the whole evening's viewing will be thrown out of gear если расписание сдвинется больше, чем на десять минут, то программа всего вечера будет нарушена; the programmes are running 10 minutes behind schedule наши программы сегодня запаздывают на десять минут
    11) run smb., smth. through smth. run the actors through their parts заставить актеров повторить свои роли или партии; I'd like to run you through that scene я бы хотел, чтобы вы еще раз провели эту сцену
    12) run smth. to smth. run tile rumour to its source выяснить источник слухов; run a quotation to earth выяснить, откуда взята цитата
    13) run smth. on smth. run the story (this account, the article, this cartoon, etc.) on page one напечатать рассказ и т.д. на первой странице
    14) run smth., smb. into (on) smth., smb. run a саг into a tree (into a wall, into a post, etc.) врезаться машиной в дерево и т.д.; run a ship on a rock разбить корабль о скалу; run the troops into an ambush загнать или заманить войска в засаду; he ran me into a сор из-за него я налетел на полицейского; run smb. into a corner загнать кого-л. в угол; run smth. against smth. run one's head against a wall стукнуться /удариться/ головой о стену; run one's nose against a post (against a wall, etc.) разбить нос о столб и т.д.
    15) run smth. into (through) smth., smb. run a nail into a board забить /загнать/ гвоздь в доску; run a splinter into one's toe (into one's foot, into one's finger, etc.) занозить палец и т.д.; run a thorn (a needle) into one's finger загнать шип (иголку) в палец; run a knife into a loaf разрезать буханку хлеба ножом; run a thread through an eyelet (a rope through a loop) продеть нитку в иголку (веревку в петлю); run a sword through one's enemy пронзить /проколоть/ своего противника шпагой; run smb. through with smth. run a man through with a sword проткнуть кого-л. шпагой
    16) || run a stocking on smth. рвать чулок обо что-л.; run a stocking on a nail разодрать чулок о гвоздь
    17) run smth. for smb. who runs his house for him? кто ведет у него хозяйство?
    18) run smb. (in)to smth. run smb. into expense ввести кого-л. в расход; run smb. into debts заставить кого-л. влезть в долги; run oneself to death до смерти забегаться || this ran me clean off my legs я из-за этого столько бегал, что теперь ног под собой не чую
    19) aux run smth. on (at) smth. I can't afford to run a car on my salary на свою зарплату я не могу содержать машину; run 60 head of cattle on this ranch держать на ранчо шестьдесят голов скота; run an account at the grocery иметь счет у бакалейщика
    14. XXV
    1) run if... (when..., etc.) you'll have to run if you want to catch the train тебе придется бежать, если ты хочешь успеть на поезд; he used to run when he was at college когда он был студентом, он занимался бегом
    2) run when the colour of the dress ran when it was washed платье полиняло в стирке
    3) run that... the story (the rumour) runs that... по рассказам (по слухам)...

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > run

  • 15 Historical Portugal

       Before Romans described western Iberia or Hispania as "Lusitania," ancient Iberians inhabited the land. Phoenician and Greek trading settlements grew up in the Tagus estuary area and nearby coasts. Beginning around 202 BCE, Romans invaded what is today southern Portugal. With Rome's defeat of Carthage, Romans proceeded to conquer and rule the western region north of the Tagus, which they named Roman "Lusitania." In the fourth century CE, as Rome's rule weakened, the area experienced yet another invasion—Germanic tribes, principally the Suevi, who eventually were Christianized. During the sixth century CE, the Suevi kingdom was superseded by yet another Germanic tribe—the Christian Visigoths.
       A major turning point in Portugal's history came in 711, as Muslim armies from North Africa, consisting of both Arab and Berber elements, invaded the Iberian Peninsula from across the Straits of Gibraltar. They entered what is now Portugal in 714, and proceeded to conquer most of the country except for the far north. For the next half a millennium, Islam and Muslim presence in Portugal left a significant mark upon the politics, government, language, and culture of the country.
       Islam, Reconquest, and Portugal Created, 714-1140
       The long frontier struggle between Muslim invaders and Christian communities in the north of the Iberian peninsula was called the Reconquista (Reconquest). It was during this struggle that the first dynasty of Portuguese kings (Burgundian) emerged and the independent monarchy of Portugal was established. Christian forces moved south from what is now the extreme north of Portugal and gradually defeated Muslim forces, besieging and capturing towns under Muslim sway. In the ninth century, as Christian forces slowly made their way southward, Christian elements were dominant only in the area between Minho province and the Douro River; this region became known as "territorium Portu-calense."
       In the 11th century, the advance of the Reconquest quickened as local Christian armies were reinforced by crusading knights from what is now France and England. Christian forces took Montemor (1034), at the Mondego River; Lamego (1058); Viseu (1058); and Coimbra (1064). In 1095, the king of Castile and Léon granted the country of "Portu-cale," what became northern Portugal, to a Burgundian count who had emigrated from France. This was the foundation of Portugal. In 1139, a descendant of this count, Afonso Henriques, proclaimed himself "King of Portugal." He was Portugal's first monarch, the "Founder," and the first of the Burgundian dynasty, which ruled until 1385.
       The emergence of Portugal in the 12th century as a separate monarchy in Iberia occurred before the Christian Reconquest of the peninsula. In the 1140s, the pope in Rome recognized Afonso Henriques as king of Portugal. In 1147, after a long, bloody siege, Muslim-occupied Lisbon fell to Afonso Henriques's army. Lisbon was the greatest prize of the 500-year war. Assisting this effort were English crusaders on their way to the Holy Land; the first bishop of Lisbon was an Englishman. When the Portuguese captured Faro and Silves in the Algarve province in 1248-50, the Reconquest of the extreme western portion of the Iberian peninsula was complete—significantly, more than two centuries before the Spanish crown completed the Reconquest of the eastern portion by capturing Granada in 1492.
       Consolidation and Independence of Burgundian Portugal, 1140-1385
       Two main themes of Portugal's early existence as a monarchy are the consolidation of control over the realm and the defeat of a Castil-ian threat from the east to its independence. At the end of this period came the birth of a new royal dynasty (Aviz), which prepared to carry the Christian Reconquest beyond continental Portugal across the straits of Gibraltar to North Africa. There was a variety of motives behind these developments. Portugal's independent existence was imperiled by threats from neighboring Iberian kingdoms to the north and east. Politics were dominated not only by efforts against the Muslims in
       Portugal (until 1250) and in nearby southern Spain (until 1492), but also by internecine warfare among the kingdoms of Castile, Léon, Aragon, and Portugal. A final comeback of Muslim forces was defeated at the battle of Salado (1340) by allied Castilian and Portuguese forces. In the emerging Kingdom of Portugal, the monarch gradually gained power over and neutralized the nobility and the Church.
       The historic and commonplace Portuguese saying "From Spain, neither a good wind nor a good marriage" was literally played out in diplomacy and war in the late 14th-century struggles for mastery in the peninsula. Larger, more populous Castile was pitted against smaller Portugal. Castile's Juan I intended to force a union between Castile and Portugal during this era of confusion and conflict. In late 1383, Portugal's King Fernando, the last king of the Burgundian dynasty, suddenly died prematurely at age 38, and the Master of Aviz, Portugal's most powerful nobleman, took up the cause of independence and resistance against Castile's invasion. The Master of Aviz, who became King João I of Portugal, was able to obtain foreign assistance. With the aid of English archers, Joao's armies defeated the Castilians in the crucial battle of Aljubarrota, on 14 August 1385, a victory that assured the independence of the Portuguese monarchy from its Castilian nemesis for several centuries.
       Aviz Dynasty and Portugal's First Overseas Empire, 1385-1580
       The results of the victory at Aljubarrota, much celebrated in Portugal's art and monuments, and the rise of the Aviz dynasty also helped to establish a new merchant class in Lisbon and Oporto, Portugal's second city. This group supported King João I's program of carrying the Reconquest to North Africa, since it was interested in expanding Portugal's foreign commerce and tapping into Muslim trade routes and resources in Africa. With the Reconquest against the Muslims completed in Portugal and the threat from Castile thwarted for the moment, the Aviz dynasty launched an era of overseas conquest, exploration, and trade. These efforts dominated Portugal's 15th and 16th centuries.
       The overseas empire and age of Discoveries began with Portugal's bold conquest in 1415 of the Moroccan city of Ceuta. One royal member of the 1415 expedition was young, 21-year-old Prince Henry, later known in history as "Prince Henry the Navigator." His part in the capture of Ceuta won Henry his knighthood and began Portugal's "Marvelous Century," during which the small kingdom was counted as a European and world power of consequence. Henry was the son of King João I and his English queen, Philippa of Lancaster, but he did not inherit the throne. Instead, he spent most of his life and his fortune, and that of the wealthy military Order of Christ, on various imperial ventures and on voyages of exploration down the African coast and into the Atlantic. While mythology has surrounded Henry's controversial role in the Discoveries, and this role has been exaggerated, there is no doubt that he played a vital part in the initiation of Portugal's first overseas empire and in encouraging exploration. He was naturally curious, had a sense of mission for Portugal, and was a strong leader. He also had wealth to expend; at least a third of the African voyages of the time were under his sponsorship. If Prince Henry himself knew little science, significant scientific advances in navigation were made in his day.
       What were Portugal's motives for this new imperial effort? The well-worn historical cliche of "God, Glory, and Gold" can only partly explain the motivation of a small kingdom with few natural resources and barely 1 million people, which was greatly outnumbered by the other powers it confronted. Among Portuguese objectives were the desire to exploit known North African trade routes and resources (gold, wheat, leather, weaponry, and other goods that were scarce in Iberia); the need to outflank the Muslim world in the Mediterranean by sailing around Africa, attacking Muslims en route; and the wish to ally with Christian kingdoms beyond Africa. This enterprise also involved a strategy of breaking the Venetian spice monopoly by trading directly with the East by means of discovering and exploiting a sea route around Africa to Asia. Besides the commercial motives, Portugal nurtured a strong crusading sense of Christian mission, and various classes in the kingdom saw an opportunity for fame and gain.
       By the time of Prince Henry's death in 1460, Portugal had gained control of the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Madeiras, begun to colonize the Cape Verde Islands, failed to conquer the Canary Islands from Castile, captured various cities on Morocco's coast, and explored as far as Senegal, West Africa, down the African coast. By 1488, Bar-tolomeu Dias had rounded the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa and thereby discovered the way to the Indian Ocean.
       Portugal's largely coastal African empire and later its fragile Asian empire brought unexpected wealth but were purchased at a high price. Costs included wars of conquest and defense against rival powers, manning the far-flung navel and trade fleets and scattered castle-fortresses, and staffing its small but fierce armies, all of which entailed a loss of skills and population to maintain a scattered empire. Always short of capital, the monarchy became indebted to bankers. There were many defeats beginning in the 16th century at the hands of the larger imperial European monarchies (Spain, France, England, and Holland) and many attacks on Portugal and its strung-out empire. Typically, there was also the conflict that arose when a tenuously held world empire that rarely if ever paid its way demanded finance and manpower Portugal itself lacked.
       The first 80 years of the glorious imperial era, the golden age of Portugal's imperial power and world influence, was an African phase. During 1415-88, Portuguese navigators and explorers in small ships, some of them caravelas (caravels), explored the treacherous, disease-ridden coasts of Africa from Morocco to South Africa beyond the Cape of Good Hope. By the 1470s, the Portuguese had reached the Gulf of Guinea and, in the early 1480s, what is now Angola. Bartolomeu Dias's extraordinary voyage of 1487-88 to South Africa's coast and the edge of the Indian Ocean convinced Portugal that the best route to Asia's spices and Christians lay south, around the tip of southern Africa. Between 1488 and 1495, there was a hiatus caused in part by domestic conflict in Portugal, discussion of resources available for further conquests beyond Africa in Asia, and serious questions as to Portugal's capacity to reach beyond Africa. In 1495, King Manuel and his council decided to strike for Asia, whatever the consequences. In 1497-99, Vasco da Gama, under royal orders, made the epic two-year voyage that discovered the sea route to western India (Asia), outflanked Islam and Venice, and began Portugal's Asian empire. Within 50 years, Portugal had discovered and begun the exploitation of its largest colony, Brazil, and set up forts and trading posts from the Middle East (Aden and Ormuz), India (Calicut, Goa, etc.), Malacca, and Indonesia to Macau in China.
       By the 1550s, parts of its largely coastal, maritime trading post empire from Morocco to the Moluccas were under siege from various hostile forces, including Muslims, Christians, and Hindi. Although Moroccan forces expelled the Portuguese from the major coastal cities by 1550, the rival European monarchies of Castile (Spain), England, France, and later Holland began to seize portions of her undermanned, outgunned maritime empire.
       In 1580, Phillip II of Spain, whose mother was a Portuguese princess and who had a strong claim to the Portuguese throne, invaded Portugal, claimed the throne, and assumed control over the realm and, by extension, its African, Asian, and American empires. Phillip II filled the power vacuum that appeared in Portugal following the loss of most of Portugal's army and its young, headstrong King Sebastião in a disastrous war in Morocco. Sebastiao's death in battle (1578) and the lack of a natural heir to succeed him, as well as the weak leadership of the cardinal who briefly assumed control in Lisbon, led to a crisis that Spain's strong monarch exploited. As a result, Portugal lost its independence to Spain for a period of 60 years.
       Portugal under Spanish Rule, 1580-1640
       Despite the disastrous nature of Portugal's experience under Spanish rule, "The Babylonian Captivity" gave birth to modern Portuguese nationalism, its second overseas empire, and its modern alliance system with England. Although Spain allowed Portugal's weakened empire some autonomy, Spanish rule in Portugal became increasingly burdensome and unacceptable. Spain's ambitious imperial efforts in Europe and overseas had an impact on the Portuguese as Spain made greater and greater demands on its smaller neighbor for manpower and money. Portugal's culture underwent a controversial Castilianization, while its empire became hostage to Spain's fortunes. New rival powers England, France, and Holland attacked and took parts of Spain's empire and at the same time attacked Portugal's empire, as well as the mother country.
       Portugal's empire bore the consequences of being attacked by Spain's bitter enemies in what was a form of world war. Portuguese losses were heavy. By 1640, Portugal had lost most of its Moroccan cities as well as Ceylon, the Moluccas, and sections of India. With this, Portugal's Asian empire was gravely weakened. Only Goa, Damão, Diu, Bombay, Timor, and Macau remained and, in Brazil, Dutch forces occupied the northeast.
       On 1 December 1640, long commemorated as a national holiday, Portuguese rebels led by the duke of Braganza overthrew Spanish domination and took advantage of Spanish weakness following a more serious rebellion in Catalonia. Portugal regained independence from Spain, but at a price: dependence on foreign assistance to maintain its independence in the form of the renewal of the alliance with England.
       Restoration and Second Empire, 1640-1822
       Foreign affairs and empire dominated the restoration era and aftermath, and Portugal again briefly enjoyed greater European power and prestige. The Anglo-Portuguese Alliance was renewed and strengthened in treaties of 1642, 1654, and 1661, and Portugal's independence from Spain was underwritten by English pledges and armed assistance. In a Luso-Spanish treaty of 1668, Spain recognized Portugal's independence. Portugal's alliance with England was a marriage of convenience and necessity between two monarchies with important religious, cultural, and social differences. In return for legal, diplomatic, and trade privileges, as well as the use during war and peace of Portugal's great Lisbon harbor and colonial ports for England's navy, England pledged to protect Portugal and its scattered empire from any attack. The previously cited 17th-century alliance treaties were renewed later in the Treaty of Windsor, signed in London in 1899. On at least 10 different occasions after 1640, and during the next two centuries, England was central in helping prevent or repel foreign invasions of its ally, Portugal.
       Portugal's second empire (1640-1822) was largely Brazil-oriented. Portuguese colonization, exploitation of wealth, and emigration focused on Portuguese America, and imperial revenues came chiefly from Brazil. Between 1670 and 1740, Portugal's royalty and nobility grew wealthier on funds derived from Brazilian gold, diamonds, sugar, tobacco, and other crops, an enterprise supported by the Atlantic slave trade and the supply of African slave labor from West Africa and Angola. Visitors today can see where much of that wealth was invested: Portugal's rich legacy of monumental architecture. Meanwhile, the African slave trade took a toll in Angola and West Africa.
       In continental Portugal, absolutist monarchy dominated politics and government, and there was a struggle for position and power between the monarchy and other institutions, such as the Church and nobility. King José I's chief minister, usually known in history as the marquis of Pombal (ruled 1750-77), sharply suppressed the nobility and the
       Church (including the Inquisition, now a weak institution) and expelled the Jesuits. Pombal also made an effort to reduce economic dependence on England, Portugal's oldest ally. But his successes did not last much beyond his disputed time in office.
       Beginning in the late 18th century, the European-wide impact of the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon placed Portugal in a vulnerable position. With the monarchy ineffectively led by an insane queen (Maria I) and her indecisive regent son (João VI), Portugal again became the focus of foreign ambition and aggression. With England unable to provide decisive assistance in time, France—with Spain's consent—invaded Portugal in 1807. As Napoleon's army under General Junot entered Lisbon meeting no resistance, Portugal's royal family fled on a British fleet to Brazil, where it remained in exile until 1821. In the meantime, Portugal's overseas empire was again under threat. There was a power vacuum as the monarch was absent, foreign armies were present, and new political notions of liberalism and constitutional monarchy were exciting various groups of citizens.
       Again England came to the rescue, this time in the form of the armies of the duke of Wellington. Three successive French invasions of Portugal were defeated and expelled, and Wellington succeeded in carrying the war against Napoleon across the Portuguese frontier into Spain. The presence of the English army, the new French-born liberal ideas, and the political vacuum combined to create revolutionary conditions. The French invasions and the peninsular wars, where Portuguese armed forces played a key role, marked the beginning of a new era in politics.
       Liberalism and Constitutional Monarchy, 1822-1910
       During 1807-22, foreign invasions, war, and civil strife over conflicting political ideas gravely damaged Portugal's commerce, economy, and novice industry. The next terrible blow was the loss of Brazil in 1822, the jewel in the imperial crown. Portugal's very independence seemed to be at risk. In vain, Portugal sought to resist Brazilian independence by force, but in 1825 it formally acknowledged Brazilian independence by treaty.
       Portugal's slow recovery from the destructive French invasions and the "war of independence" was complicated by civil strife over the form of constitutional monarchy that best suited Portugal. After struggles over these issues between 1820 and 1834, Portugal settled somewhat uncertainly into a moderate constitutional monarchy whose constitution (Charter of 1826) lent it strong political powers to exert a moderating influence between the executive and legislative branches of the government. It also featured a new upper middle class based on land ownership and commerce; a Catholic Church that, although still important, lived with reduced privileges and property; a largely African (third) empire to which Lisbon and Oporto devoted increasing spiritual and material resources, starting with the liberal imperial plans of 1836 and 1851, and continuing with the work of institutions like the Lisbon Society of Geography (established 1875); and a mass of rural peasants whose bonds to the land weakened after 1850 and who began to immigrate in increasing numbers to Brazil and North America.
       Chronic military intervention in national politics began in 19th-century Portugal. Such intervention, usually commencing with coups or pronunciamentos (military revolts), was a shortcut to the spoils of political office and could reflect popular discontent as well as the power of personalities. An early example of this was the 1817 golpe (coup) attempt of General Gomes Freire against British military rule in Portugal before the return of King João VI from Brazil. Except for a more stable period from 1851 to 1880, military intervention in politics, or the threat thereof, became a feature of the constitutional monarchy's political life, and it continued into the First Republic and the subsequent Estado Novo.
       Beginning with the Regeneration period (1851-80), Portugal experienced greater political stability and economic progress. Military intervention in politics virtually ceased; industrialization and construction of railroads, roads, and bridges proceeded; two political parties (Regenerators and Historicals) worked out a system of rotation in power; and leading intellectuals sparked a cultural revival in several fields. In 19th-century literature, there was a new golden age led by such figures as Alexandre Herculano (historian), Eça de Queirós (novelist), Almeida Garrett (playwright and essayist), Antero de Quental (poet), and Joaquim Oliveira Martins (historian and social scientist). In its third overseas empire, Portugal attempted to replace the slave trade and slavery with legitimate economic activities; to reform the administration; and to expand Portuguese holdings beyond coastal footholds deep into the African hinterlands in West, West Central, and East Africa. After 1841, to some extent, and especially after 1870, colonial affairs, combined with intense nationalism, pressures for economic profit in Africa, sentiment for national revival, and the drift of European affairs would make or break Lisbon governments.
       Beginning with the political crisis that arose out of the "English Ultimatum" affair of January 1890, the monarchy became discredtted and identified with the poorly functioning government, political parties splintered, and republicanism found more supporters. Portugal participated in the "Scramble for Africa," expanding its African holdings, but failed to annex territory connecting Angola and Mozambique. A growing foreign debt and state bankruptcy as of the early 1890s damaged the constitutional monarchy's reputation, despite the efforts of King Carlos in diplomacy, the renewal of the alliance in the Windsor Treaty of 1899, and the successful if bloody colonial wars in the empire (1880-97). Republicanism proclaimed that Portugal's weak economy and poor society were due to two historic institutions: the monarchy and the Catholic Church. A republic, its stalwarts claimed, would bring greater individual liberty; efficient, if more decentralized government; and a stronger colonial program while stripping the Church of its role in both society and education.
       As the monarchy lost support and republicans became more aggressive, violence increased in politics. King Carlos I and his heir Luís were murdered in Lisbon by anarchist-republicans on 1 February 1908. Following a military and civil insurrection and fighting between monarchist and republican forces, on 5 October 1910, King Manuel II fled Portugal and a republic was proclaimed.
       First Parliamentary Republic, 1910-26
       Portugal's first attempt at republican government was the most unstable, turbulent parliamentary republic in the history of 20th-century Western Europe. During a little under 16 years of the republic, there were 45 governments, a number of legislatures that did not complete normal terms, military coups, and only one president who completed his four-year term in office. Portuguese society was poorly prepared for this political experiment. Among the deadly legacies of the monarchy were a huge public debt; a largely rural, apolitical, and illiterate peasant population; conflict over the causes of the country's misfortunes; and lack of experience with a pluralist, democratic system.
       The republic had some talented leadership but lacked popular, institutional, and economic support. The 1911 republican constitution established only a limited democracy, as only a small portion of the adult male citizenry was eligible to vote. In a country where the majority was Catholic, the republic passed harshly anticlerical laws, and its institutions and supporters persecuted both the Church and its adherents. During its brief disjointed life, the First Republic drafted important reform plans in economic, social, and educational affairs; actively promoted development in the empire; and pursued a liberal, generous foreign policy. Following British requests for Portugal's assistance in World War I, Portugal entered the war on the Allied side in March 1916 and sent armies to Flanders and Portuguese Africa. Portugal's intervention in that conflict, however, was too costly in many respects, and the ultimate failure of the republic in part may be ascribed to Portugal's World War I activities.
       Unfortunately for the republic, its time coincided with new threats to Portugal's African possessions: World War I, social and political demands from various classes that could not be reconciled, excessive military intervention in politics, and, in particular, the worst economic and financial crisis Portugal had experienced since the 16th and 17th centuries. After the original Portuguese Republican Party (PRP, also known as the "Democrats") splintered into three warring groups in 1912, no true multiparty system emerged. The Democrats, except for only one or two elections, held an iron monopoly of electoral power, and political corruption became a major issue. As extreme right-wing dictatorships elsewhere in Europe began to take power in Italy (1922), neighboring Spain (1923), and Greece (1925), what scant popular support remained for the republic collapsed. Backed by a right-wing coalition of landowners from Alentejo, clergy, Coimbra University faculty and students, Catholic organizations, and big business, career military officers led by General Gomes da Costa executed a coup on 28 May 1926, turned out the last republican government, and established a military government.
       The Estado Novo (New State), 1926-74
       During the military phase (1926-32) of the Estado Novo, professional military officers, largely from the army, governed and administered Portugal and held key cabinet posts, but soon discovered that the military possessed no magic formula that could readily solve the problems inherited from the First Republic. Especially during the years 1926-31, the military dictatorship, even with its political repression of republican activities and institutions (military censorship of the press, political police action, and closure of the republic's rowdy parliament), was characterized by similar weaknesses: personalism and factionalism; military coups and political instability, including civil strife and loss of life; state debt and bankruptcy; and a weak economy. "Barracks parliamentarism" was not an acceptable alternative even to the "Nightmare Republic."
       Led by General Óscar Carmona, who had replaced and sent into exile General Gomes da Costa, the military dictatorship turned to a civilian expert in finance and economics to break the budget impasse and bring coherence to the disorganized system. Appointed minister of finance on 27 April 1928, the Coimbra University Law School professor of economics Antônio de Oliveira Salazar (1889-1970) first reformed finance, helped balance the budget, and then turned to other concerns as he garnered extraordinary governing powers. In 1930, he was appointed interim head of another key ministry (Colonies) and within a few years had become, in effect, a civilian dictator who, with the military hierarchy's support, provided the government with coherence, a program, and a set of policies.
       For nearly 40 years after he was appointed the first civilian prime minister in 1932, Salazar's personality dominated the government. Unlike extreme right-wing dictators elsewhere in Europe, Salazar was directly appointed by the army but was never endorsed by a popular political party, street militia, or voter base. The scholarly, reclusive former Coimbra University professor built up what became known after 1932 as the Estado Novo ("New State"), which at the time of its overthrow by another military coup in 1974, was the longest surviving authoritarian regime in Western Europe. The system of Salazar and the largely academic and technocratic ruling group he gathered in his cabinets was based on the central bureaucracy of the state, which was supported by the president of the republic—always a senior career military officer, General Óscar Carmona (1928-51), General Craveiro Lopes (1951-58), and Admiral Américo Tómaz (1958-74)—and the complicity of various institutions. These included a rubber-stamp legislature called the National Assembly (1935-74) and a political police known under various names: PVDE (1932-45), PIDE (1945-69),
       and DGS (1969-74). Other defenders of the Estado Novo security were paramilitary organizations such as the National Republican Guard (GNR); the Portuguese Legion (PL); and the Portuguese Youth [Movement]. In addition to censorship of the media, theater, and books, there was political repression and a deliberate policy of depoliticization. All political parties except for the approved movement of regime loyalists, the União Nacional or (National Union), were banned.
       The most vigorous and more popular period of the New State was 1932-44, when the basic structures were established. Never monolithic or entirely the work of one person (Salazar), the New State was constructed with the assistance of several dozen top associates who were mainly academics from law schools, some technocrats with specialized skills, and a handful of trusted career military officers. The 1933 Constitution declared Portugal to be a "unitary, corporative Republic," and pressures to restore the monarchy were resisted. Although some of the regime's followers were fascists and pseudofascists, many more were conservative Catholics, integralists, nationalists, and monarchists of different varieties, and even some reactionary republicans. If the New State was authoritarian, it was not totalitarian and, unlike fascism in Benito Mussolini's Italy or Adolf Hitler's Germany, it usually employed the minimum of violence necessary to defeat what remained a largely fractious, incoherent opposition.
       With the tumultuous Second Republic and the subsequent civil war in nearby Spain, the regime felt threatened and reinforced its defenses. During what Salazar rightly perceived as a time of foreign policy crisis for Portugal (1936-45), he assumed control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From there, he pursued four basic foreign policy objectives: supporting the Nationalist rebels of General Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) and concluding defense treaties with a triumphant Franco; ensuring that General Franco in an exhausted Spain did not enter World War II on the Axis side; maintaining Portuguese neutrality in World War II with a post-1942 tilt toward the Allies, including granting Britain and the United States use of bases in the Azores Islands; and preserving and protecting Portugal's Atlantic Islands and its extensive, if poor, overseas empire in Africa and Asia.
       During the middle years of the New State (1944-58), many key Salazar associates in government either died or resigned, and there was greater social unrest in the form of unprecedented strikes and clandestine Communist activities, intensified opposition, and new threatening international pressures on Portugal's overseas empire. During the earlier phase of the Cold War (1947-60), Portugal became a steadfast, if weak, member of the US-dominated North Atlantic Treaty Organization alliance and, in 1955, with American support, Portugal joined the United Nations (UN). Colonial affairs remained a central concern of the regime. As of 1939, Portugal was the third largest colonial power in the world and possessed territories in tropical Africa (Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, and São Tomé and Príncipe Islands) and the remnants of its 16th-century empire in Asia (Goa, Damão, Diu, East Timor, and Macau). Beginning in the early 1950s, following the independence of India in 1947, Portugal resisted Indian pressures to decolonize Portuguese India and used police forces to discourage internal opposition in its Asian and African colonies.
       The later years of the New State (1958-68) witnessed the aging of the increasingly isolated but feared Salazar and new threats both at home and overseas. Although the regime easily overcame the brief oppositionist threat from rival presidential candidate General Humberto Delgado in the spring of 1958, new developments in the African and Asian empires imperiled the authoritarian system. In February 1961, oppositionists hijacked the Portuguese ocean liner Santa Maria and, in following weeks, African insurgents in northern Angola, although they failed to expel the Portuguese, gained worldwide media attention, discredited the New State, and began the 13-year colonial war. After thwarting a dissident military coup against his continued leadership, Salazar and his ruling group mobilized military repression in Angola and attempted to develop the African colonies at a faster pace in order to ensure Portuguese control. Meanwhile, the other European colonial powers (Britain, France, Belgium, and Spain) rapidly granted political independence to their African territories.
       At the time of Salazar's removal from power in September 1968, following a stroke, Portugal's efforts to maintain control over its colonies appeared to be successful. President Americo Tomás appointed Dr. Marcello Caetano as Salazar's successor as prime minister. While maintaining the New State's basic structures, and continuing the regime's essential colonial policy, Caetano attempted wider reforms in colonial administration and some devolution of power from Lisbon, as well as more freedom of expression in Lisbon. Still, a great deal of the budget was devoted to supporting the wars against the insurgencies in Africa. Meanwhile in Asia, Portuguese India had fallen when the Indian army invaded in December 1961. The loss of Goa was a psychological blow to the leadership of the New State, and of the Asian empire only East Timor and Macau remained.
       The Caetano years (1968-74) were but a hiatus between the waning Salazar era and a new regime. There was greater political freedom and rapid economic growth (5-6 percent annually to late 1973), but Caetano's government was unable to reform the old system thoroughly and refused to consider new methods either at home or in the empire. In the end, regime change came from junior officers of the professional military who organized the Armed Forces Movement (MFA) against the Caetano government. It was this group of several hundred officers, mainly in the army and navy, which engineered a largely bloodless coup in Lisbon on 25 April 1974. Their unexpected action brought down the 48-year-old New State and made possible the eventual establishment and consolidation of democratic governance in Portugal, as well as a reorientation of the country away from the Atlantic toward Europe.
       Revolution of Carnations, 1974-76
       Following successful military operations of the Armed Forces Movement against the Caetano government, Portugal experienced what became known as the "Revolution of Carnations." It so happened that during the rainy week of the military golpe, Lisbon flower shops were featuring carnations, and the revolutionaries and their supporters adopted the red carnation as the common symbol of the event, as well as of the new freedom from dictatorship. The MFA, whose leaders at first were mostly little-known majors and captains, proclaimed a three-fold program of change for the new Portugal: democracy; decolonization of the overseas empire, after ending the colonial wars; and developing a backward economy in the spirit of opportunity and equality. During the first 24 months after the coup, there was civil strife, some anarchy, and a power struggle. With the passing of the Estado Novo, public euphoria burst forth as the new provisional military government proclaimed the freedoms of speech, press, and assembly, and abolished censorship, the political police, the Portuguese Legion, Portuguese Youth, and other New State organizations, including the National Union. Scores of political parties were born and joined the senior political party, the Portuguese Community Party (PCP), and the Socialist Party (PS), founded shortly before the coup.
       Portugal's Revolution of Carnations went through several phases. There was an attempt to take control by radical leftists, including the PCP and its allies. This was thwarted by moderate officers in the army, as well as by the efforts of two political parties: the PS and the Social Democrats (PPD, later PSD). The first phase was from April to September 1974. Provisional president General Antonio Spínola, whose 1974 book Portugal and the Future had helped prepare public opinion for the coup, met irresistible leftist pressures. After Spinola's efforts to avoid rapid decolonization of the African empire failed, he resigned in September 1974. During the second phase, from September 1974 to March 1975, radical military officers gained control, but a coup attempt by General Spínola and his supporters in Lisbon in March 1975 failed and Spínola fled to Spain.
       In the third phase of the Revolution, March-November 1975, a strong leftist reaction followed. Farm workers occupied and "nationalized" 1.1 million hectares of farmland in the Alentejo province, and radical military officers in the provisional government ordered the nationalization of Portuguese banks (foreign banks were exempted), utilities, and major industries, or about 60 percent of the economic system. There were power struggles among various political parties — a total of 50 emerged—and in the streets there was civil strife among labor, military, and law enforcement groups. A constituent assembly, elected on 25 April 1975, in Portugal's first free elections since 1926, drafted a democratic constitution. The Council of the Revolution (CR), briefly a revolutionary military watchdog committee, was entrenched as part of the government under the constitution, until a later revision. During the chaotic year of 1975, about 30 persons were killed in political frays while unstable provisional governments came and went. On 25 November 1975, moderate military forces led by Colonel Ramalho Eanes, who later was twice elected president of the republic (1976 and 1981), defeated radical, leftist military groups' revolutionary conspiracies.
       In the meantime, Portugal's scattered overseas empire experienced a precipitous and unprepared decolonization. One by one, the former colonies were granted and accepted independence—Guinea-Bissau (September 1974), Cape Verde Islands (July 1975), and Mozambique (July 1975). Portugal offered to turn over Macau to the People's Republic of China, but the offer was refused then and later negotiations led to the establishment of a formal decolonization or hand-over date of 1999. But in two former colonies, the process of decolonization had tragic results.
       In Angola, decolonization negotiations were greatly complicated by the fact that there were three rival nationalist movements in a struggle for power. The January 1975 Alvor Agreement signed by Portugal and these three parties was not effectively implemented. A bloody civil war broke out in Angola in the spring of 1975 and, when Portuguese armed forces withdrew and declared that Angola was independent on 11 November 1975, the bloodshed only increased. Meanwhile, most of the white Portuguese settlers from Angola and Mozambique fled during the course of 1975. Together with African refugees, more than 600,000 of these retornados ("returned ones") went by ship and air to Portugal and thousands more to Namibia, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, and the United States.
       The second major decolonization disaster was in Portugal's colony of East Timor in the Indonesian archipelago. Portugal's capacity to supervise and control a peaceful transition to independence in this isolated, neglected colony was limited by the strength of giant Indonesia, distance from Lisbon, and Portugal's revolutionary disorder and inability to defend Timor. In early December 1975, before Portugal granted formal independence and as one party, FRETILIN, unilaterally declared East Timor's independence, Indonesia's armed forces invaded, conquered, and annexed East Timor. Indonesian occupation encountered East Timorese resistance, and a heavy loss of life followed. The East Timor question remained a contentious international issue in the UN, as well as in Lisbon and Jakarta, for more than 20 years following Indonesia's invasion and annexation of the former colony of Portugal. Major changes occurred, beginning in 1998, after Indonesia underwent a political revolution and allowed a referendum in East Timor to decide that territory's political future in August 1999. Most East Timorese chose independence, but Indonesian forces resisted that verdict until
       UN intervention in September 1999. Following UN rule for several years, East Timor attained full independence on 20 May 2002.
       Consolidation of Democracy, 1976-2000
       After several free elections and record voter turnouts between 25 April 1975 and June 1976, civil war was averted and Portugal's second democratic republic began to stabilize. The MFA was dissolved, the military were returned to the barracks, and increasingly elected civilians took over the government of the country. The 1976 Constitution was revised several times beginning in 1982 and 1989, in order to reempha-size the principle of free enterprise in the economy while much of the large, nationalized sector was privatized. In June 1976, General Ram-alho Eanes was elected the first constitutional president of the republic (five-year term), and he appointed socialist leader Dr. Mário Soares as prime minister of the first constitutional government.
       From 1976 to 1985, Portugal's new system featured a weak economy and finances, labor unrest, and administrative and political instability. The difficult consolidation of democratic governance was eased in part by the strong currency and gold reserves inherited from the Estado Novo, but Lisbon seemed unable to cope with high unemployment, new debt, the complex impact of the refugees from Africa, world recession, and the agitation of political parties. Four major parties emerged from the maelstrom of 1974-75, except for the Communist Party, all newly founded. They were, from left to right, the Communists (PCP); the Socialists (PS), who managed to dominate governments and the legislature but not win a majority in the Assembly of the Republic; the Social Democrats (PSD); and the Christian Democrats (CDS). During this period, the annual growth rate was low (l-2 percent), and the nationalized sector of the economy stagnated.
       Enhanced economic growth, greater political stability, and more effective central government as of 1985, and especially 1987, were due to several developments. In 1977, Portugal applied for membership in the European Economic Community (EEC), now the European Union (EU) since 1993. In January 1986, with Spain, Portugal was granted membership, and economic and financial progress in the intervening years has been significantly influenced by the comparatively large investment, loans, technology, advice, and other assistance from the EEC. Low unemployment, high annual growth rates (5 percent), and moderate inflation have also been induced by the new political and administrative stability in Lisbon. Led by Prime Minister Cavaco Silva, an economist who was trained abroad, the PSD's strong organization, management, and electoral support since 1985 have assisted in encouraging economic recovery and development. In 1985, the PSD turned the PS out of office and won the general election, although they did not have an absolute majority of assembly seats. In 1986, Mário Soares was elected president of the republic, the first civilian to hold that office since the First Republic. In the elections of 1987 and 1991, however, the PSD was returned to power with clear majorities of over 50 percent of the vote.
       Although the PSD received 50.4 percent of the vote in the 1991 parliamentary elections and held a 42-seat majority in the Assembly of the Republic, the party began to lose public support following media revelations regarding corruption and complaints about Prime Minister Cavaco Silva's perceived arrogant leadership style. President Mário Soares voiced criticism of the PSD's seemingly untouchable majority and described a "tyranny of the majority." Economic growth slowed down. In the parliamentary elections of 1995 and the presidential election of 1996, the PSD's dominance ended for the time being. Prime Minister Antônio Guterres came to office when the PS won the October 1995 elections, and in the subsequent presidential contest, in January 1996, socialist Jorge Sampaio, the former mayor of Lisbon, was elected president of the republic, thus defeating Cavaco Silva's bid. Young and popular, Guterres moved the PS toward the center of the political spectrum. Under Guterres, the PS won the October 1999 parliamentary elections. The PS defeated the PSD but did not manage to win a clear, working majority of seats, and this made the PS dependent upon alliances with smaller parties, including the PCP.
       In the local elections in December 2001, the PSD's criticism of PS's heavy public spending allowed the PSD to take control of the key cities of Lisbon, Oporto, and Coimbra. Guterres resigned, and parliamentary elections were brought forward from 2004 to March 2002. The PSD won a narrow victory with 40 percent of the votes, and Jose Durão Barroso became prime minister. Having failed to win a majority of the seats in parliament forced the PSD to govern in coalition with the right-wing Popular Party (PP) led by Paulo Portas. Durão Barroso set about reducing government spending by cutting the budgets of local authorities, freezing civil service hiring, and reviving the economy by accelerating privatization of state-owned enterprises. These measures provoked a 24-hour strike by public-sector workers. Durão Barroso reacted with vows to press ahead with budget-cutting measures and imposed a wage freeze on all employees earning more than €1,000, which affected more than one-half of Portugal's work force.
       In June 2004, Durão Barroso was invited by Romano Prodi to succeed him as president of the European Commission. Durão Barroso accepted and resigned the prime ministership in July. Pedro Santana Lopes, the leader of the PSD, became prime minister. Already unpopular at the time of Durão Barroso's resignation, the PSD-led government became increasingly unpopular under Santana Lopes. A month-long delay in the start of the school year and confusion over his plan to cut taxes and raise public-sector salaries, eroded confidence even more. By November, Santana Lopes's government was so unpopular that President Jorge Sampaio was obliged to dissolve parliament and hold new elections, two years ahead of schedule.
       Parliamentary elections were held on 20 February 2005. The PS, which had promised the electorate disciplined and transparent governance, educational reform, the alleviation of poverty, and a boost in employment, won 45 percent of the vote and the majority of the seats in parliament. The leader of the PS, José Sôcrates became prime minister on 12 March 2005. In the regularly scheduled presidential elections held on 6 January 2006, the former leader of the PSD and prime minister, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, won a narrow victory and became president on 9 March 2006. With a mass protest, public teachers' strike, and street demonstrations in March 2008, Portugal's media, educational, and social systems experienced more severe pressures. With the spreading global recession beginning in September 2008, Portugal's economic and financial systems became more troubled.
       Owing to its geographic location on the southwestern most edge of continental Europe, Portugal has been historically in but not of Europe. Almost from the beginning of its existence in the 12th century as an independent monarchy, Portugal turned its back on Europe and oriented itself toward the Atlantic Ocean. After carving out a Christian kingdom on the western portion of the Iberian peninsula, Portuguese kings gradually built and maintained a vast seaborne global empire that became central to the way Portugal understood its individuality as a nation-state. While the creation of this empire allows Portugal to claim an unusual number of "firsts" or distinctions in world and Western history, it also retarded Portugal's economic, social, and political development. It can be reasonably argued that the Revolution of 25 April 1974 was the most decisive event in Portugal's long history because it finally ended Portugal's oceanic mission and view of itself as an imperial power. After the 1974 Revolution, Portugal turned away from its global mission and vigorously reoriented itself toward Europe. Contemporary Portugal is now both in and of Europe.
       The turn toward Europe began immediately after 25 April 1974. Portugal granted independence to its African colonies in 1975. It was admitted to the European Council and took the first steps toward accession to the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1976. On 28 March 1977, the Portuguese government officially applied for EEC membership. Because of Portugal's economic and social backwardness, which would require vast sums of EEC money to overcome, negotiations for membership were long and difficult. Finally, a treaty of accession was signed on 12 June 1985. Portugal officially joined the EEC (the European Union [EU] since 1993) on 1 January 1986. Since becoming a full-fledged member of the EU, Portugal has been steadily overcoming the economic and social underdevelopment caused by its imperial past and is becoming more like the rest of Europe.
       Membership in the EU has speeded up the structural transformation of Portugal's economy, which actually began during the Estado Novo. Investments made by the Estado Novo in Portugal's economy began to shift employment out of the agricultural sector, which, in 1950, accounted for 50 percent of Portugal's economically active population. Today, only 10 percent of the economically active population is employed in the agricultural sector (the highest among EU member states); 30 percent in the industrial sector (also the highest among EU member states); and 60 percent in the service sector (the lowest among EU member states). The economically active population numbers about 5,000,000 employed, 56 percent of whom are women. Women workers are the majority of the workforce in the agricultural and service sectors (the highest among the EU member states). The expansion of the service sector has been primarily in health care and education. Portugal has had the lowest unemployment rates among EU member states, with the overall rate never being more than 10 percent of the active population. Since joining the EU, the number of employers increased from 2.6 percent to 5.8 percent of the active population; self-employed from 16 to 19 percent; and employees from 65 to 70 percent. Twenty-six percent of the employers are women. Unemployment tends to hit younger workers in industry and transportation, women employed in domestic service, workers on short-term contracts, and poorly educated workers. Salaried workers earn only 63 percent of the EU average, and hourly workers only one-third to one-half of that earned by their EU counterparts. Despite having had the second highest growth of gross national product (GNP) per inhabitant (after Ireland) among EU member states, the above data suggest that while much has been accomplished in terms of modernizing the Portuguese economy, much remains to be done to bring Portugal's economy up to the level of the "average" EU member state.
       Membership in the EU has also speeded up changes in Portuguese society. Over the last 30 years, coastalization and urbanization have intensified. Fully 50 percent of Portuguese live in the coastal urban conurbations of Lisbon, Oporto, Braga, Aveiro, Coimbra, Viseu, Évora, and Faro. The Portuguese population is one of the oldest among EU member states (17.3 percent are 65 years of age or older) thanks to a considerable increase in life expectancy at birth (77.87 years for the total population, 74.6 years for men, 81.36 years for women) and one of the lowest birthrates (10.59 births/1,000) in Europe. Family size averages 2.8 persons per household, with the strict nuclear family (one or two generations) in which both parents work being typical. Common law marriages, cohabitating couples, and single-parent households are more and more common. The divorce rate has also increased. "Youth Culture" has developed. The young have their own meeting places, leisure-time activities, and nightlife (bars, clubs, and discos).
       All Portuguese citizens, whether they have contributed or not, have a right to an old-age pension, invalidity benefits, widowed persons' pension, as well as payments for disabilities, children, unemployment, and large families. There is a national minimum wage (€385 per month), which is low by EU standards. The rapid aging of Portugal's population has changed the ratio of contributors to pensioners to 1.7, the lowest in the EU. This has created deficits in Portugal's social security fund.
       The adult literacy rate is about 92 percent. Illiteracy is still found among the elderly. Although universal compulsory education up to grade 9 was achieved in 1980, only 21.2 percent of the population aged 25-64 had undergone secondary education, compared to an EU average of 65.7 percent. Portugal's higher education system currently consists of 14 state universities and 14 private universities, 15 state polytechnic institutions, one Catholic university, and one military academy. All in all, Portugal spends a greater percentage of its state budget on education than most EU member states. Despite this high level of expenditure, the troubled Portuguese education system does not perform well. Early leaving and repetition rates are among the highest among EU member states.
       After the Revolution of 25 April 1974, Portugal created a National Health Service, which today consists of 221 hospitals and 512 medical centers employing 33,751 doctors and 41,799 nurses. Like its education system, Portugal's medical system is inefficient. There are long waiting lists for appointments with specialists and for surgical procedures.
       Structural changes in Portugal's economy and society mean that social life in Portugal is not too different from that in other EU member states. A mass consumption society has been created. Televisions, telephones, refrigerators, cars, music equipment, mobile phones, and personal computers are commonplace. Sixty percent of Portuguese households possess at least one automobile, and 65 percent of Portuguese own their own home. Portuguese citizens are more aware of their legal rights than ever before. This has resulted in a trebling of the number of legal proceeding since 1960 and an eight-fold increase in the number of lawyers. In general, Portuguese society has become more permissive and secular; the Catholic Church and the armed forces are much less influential than in the past. Portugal's population is also much more culturally, religiously, and ethnically diverse, a consequence of the coming to Portugal of hundreds of thousands of immigrants, mainly from former African colonies.
       Portuguese are becoming more cosmopolitan and sophisticated through the impact of world media, the Internet, and the World Wide Web. A prime case in point came in the summer and early fall of 1999, with the extraordinary events in East Timor and the massive Portuguese popular responses. An internationally monitored referendum in East Timor, Portugal's former colony in the Indonesian archipelago and under Indonesian occupation from late 1975 to summer 1999, resulted in a vote of 78.5 percent for rejecting integration with Indonesia and for independence. When Indonesian prointegration gangs, aided by the Indonesian military, responded to the referendum with widespread brutality and threatened to reverse the verdict of the referendum, there was a spontaneous popular outpouring of protest in the cities and towns of Portugal. An avalanche of Portuguese e-mail fell on leaders and groups in the UN and in certain countries around the world as Portugal's diplomats, perhaps to compensate for the weak initial response to Indonesian armed aggression in 1975, called for the protection of East Timor as an independent state and for UN intervention to thwart Indonesian action. Using global communications networks, the Portuguese were able to mobilize UN and world public opinion against Indonesian actions and aided the eventual independence of East Timor on 20 May 2002.
       From the Revolution of 25 April 1974 until the 1990s, Portugal had a large number of political parties, one of the largest Communist parties in western Europe, frequent elections, and endemic cabinet instability. Since the 1990s, the number of political parties has been dramatically reduced and cabinet stability increased. Gradually, the Portuguese electorate has concentrated around two larger parties, the right-of-center Social Democrats (PSD) and the left-of-center Socialist (PS). In the 1980s, these two parties together garnered 65 percent of the vote and 70 percent of the seats in parliament. In 2005, these percentages had risen to 74 percent and 85 percent, respectively. In effect, Portugal is currently a two-party dominant system in which the two largest parties — PS and PSD—alternate in and out of power, not unlike the rotation of the two main political parties (the Regenerators and the Historicals) during the last decades (1850s to 1880s) of the liberal constitutional monarchy. As Portugal's democracy has consolidated, turnout rates for the eligible electorate have declined. In the 1970s, turnout was 85 percent. In Portugal's most recent parliamentary election (2005), turnout had fallen to 65 percent of the eligible electorate.
       Portugal has benefited greatly from membership in the EU, and whatever doubts remain about the price paid for membership, no Portuguese government in the near future can afford to sever this connection. The vast majority of Portuguese citizens see membership in the EU as a "good thing" and strongly believe that Portugal has benefited from membership. Only the Communist Party opposed membership because it reduces national sovereignty, serves the interests of capitalists not workers, and suffers from a democratic deficit. Despite the high level of support for the EU, Portuguese voters are increasingly not voting in elections for the European Parliament, however. Turnout for European Parliament elections fell from 40 percent of the eligible electorate in the 1999 elections to 38 percent in the 2004 elections.
       In sum, Portugal's turn toward Europe has done much to overcome its backwardness. However, despite the economic, social, and political progress made since 1986, Portugal has a long way to go before it can claim to be on a par with the level found even in Spain, much less the rest of western Europe. As Portugal struggles to move from underde-velopment, especially in the rural areas away from the coast, it must keep in mind the perils of too rapid modern development, which could damage two of its most precious assets: its scenery and environment. The growth and future prosperity of the economy will depend on the degree to which the government and the private sector will remain stewards of clean air, soil, water, and other finite resources on which the tourism industry depends and on which Portugal's world image as a unique place to visit rests. Currently, Portugal is investing heavily in renewable energy from solar, wind, and wave power in order to account for about 50 percent of its electricity needs by 2010. Portugal opened the world's largest solar power plant and the world's first commercial wave power farm in 2006.
       An American documentary film on Portugal produced in the 1970s described this little country as having "a Past in Search of a Future." In the years after the Revolution of 25 April 1974, it could be said that Portugal is now living in "a Present in Search of a Future." Increasingly, that future lies in Europe as an active and productive member of the EU.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Historical Portugal

  • 16 go

    1. [gəʋ] n (pl goes [gəʋz]) разг.
    1. ход, ходьба; движение

    come and go - хождение туда и сюда /взад и вперёд/

    the boat rolled gently with the come and go of small waves - лодка мягко покачивалась на мелких волнах

    to be on the go - быть в движении /в работе/

    he is always on the go - он всегда в движении; он никогда не сидит без дела

    he has two books on the go at the moment - в настоящее время он работает (одновременно) над двумя книгами

    2. обстоятельство, положение; неожиданный поворот дел

    a near go - опасное /рискованное/ положение; ≅ быть на волосок от гибели /провала, разорения и т. п./

    here's a pretty go!, what a go! - ≅ весёленькая история!, хорошенькое дельце!

    it's a queer /rum/ go - странное дело

    3. попытка

    to have a go at - попытаться, рискнуть, попытать счастья

    she was staying for another go - она осталась, чтобы сделать ещё одну попытку

    let's have another go at this problem - давай ещё раз попробуем разобраться в этом деле

    he had several goes at the examination before he passed - он не смог сдать экзамен с первого захода

    4. 1) приступ
    2) порция ( еды или вина)
    3) что-л. выполненное за один раз
    5. сделка, соглашение

    it's a go! - идёт!, по рукам, решено!, договорились!

    6. разг. энергия, воодушевление; рвение; увлечение
    7. разг. успех; удача; успешное предприятие

    to make a go of it - амер. добиться успеха, преуспеть

    he is convinced that he can make a go of it - он уверен, что добьётся в этом деле успеха

    no go - бесполезный, безнадёжный

    it's no go! - не пойдёт!, невозможно!

    8. редк. походка
    9. ход ( в игре); бросок ( в спортивных играх)

    to give smb. the go - дать кому-л. сигнал или разрешение действовать; ≅ дать «добро»

    quite /all/ the go - последний крик моды; предмет всеобщего увлечения

    first go - первым делом, сразу же

    at a go - сразу, зараз

    the great [little] go - студ. последний [первый] экзамен на степень бакалавра гуманитарных наук ( в Кембридже и Оксфорде)

    he was a drag on me from the word go - с самого начала он был для меня обузой

    2. [gəʋ] a амер. разг.
    быть в состоянии готовности; работать (безотказно) (об аппаратуре и т. п.)

    you are go for landing - ≅ разрешается посадка

    she was suddenly in a go condition - она внезапно почувствовала, что готова ко всему

    3. [gəʋ] v (went; gone)
    1. идти, ходить

    to go slowly [quickly] - идти медленно [быстро]

    to go slow - а) идти медленно, не торопиться; б) быть осмотрительным; [ср. тж. ]

    cars go on the road - по дороге едут /ездят/ машины

    to go upstairs [downstairs] - подыматься [спускаться] по лестнице

    they went over the river - они перешли /переправились через/ реку

    he went to visit /to see/ her - он пошёл навестить /проведать/ её

    to go in single file [in pairs] - идти по одному [парами]

    you go first - а) вы идите первым /вперёд/; б) проходите, пожалуйста; в) ваш первый ход

    2. направляться, следовать; ехать, поехать

    to go to the country - поехать за город /в деревню, на дачу/ [см. тж. ]

    to go abroad - поехать за границу [см. тж. ]

    to go to France [to London] - поехать во Францию [в Лондон]

    to go on a journey - поехать в путешествие; совершать путешествие

    to go for a ride /a drive/ - поехать /отправиться/ на прогулку (особ. верхом, на велосипеде, в автомобиле)

    to go on a visit - поехать /отправиться/ с визитом; поехать погостить

    to go to a party - пойти в гости /на вечеринку, на вечер/

    to go on a tour - а) отправиться /пуститься/ в путешествие; б) отправляться на гастроли /в турне/

    to go (some) places - амер. разг. ездить /ходить/ по разным местам

    3. 1) ездить, путешествовать, передвигаться (каким-л. способом)

    to go by land [by water] - ехать по суше [по воде]

    to go by train [by bus, by tram, by rail, by steamer] - ехать поездом [автобусом, трамваем, по железной дороге, пароходом]

    to go in a carriage [in a motor-car, in a ship, in a tram, in a trolley-bus] - ехать в экипаже [в автомобиле, на пароходе, в трамвае, в троллейбусе]

    to go on foot - ходить /идти/ пешком

    2) ходить, курсировать
    4. 1) уходить, уезжать

    we came at six and went at nine - мы пришли в шесть, а ушли в девять

    it is time for us to go - нам пора уходить /идти, уезжать/

    I'll be going now - ну, я пошёл

    I must be going now, I must be gone - теперь мне нужно уходить

    she is gone - она ушла /уехала/, её нет

    be gone!, get you gone! - уходи!

    2) отходить, отправляться

    when does the train go? - когда отходит поезд?

    the train goes from platform 5 - поезд отходит от платформы №5

    one, two, three - go!, ready, steady, go! - внимание... приготовиться... марш!

    5. 1) двигаться, быть в движении

    I'd prefer to sit the way the train is going - я бы предпочёл сидеть по ходу поезда

    to set smth. going - привести что-л. в движение

    2) двигаться с определённой скоростью

    the train was going (at) fifty miles an hour - поезд шёл со скоростью 50 миль в час

    to go at full drive /tilt/ - идти полным ходом

    6. 1) работать, действовать, функционировать (о машине и т. п.)

    my watch is going too fast [slow] - мои часы слишком спешат [отстают]

    the engine went beautifully all day - весь день машина работала превосходно

    how do I make the washing machine go? - как включить стиральную машину?

    2) жить, действовать, функционировать ( о человеке)

    he manages to keep going - он как-то тянет, ему удаётся держаться

    7. 1) тянуться, проходить, пролегать, простираться

    mountains that go from east to west - горы, тянущиеся /простирающиеся/ с востока на запад

    how far does the road go? - далеко ли тянется эта дорога?

    2) дотягиваться; доходить

    I want a rope that will go from the top window to the ground - мне нужна верёвка, которую можно опустить с верхнего этажа до земли

    8. 1) протекать, проходить

    time goes quickly - время идёт быстро /летит/

    vacation goes quickly - не успеваешь оглянуться, а отпуск кончился

    2) протекать; завершаться каким-л. образом

    how is the evening going? - как проходит вечер?

    how did the interview go? - как прошло интервью?

    I hope all goes well with you - надеюсь, что у вас всё хорошо

    how did the voting go? - как завершилось голосование?; каковы результаты голосования?

    nobody knows how matters will go - никто не знает, как пойдут дела

    what made the party go? - что обеспечило успех вечера?

    9. 1) исчезать; проходить
    2) исчезнуть, пропасть

    his hat has gone - у него исчезла /пропала/ шляпа

    where's my pen? It's gone (off my desk) - где моя ручка? Она исчезла (с моего стола)

    10. распространяться; передаваться
    11. передаваться (по телеграфу и т. п.)

    this message will go by mail /by post, in the post/ - это сообщение пойдёт по почте

    12. иметь хождение, быть в обращении
    13. (обыкн. to) идти (на что-л.); брать на себя (что-л.); решаться (на что-л.)

    to go to a lot of [great] trouble to do smth. - приложить много [массу] усилий, чтобы сделать что-л.

    he will not even go to the trouble of doing that - он не захочет даже и попытаться сделать это

    to go so far as to say that! - дойти до того, чтобы сказать это!

    14. 1) податься; рухнуть; сломаться, расколоться

    the platform went - трибуна рухнула /обрушилась/

    first the sail went and then the mast - сперва подался парус, а затем и мачта

    there goes another button! - ну вот, ещё одна пуговица отлетела!

    the fuse [bulb] went - перегорела пробка [лампочка]

    the engine in the old car finally went - мотор в старой машине окончательно пришёл в негодность

    2) потерпеть крах, обанкротиться
    3) отменяться, уничтожаться

    this clause of the bill will have to go - эта статья законопроекта должна быть отменена /не должна быть принята/

    whatever is not done yet must simply go - всё, что не сделано, придётся оставить как есть

    4) (обыкн. с must, can, have to) отказываться; избавляться

    the car must go, we can't afford it - от машины придётся отказаться, она нам не по карману

    15. 1) быть расположенным, следовать в определённом порядке
    2) храниться, находиться (где-л.); становиться ( на определённое место)

    where is this carpet to go? - куда постелить этот ковёр?

    3) (into, under) умещаться, укладываться (во что-л.)

    the thread is too thick to go into the needle - нитка слишком толстая, чтобы пролезть в иголку

    how many pints go into a gallon? - сколько пинт содержится в одном галлоне?

    4) (обыкн. to) равняться
    16. заканчиваться определённым результатом

    I don't know whether the case goes for me or against me - я не знаю ещё, удастся ли мне выиграть процесс

    which way will the decision go? - как всё решится?

    17. 1) гласить, говорить

    I don't exactly remember how the words go - я точно не помню, как это там сказано

    how does the story go? - что там дальше в рассказе?

    the story goes that he was murdered - говорят, что его убили

    2) звучать (о мелодии и т. п.)

    the tune goes something like this... - вот как, примерно, звучит этот мотив

    how does that song go? - напомните мне мотив этой песни

    ducks go❝quack❞ - утки делают «кряк-кряк»

    the guns went❝boom❞ - «бабах!» грохнули пушки [см. тж. III А 2, 4)]

    18. 1) звонить

    I hear the bells going - я слышу, как звонят колокола

    2) бить, отбивать время
    19. умирать, гибнуть

    she is gone - она погибла, она умерла

    my grandmother went peacefully in the night - моя бабушка тихо скончалась ночью

    after George went, she moved into a smaller house - когда Джордж умер, она переехала в дом поменьше

    he is dead and gone - разг. он уже в могиле

    20. 1) пройти, быть принятым
    2) быть приемлемым

    here anything goes - разг. здесь всё сойдёт; здесь ты можешь делать, что твоей душе угодно

    21. разг. выдерживать, терпеть
    22. справляться, одолевать
    23. ходить определённым шагом

    to go narrow [wide] - идти узким [широким] шагом ( о лошади)

    to go above the ground - уст. ходить, высоко подымая ноги

    24. спариваться
    II А
    1. 1) участвовать ( в доле)

    to go halves [shares, snacks, амер. fifty-fifty, уст. snips], to go share and share alike - делить поровну /пополам/; принять участие наравне (с кем-л.)

    2) амер. разг. ставить (какую-л. сумму); рисковать (какой-л. суммой)

    how much do you go? - а) сколько вы ставите?; б) на сколько вы спорите?

    2. 1) пропадать, слабеть (о слухе, сознании и т. п.)

    my voice has gone because of my cold - от простуды я потеряла голос /у меня сел голос/

    2) разг. износиться ( об одежде)
    3. редк.
    1) сохраняться ( о пище)

    butter goes better in the refrigerator - масло сохраняется лучше в холодильнике

    2) носиться (о ткани, одежде и т. п.)
    4. быть ритмичными ( о стихах)
    5. получать ( пособие)

    to go on the parish - получать приходское пособие по бедности, жить за счёт прихожан

    to go on the dole - получать пособие по бедности; перейти на пособие

    II Б
    1. to be going to do smth.
    1) собираться, намереваться сделать что-л.

    we were going to France but we changed our minds - мы хотели поехать во Францию, но передумали

    she is going to spend holidays at a rest-home - она решила провести свои каникулы в доме отдыха

    he is not going to be cheated - он не допустит, чтобы его обманули

    2) ожидаться (о каком-л. событии)

    I'm going to be sick! - меня сейчас вырвет!

    she felt she was going to be ill - она чувствовала, что заболевает

    2. to go and do smth. разг. взять да сделать что-л.; пойти и сделать что-л.

    to go and fetch smb., smth. - сходить за кем-л., чем-л.

    you've gone and torn my dress - ну вот, вы порвали мне платье

    there now! if I haven't gone and lost my ticket! - и надо же было мне потерять билет!

    3. to go about smth. /doing smth./
    1) заниматься чем-л.

    she went about her work with energy - она энергично занималась своими делами

    we must go about it carefully - а) это надо делать осторожно; б) за это надо браться осторожно

    2) приниматься за что-л.

    how does one go about getting seats? - что нужно делать, чтобы достать билеты /места/?

    he didn't know how to go about building a boat - он не знал, как подступиться к строительству лодки

    4. to go at smth. энергично взяться за что-л.

    let's go at this problem in a different way - давайте попробуем решить эту проблему по-другому

    he went at his breakfast as if he'd never eaten for a week - он набросился на завтрак так, будто не ел целую неделю

    5. to go at smb. набрасываться, бросаться на кого-л.
    6. to go against smth.
    1) двигаться против чего-л.

    to go against the tide - плыть против течения [см. тж. ]

    2) идти вразрез с чем-л., противоречить чему-л.

    she went against her mother's wishes - она не послушалась своей матери; она поступила наперекор своей матери

    3) юр. оспаривать что-л.; спорить против чего-л.
    7. to go against smb. быть против кого-л.; не подходить кому-л.

    it goes against me - это противно мне, это противоречит моим убеждениям

    8. to go behind smth. пересматривать, рассматривать заново, изучать (основания, данные)
    9. to go beyond smth. выходить за пределы чего-л., превышать что-л.
    10. to go by /on/ smth.
    1) судить по чему-л.
    2) руководствоваться чем-л., следовать чему-л.

    it is a good rule to go by - вот хорошее правило, которым следует руководствоваться

    I shall go entirely by what the doctor says - я буду делать всё, что говорит врач

    we were just going on what you yourself had said - мы как раз действовали в соответствии с тем, что вы сами говорили

    that's all the police had to go on to catch the killer - вот и все улики, которые были у полиции и по которым она должна была поймать убийцу

    11. to go after smth., smb. домогаться чего-л., кого-л.

    he is going after Jane - он ухаживает /бегает/ за Джейн

    12. to go for smb.
    1) разг. наброситься, обрушиться на кого-л.

    suddenly the lion went for his keeper - внезапно лев набросился на служителя

    my wife went for me because I was late for dinner - жена выругала меня за то, что я опоздал к обеду

    2) слыть кем-л.; быть принятым за кого-л.

    he went for an old man among the youth - молодёжь принимала его за старика /считала его стариком/

    3) разг. увлекаться кем-л.; влюбиться в кого-л.

    I don't go for men of his type - мне такие мужчины, как он, не нравятся

    13. to go for smth.
    1) разг. заменить что-л., сойти за что-л.

    this synthetic material may easily go for pure wool - эта искусственная ткань может легко сойти за чистую шерсть

    2) стремиться к чему-л.; добиваться чего-л.

    will you go for the prize? - ты будешь бороться за призовое место?

    when you offer him sweets he goes for the biggest one - когда ему предлагают конфеты, он всегда тянется за самой большой

    3) увлекаться чем-л.

    do you go for modern music? - вы любите современную музыку?

    14. to go for /at/ certain sum of money продаваться по определённой цене

    to go for nothing - продаваться за бесценок [см. тж. II Б 15]

    the books went for a shilling [for so little] - книги были проданы за шиллинг [так дёшево]

    there were good coats going at £50 - по 50 фунтов продавали хорошие пальто

    going for £10!, going!, going!, gone! - продаётся за 10 фунтов!, 10 фунтов - раз!, 10 фунтов - два!, 10 фунтов - три! продано (за 10 фунтов)

    15. to go to /in/ smth. расходоваться, уходить на что-л.

    half our money goes on food and clothes for the children - половина наших денег уходит на еду и одежду для детей

    his time goes in watching television - он всё своё время тратит на телевизор

    to go for nothing - пропасть, уйти впустую [см. тж. II Б 14]

    16. to go to smth., smb.
    1) обращаться к чему-л., на кого-л.

    his eyes went to her - он взглянул на неё, он обратил свой взгляд на неё

    2) прибегать к помощи; обращаться (к кому-л.)

    to go to law /to court/ - обращаться в суд

    to go to law with smb. - возбуждать дело в суде против кого-л.

    17. to go to smth. становиться кем-л.

    to go to the stage - стать актёром, пойти в актёры

    to go to the streets - стать проституткой, пойти на панель

    to go to school - ходить в школу; стать учеником, учиться в школе

    to go to college [to the university] - стать [быть] студентом, учиться в колледже [в университете]

    18. to go to smb.
    1) быть проданным кому-л.

    the house went to the one who made the highest offer - дом продали тому, кто предложил самую высокую цену

    going to the gentleman in the third row! going, going, gone! - продано джентльмену в третьем ряду! продано - раз!, продано - два!, продано - три!

    2) доставаться кому-л.
    19. to go through smth.
    1) тщательно, пункт за пунктом разбирать что-л.
    2) проделать, сделать что-л.

    let's go through the rehearsal without any interruptions - давайте проведём репетицию без всяких помех

    3) пройти, быть принятым где-л. (о проекте, предложении)

    the plan must go through several stages - план должен пройти несколько инстанций

    4) испытывать что-л., подвергаться чему-л.

    the country has gone through too many wars - эта страна перенесла слишком много войн

    5) выдержать столько-то изданий ( о книге)
    6) обыскивать, обшаривать что-л.

    he went through his pockets looking for the key - он обыскал все карманы в поисках ключа

    7) растратить, израсходовать (состояние, деньги и т. п.)

    he quickly went through his fortune [his savings] - он быстро растратил /промотал/ своё состояние [свои сбережения]

    20. to go into smth.
    1) тщательно разбирать что-л., вникать во что-л.; расследовать, рассматривать что-л.

    to go into details /particulars/ - вдаваться в подробности

    2) избирать (профессию и т. п.)

    to go into business - избрать карьеру делового человека; стать дельцом

    to go into Parliament [into the Cabinet] - стать членом парламента [кабинета министров]

    3) вступить в организацию, стать членом общества
    4) надевать

    she goes into woollen stockings in September - с сентября она начинает носить шерстяные чулки

    21. to go before /to/ smb., smth.
    1) предстать перед кем-л., чем-л.

    you will go before the board of directors - вы предстанете перед советом директоров

    2) передавать на рассмотрение кому-л., чему-л.

    your suggestion will go before the committee - о вашем предложении доложат комиссии

    can this question go direct to the minister? - нельзя ли этот вопрос поставить непосредственно перед министром?

    22. to go with smb.
    1) сопровождать кого-л., идти вместе с кем-л.

    shall I go with you? - хотите я пойду с вами?

    2) быть заодно, соглашаться с кем-л.
    23. to go with smth.
    1) подходить к чему-л., гармонировать с чем-л.; соответствовать чему-л.

    the blue scarf goes well with your blouse - этот голубой шарф красиво сочетается с вашей блузкой

    2) относиться к чему-л., быть связанным с чем-л.

    five acres of land go with the house - продаётся дом с прилегающим к нему участком в пять акров

    3) быть связанным с чем-л.; соответствовать чему-л.

    the salary that goes with an office - жалованье, соответствующее занимаемой должности

    24. to go without smth.
    1) обходиться без чего-л.
    2) не иметь чего-л.

    to go without money - не иметь денег, быть без денег

    25. to go by /under/ name быть известным под каким-л. именем

    to go by /under/ the name of... - быть известным под именем...

    he went under a pseudonym - он был известен под псевдонимом, он носил псевдоним

    26. to go under smb.'s name приписываться кому-л. ( об авторстве)

    that play generally goes under the name of Shakespeare - обычно эту пьесу приписывают Шекспиру

    27. 1) to go to make up smth. составлять что-л., входить в состав чего-л.

    items which go to make up the total - пункты, из которых складывается целое

    2) to go to the making of smth., smb. быть необходимым для чего-л., кого-л.

    what qualities go to the making of a pilot? - какие качества необходимы пилоту?

    dressings that go to making a good salad - приправа, необходимая, чтобы приготовить вкусный салат

    28. to go into state приходить в какое-л. состояние
    29. to go into condition входить в какое-л. положение

    to go into anchor - мор. становиться на якорь

    to go into the assault - воен. идти в атаку

    to go into bivouac - воен. располагаться биваком

    30. ... as smth., smb. goes... как что-л. заведено...;... как другие

    as things go - разг. при сложившихся обстоятельствах, как это водится, в нынешних условиях

    that's not bad as things go - при существующем положении вещей это не так уж плохо

    31. to go to show that... свидетельствовать

    it all goes to show that he cannot be trusted - всё это свидетельствует о том, что ему нельзя доверять

    your behaviour goes to prove that... - ваше поведение служит доказательством того, что...

    32. smth. is going иметься, продаваться, подаваться и т. п.

    come along, there are ices going - идём скорее, подают мороженое

    I'll have what's going - дайте мне, что у вас есть

    are there any jobs going? - здесь есть работа?

    are there any houses going? - здесь продают(ся) дома?

    III А
    1. в сочетании с последующим герундием выражает действие, соответствующее значению герундия:

    to go (out) hunting /shooting/ - отправляться /ходить/ на охоту

    to go out fishing [duck-shooting] - отправляться на рыбную ловлю [охотиться на уток]

    to go shopping - отправляться за покупками; ходить по магазинам

    he goes frightening people with his stories - он постоянно пугает людей своими рассказами

    don't go doing that! - разг. не смей делать этого!

    don't go saying that! - разг. не болтай ерунды!

    1) находиться в каком-л. положении или состоянии

    to go free - быть свободным /незанятым/

    to go hungry /empty/ - (вечно) быть /ходить/ голодным

    to go armed - быть /ходить/ вооружённым, носить оружие

    the differences between them go deep - их разногласия имеют глубокие корни

    to go in fear (of smth.) - жить в вечном страхе (перед чем-л.)

    to go strong - держаться, сохранять силу, не сдаваться

    to be six months gone (with child) - быть на седьмом месяце (беременности)

    to go native см. native II 2

    2) делаться, становиться

    to go bad - испортиться; сгнить, прогнить, протухнуть

    to go dry - высыхать, становиться сухим [см. тж. ]

    she /her hair/ is going grey - она седеет

    to go mad /mental/ - сойти с ума

    to go queer in the head - а) помешаться; б) почувствовать головокружение

    to go wrong - а) сбиться с пути, встать на ложный путь; ошибаться; поступать неправильно; б) не выйти, не получиться; в) испортиться, перестать работать; разладиться; г) испортиться, протухнуть ( о пище)

    he went hot and cold - его бросало то в жар, то в холод

    a man gone ninety years of age - человек, которому за 90

    to go Conservative - стать /сделаться/ консерватором

    to go apprentice - сделаться подмастерьем /учеником/

    3) оставаться в каком-л. положении

    to go unpunished - быть /оставаться/ безнаказанным

    to go free /scot-free/ - оставаться свободным

    4) издавать внезапный или отчётливый звук

    to go pop - выстрелить, грохнуть, бахнуть

    to go snap - треснуть; с треском сломаться

    to go flop - а) хлопнуться, плюхнуться; б) потерпеть неудачу, провалиться

    to go fut, to go phut - а) лопнуть; б) сорваться, провалиться, лопнуть; потерпеть крах, неудачу; кончиться ничем; в) испортиться, сломаться

    to go to bed /to sleep/ - ложиться спать

    to go to bye-bye - детск. идти бай-бай

    to go the round of - а) совершать обход; б) циркулировать (о слухах и т. п.); переходить или передаваться из уст в уста

    to go foreign - мор. жарг. уйти в заграничное плавание

    to go far - а) хватить надолго; those potatoes won't go far when there are 10 people to feed - картофеля надолго не хватит, раз надо кормить целых десять человек; б) зайти далеко; перейти границы (принятого, допустимого); you've gone too far! - ну, это ты хватил!, в) многого добиться; the boy is clever and will go far - мальчик умный и многого добьётся

    to go a long /good, great/ way - а) далеко пойти; б) далеко зайти, хватить через край; в) хватить надолго, быть достаточным (о деньгах, продуктах)

    far gone - а) в последней стадии ( болезни); б) совершенно безумный; в) сильно пьяный; опьяневший

    as /so/ far as it goes - поскольку дело касается, что касается, что до

    it will go hard /ill/ with him - ему придётся плохо /туго/

    to go smb. better - превзойти /перещеголять, затмить/ кого-л.

    to go dry - амер. а) запретить продажу спиртных напитков; б) отказаться от употребления спиртных напитков; стать трезвенником; [см. тж. III А 2, 2)]

    to go wet - амер. а) разрешить продажу спиртных напитков; б) начать пить

    to go steady - иметь постоянного возлюбленного /-ую возлюбленную/

    to go bail - а) юр. становиться поручителем, поручиться или внести залог (за кого-л.); б) разг. ручаться

    go bail that... - ручаюсь, что...

    to go downhill - а) катиться по наклонной плоскости; б) ухудшаться (о здоровье, материальном положении)

    to go abroad - получить известность [см. тж. I 2], распространиться ( о слухах)

    to go to the country - распустить парламент и назначить новые выборы [см. тж. I 2]

    to go to Canossa - пойти в Каноссу, публично унижаться (перед кем-л.), испрашивая прощение

    to let /to leave/ go - а) выпускать из рук; б) (от)пускать, выпускать; освобождать; let me go! - отпустите меня!; в) пропускать; г) перестать думать, выбросить из головы

    let it go at that! - довольно!, будет!, пусть это так и останется!

    I've let my music go - я запустил музыку, я перестал заниматься музыкой

    to let judgement go by default - юр. заочно решить в пользу истца ( ввиду неявки ответчика)

    go easy /slow/! - осторожнее!, потише! [ср. тж. I 1]

    to go easy on smth. - амер. быть тактичным в отношении чего-л.; проявлять осторожность в отношении чего-л.

    to go solid - амер. полит. жарг. придерживаться одного мнения, действовать единодушно

    to be going some - амер. быстро /успешно/ продвигаться вперёд

    to be going strong - а) быть полным сил; процветать; б) поступать безрассудно /опрометчиво/

    to go one's (own) way /gate/ - идти своим путём, действовать самостоятельно, поступать по-своему

    to go with the current /the tide, the stream, the crowd/ - плыть по течению

    to go with the times /the tides/ - идти в ногу со временем

    to go against the stream /the tide/ - а) идти /плыть/ против течения; б) работать в неблагоприятных условиях; действовать, преодолевая сопротивление /оппозицию/; [см. тж. II Б 6 1)]

    to go on one's marks - спорт. выходить на старт

    as you go!, as she goes! - мор. так держать!

    to go down the drain - быть истраченным впустую [см. тж. drain I ]

    to go over the top - а) воен. разг. идти в атаку ( из траншей); б) ринуться в атаку, начать решительно действовать, сделать решительный шаг

    to let oneself go - дать волю своим чувствам; разойтись, увлечься

    to go off the deep end - а) волноваться, приходить в возбуждение; б) амер. действовать сгоряча, принять необдуманное решение

    to go out of one's mind /senses/ - а) сойти с ума, рехнуться, лишиться рассудка; б) быть вне себя от волнения

    to go off one's head /груб. chump, nut/, to go round the bend - сойти с ума, помешаться, рехнуться, спятить; обезуметь, вести себя как безумный

    to go off at a tangent - сорваться, странно себя повести или высказаться

    to go off the hooks - а) умереть, протянуть ноги; б) сойти с ума, рехнуться, спятить; в) сбиться с пути, свихнуться

    to go out of the world - умереть, покинуть бренный мир

    to go the way of all the earth /flesh/, to go beyond the veil, to go home, to go to one's last /long/ home, to go to glory, to go to heaven, to go to one's long rest, to go to one's own place, to go over to the majority умереть, скончаться, разделить участь всех смертных, отправиться на тот свет, отправиться к праотцам, уйти на покой, покинуть этот бренный мир

    to go west - а) закатываться ( о солнце); б) умереть, скончаться; в) исчезнуть, пропасть

    to go (all) to pieces /rack and ruin, smash/ - а) развалиться; разбиться вдребезги, разлететься на части /на куски/; б) подорвать своё здоровье, выйти из строя; в) обанкротиться; вылететь в трубу; трещать по всем швам; г) погибнуть, пропасть

    to go to blazes /to hell, to pot, to the devil, to the dogs/, to go to pigs and whistles - разориться; погибнуть; вылететь в трубу; провалиться, пойти ко всем чертям, пойти прахом

    go to blazes /to Bath, to hell, to Jericho, to pot, to the devil, to thunder, to Hanover, to Halifax, to Putney, to Tunbridge, to grass/! - пошёл к чёрту!, убирайся к чёрту!

    go fly a kite!, go jump in the lake!, go lay an egg!, go lay a brick!, go sit on a tack - амер. груб. проваливай!, не мешай!

    to go the pace - а) мчаться, нестись во весь опор; б) прожигать жизнь, вести бурный образ жизни

    to go all out - а) напрягать все силы, стараться изо всех сил; ≅ из кожи вон лезть; б) бежать изо всех сил

    to go out of hand - а) выходить из повиновения; б) действовать тотчас же /немедленно, без подготовки/; в) амер. действовать опрометчиво /необдуманно, неосторожно/; проявлять несдержанность; г) завершать, оканчивать

    to go all /to great/ lengths - идти на всё

    to go the whole hog - а) делать (что-л.) основательно, доводить ( дело) до конца; б) ни перед чем не останавливаться, идти на всё

    to go (home) to smb.'s heart - опечалить /огорчить/ кого-л.

    to go home - а) доходить до сердца; найти отклик в душе; б) доходить до сознания

    to go on a bat /the batter, the bend, the bust, the spree, the razzle-dazzle/ - закутить, запить, загулять

    go while the going's good - убирайтесь подобру-поздорову /пока не поздно/

    to go it - а) действовать энергично; прилагать все усилия; б) говорить очень откровенно; в) обрушивать артиллерийский огонь

    go it! - ≅ давай, давай!, валяй! ( выражает поощрение к действию)

    to go it alone - действовать в одиночку, брать на себя всю ответственность

    if no one can help, I'll go it alone - если никто не может помочь, я буду действовать сам /я сделаю всё сам/

    to go it blind - действовать вслепую; поступать опрометчиво

    go along with you! - а) проваливайте!; убирайтесь; б) хватит!, не несите вздора!

    there you go! - ну (вот) поехал(а)!, опять (выражает досаду, недовольство)

    there he [she] goes! - ≅ полюбуйтесь на него [на неё]!, хорош [хороша]!, как разошёлся [разошлась]!, нечего сказать!, ну и картина! ( восклицание удивления или неодобрения)

    don't you go all polite on me! - откуда такая вежливость?

    there it goes! - ≅ смотри(те)!, слушай(те)! (восклицание, чтобы привлечь внимание слушателя)

    here goes! - а) ну, начали!; б) была не была!

    go by! - карт. пас!

    that /it/ goes for all of us - тут мы все заодно; мы все так считаем /думаем/

    it /that/ goes without saying - само собой разумеется, совершенно очевидно

    how goes it? - как дела?; как поживаете?; что слышно новенького?

    how goes the world with you? - как идут у вас дела?

    to go a-begging /begging/ - а) не иметь спроса /рынка/; б) быть вакантным ( о должности)

    to go a-wool-gathering - быть рассеянным, витать в облаках

    to go against the grain /the hair/ - быть не по вкусу /не по душе, не по нутру/; раздражать

    to go to seed - а) пойти в семена; перестать развиваться; б) прийти в упадок; в) морально опуститься

    go like this with your left foot! - сделай левой ногой так!

    to go like blazes - мчаться, нестись во весь опор

    to go like sixty /split/ - амер. мчаться, нестись во весь опор

    НБАРС > go

  • 17 stake

    I noun
    (a strong stick or post, especially a pointed one used as a support or as part of a fence.)

    1. noun
    (a sum of money risked in betting: He and his friends enjoy playing cards for high stakes.)

    2. verb
    (to bet or risk (money or something of value): I'm going to stake $5 on that horse.)
    1 (bet) apuesta
    2 (investment, share) interés nombre masculino, participación nombre femenino
    1 (bet) apostar, jugar(se); (risk) arriesgar, jugarse
    1 (horse race) carrera f sing de caballos
    to be at stake (at risk) estar en juego 2 (in danger) estar en peligro
    popularity stakes índice nombre masculino de popularidad
    1 (stick) estaca, palo; (post) poste nombre masculino; (for plant, tree) rodrigón nombre masculino; (in surveying) jalón nombre masculino
    1 (fasten, support - gen) sujetar con estacas, apoyar con estacas (up, -); (- plant, tree) arrodrigar; (in surveying) jalonar
    to be burnt at the stake morir en la hoguera
    to pull up stakes SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL marcharse, desarraigarse
    to stake a claim to something reivindicar algo, reclamar el derecho a algo
    stake ['steɪk] vt, staked ; staking
    1) : estacar, marcar con estacas (una propiedad)
    2) bet: jugarse, apostar
    to stake a claim to : reclamar, reivindicar
    1) post: estaca f
    2) bet: apuesta f
    to be at stake: estar en juego
    3) interest, share: interés m, participación f
    apuesta s.f.
    estaca s.f.
    jalón s.m.
    posta s.f.
    poste s.m.
    puesta s.f.
    apostar v.
    estacar v.

    I steɪk
    1) ( pole) estaca f

    to be burned at the stake — ser* quemado en la hoguera

    to pull up stakes — (AmE colloq) levantar campamento

    a) ( bet) apuesta f

    the stakes are highes mucho lo que está en juego

    to be at stakeestar* en juego

    b) ( interest)

    to have a stake in a company — tener* participación or intereses en una compañía

    3) stakes pl

    1) ( risk) \<\<money/reputation/life\>\> jugarse*

    to stake something ON something: I'd stake my last dime on it — me jugaría hasta el último centavo a que es así

    a) ( mark with stakes) marcar* con estacas, estacar*
    b) \<\<tree/plant\>\> arrodrigar*
    Phrasal Verbs:
    1. N
    1) (=bet) apuesta f

    to be at stake — estar en juego

    there's a lot at stake in this — es mucho lo que está en juego, hay mucho en juego

    he has got a lot at stake, there is a lot at stake for him — es mucho lo que se está jugando

    the issue at stake — el asunto en cuestión, el asunto de que se trata

    the stakes are high — (lit) se apuesta fuerte, las apuestas son muy elevadas; (fig) es mucho lo que está en juego, hay mucho en juego

    to play for high stakes — (lit) apostar fuerte; (fig) tener mucho en juego

    to raise the stakes — (Gambling) subir la apuesta

    2) (=interest)
    a) (Econ) participación f

    he bought a 12 per cent stake in the company — compró un 12 por ciento de participación en la compañía

    b) (fig)

    every employee has a stake in the success of the firm — a todos los empleados les interesa que la empresa sea un éxito

    3) stakes
    a) (=race) carrera de caballos en la que el dinero del premio lo han puesto los propietarios de los caballos ; (=prize money) bote m
    b) (fig)

    he is still in front in the popularity stakes — sigue siendo el más popular de todos

    4) (=post) poste m ; (for plant) rodrigón m ; (for execution) hoguera f

    to be burned at the stake, die at the stake — morir en la hoguera

    2. VT
    1) (=bet) [+ money, jewels] jugarse, apostar; (fig) [+ one's reputation, life] jugarse

    to stake one's reputation on sth — jugarse la reputación en algo

    a) (=delimit) [+ area, path, line] marcar con estacas, señalar con estacas
    - stake a or one's claim to
    b) (also: stake up) (=support with stakes) [+ fence] apuntalar; [+ plants] arrodrigar
    * * *

    I [steɪk]
    1) ( pole) estaca f

    to be burned at the stake — ser* quemado en la hoguera

    to pull up stakes — (AmE colloq) levantar campamento

    a) ( bet) apuesta f

    the stakes are highes mucho lo que está en juego

    to be at stakeestar* en juego

    b) ( interest)

    to have a stake in a company — tener* participación or intereses en una compañía

    3) stakes pl

    1) ( risk) \<\<money/reputation/life\>\> jugarse*

    to stake something ON something: I'd stake my last dime on it — me jugaría hasta el último centavo a que es así

    a) ( mark with stakes) marcar* con estacas, estacar*
    b) \<\<tree/plant\>\> arrodrigar*
    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > stake

  • 18 get

    1. I
    1) I have 10 shillings more to get мне надо достать еще десять шиллингов
    2) she gave him as good as she got она дала ему сдачи
    2. II
    1) get somewhere get here (home, thus far, abroad, etc.) приезжать /добираться, попадать/ сюда и т. д.; he forgot the key and couldn't get in он забыл ключ и не мог попасть в дом; the door was locked and we could not get out дверь была заперта [на ключ], и мы не могли войти; the train is starting, you must get in поезд отправляется, вам надо войти в вагон; I have no ticket, will I be able to get in? у меня нет билета, мне можно пройти /меня пропустят/? get out! вылезай(те)!, выходи(те)!; please, let me get by пожалуйста, пропустите меня /разрешите мне пройти/; get ashore сходить /высаживаться/ на берег; get astray заблудиться; rumours (reports, etc.) get abroad ходят /распространяются/ слухи и т. д.; this piece of news has got abroad эта новость стала широко известна; such sensations get abroad такого рода сенсационные сообщения становятся достоянием широкой публики; he'll soon get there он там скоро будет, он туда скоро попадет; your letter got there yesterday ваше письмо там получили /пришло туда/ вчера; how (lid these flowers get there? как туда попали эти цветы?: he got home quickly он быстро добрался до дому: the bridge was destroyed and we couldn't get across мост был разрушен, и мы не могли попасть на ту сторону; the frontier is so well guarded that. no one can get across граница так надежно /хорошо/ охраняется, что никто не может ее перейти /что ее невозможно нарушить/; get down спуститься вниз: the cat climbed to the top of tile tree and couldn't get down кошка взобралась на вершину дерева и не могла слезть
    2) he tries hard but he never gets anywhere он много работает, но у него ничего не выходит, он прилагает много усилий, но ничего не может добиться; you'll get nowhere if you work so little если вы будете так мало работать, вы ничего не добьетесь: with courage we can get anywhere мужество поможет нам добиться всего; he is getting ahead splendidly у него дела идут прекрасно; at last we seem to be getting somewhere похоже, наконец у нас что-то получается
    3. III
    1) get smth. get an answer (a postcard, a telegram, good new?get information, a birthday present, a pension, wages, etc.) получать ответ и т.д., get confirmation получить подтверждение; he got a surprise его ждал сюрприз; where can I get permission? его можно получить разрешение?; get one's breakfast (one's dinner, etc.) позавтракать и т. д.; I could not get any supper я остался без ужина, я не смог поужинать || get a sight glimpse/ of smb., smth. увидеть кого-л., что-л.
    2) get smth., smb. where did you get the money? где вы достали /раздобыли/ деньги? get a hat (a new coat, same stamps, a new diary, etc.) приобретать /покупать/ шляпу и т. д.'; you had better get a new umbrella вам бы надо купить /вам нужен/ новый зонтик; where can I get this book? где можно достать /купить/ эту книгу? I got the book. needed я нашел /достал/ нужную мне книгу; I'll go and get some milk. get Some biscuits too a схожу за молоком. get Возьми еще и печенья. get the prize (a good crop, credit, much, little, etc.) получать приз и т. д., he has got the support of the directors он получил поддержку /добился поддержки/ директоров; get a profit получать прибыль; he got nothing ему ничего на досталось, get good results (advantage, power, fame, wealth, etc.) добиваться хороших результатов и т.д., I went and got some singing lessons я пошел и взял несколько уроков пения; get friends при обретать друзей; where do you get pupils? откуда вы берете учеников?; get a wife жениться; get knowledge of the subject овладевать каким-л. предметом || get possession of smth. завладеть /овладеть/ чем-л.; get one's own way добиться своего
    3) get smth., smb. get one's hat (one's stick, one's bag, etc.) взять [с собой] шляпу и т. д., wait till I get my coat подожди, я только возьму пальто; go and get the doctor сходи за врачом; hold the line, I'll go and get him не вешайте трубку, я сейчас ere позову /найду/
    4) get smth. the room (the house, etc.) gets no sun в комнату и т. д. совсем не попадает солнце; this room gets all the sun именно в эту комнату попадает солнце; I'll come and see you if I get the time я приеду повидать вас, если у меня будет время; she hoped to get a little sleep она надеялась, что немного поспит /что ей удастся немного поспать/; I'll go and get some sleep пойду сосну
    5) get smb.,smth. I didn't get him a) я не застал его; б) я не дозвонился ему; you got the wrong number вы ошиблись номером /вы не туда попали/
    6) get smb., smth. get the thief (the runaway, the culprit, a squirrel, etc.) поймать вора и т. д.; did he get his train он успел на поезд?; I decided to get the next train я решил сесть на следующий поезд
    7) get smth. get an illness заболеть; get a cold chill/ простудиться; get [the] measles (scarlet fever, typhus, etc.) заболеть корью, подхватить корь и т. д.; have you got a cold? у вас насморк?; get a bad fall (a slight hurt) сильно (слегка) ушибиться; get a blow (a shock, a nasty wound, etc.) получить удар и т. д.
    8) get smth. get ten years (six months, etc.) получить десять лет тюрьмы /тюремного заключения/ и т. д., быть приговоренным к десяти годам [тюремного заключения] и т. д.; you'll get a beating тебя ожидает порка, тебя высекут; you'll get a scolding тебя ожидает /ты получишь/ выговор; you'll get it! тебе влетит
    9) get smth., smb. coll. get the joke (smb.'s meaning, smb.'s idea, etc.) понимать шутку и т. д., I don't get it не понял; it is just between us, get it? это только между нами, попятно?; I didn't get your name я не разобрал /не расслышал/ вашего имени; I don't get you я вас не понимаю
    10) get smth. dividing nine by three we get three если разделить девять на три, получится три
    11) have got smth. I have got a new watch (a new suit, a new hat, a car, etc.) у меня [есть] новые часы и т. д; have you got a newspaper (the tickets, a pencil, an erasing-knife, etc)? у вас есть газета и т.д.? I've got no money у меня нет денег; she's got a lovely voice у нее красивый голос; he'll lose all he's got, if he isn't careful если он не будет более осмотрительным /осторожнее/, он потеряет все, что имеет
    4. IV
    1) get smth. at some time get the answer this morning (some money soon, etc.) получить ответ сегодня утром и т. д.; get money every month получать деньги каждый месяц; I get a letter every day каждый день мне приходит /я получаю/ письмо; in this hotel I get breakfast every morning в этой гостинице каждое утро дают /подают/ завтрак; get your dinner at once сейчас же пообедай; get smth. in some manner you got the answer right ты получил /у тебя получился/ правильный ответ
    2) get smth. in some manner get this horse (this coat, this bicycle, etc.) cheap (ly) дешево купить /приобрести/ лошадь и т. д., купить эту лошадь и т. д. по дешевке; get the book second-hand приобрести подержанную книгу, купить книгу у букиниста; get money easily легко зарабатывать /доставать, получать/ деньги; get this book easily достать эту книгу без затруднений
    3) get smb., smth. somewhere get him home (the old man upstairs, you there, the child up, etc.) отводить /доставлять, приводить/ его домой и т.д., get smb. in а) помочь кому-л. проникнуть куда-л.; б) втащить кого-л. вовнутрь; get smb. out а) помочь кому-л. выбраться откуда-л.; б) вытащить кого-л. откуда-л.; get the horses out вывести лошадей; what got you here? что вас привело сюда?; get this parcel home (the table here, etc.) доставлять посылку домой и т. д., get the chairs (the washing, some coal, etc.) in вносить стулья и т.д., I don't know how you'll ever get the box (the trunk, the piano, etc.) upstairs не знаю, как вы втащите этот ящик и т. д. наверх; get a mast up ставить мачту; get up a sunken vessel поднимать затонувшее судно; get smth. overboard выбрасывать что-л. за борт; get his letter (one's own books, my money, etc.) back получить обратно его письме и т. д., now I've got you back теперь вы вернулись ко мне
    4) get smb. at some time I'll get you yet! я еще вас поймаю!, вы еще мне попадетесь!; he got you that time! на этот раз он вас поймал!
    5) get smb. somewhere it will get him nowhere, it won't get him anywhere это ничего ему не даст, этим он ничего не добьется; all work and no play does not get you anywhere если работать и не отдыхать, толку будет мало
    6) get smb., smth. in some manner coll. I get you (your meaning, your idea, etc.) all right я хорошо понимаю вас и т. д.
    7) have got smth. somewhere what have you got there? что у вас там?
    5. V
    get smb. smth.
    1) get him a ticket (me a dictionary, them those pictures, etc.) доставать /покупать/ ему билет и т. д.; get me a good teacher (him a place. her another job, etc.) найдите мне хорошего преподавателя и т. д.
    2) get smb. a towel (me my hat, him another dictionary, her a chair, me some ink, etc.) принести кому-л. полотенце и т. д.; can you get me another pencil? вы можете принести /дать/ мне другой карандаш?
    3) get smb. smb., smth. get me the director (the hospital, the head teacher, etc.) соедините меня с директором и т. д.
    6. VI
    1) get smth., smb. in some state get dinner (breakfast, books, etc.) ready приготовить обед и т. д., she quickly got the children ready for school она быстро собрала детей в школу; get one's feet (one's clothes, etc.) wet промочить ноги и т. д.; get the windows open открыть окна; get everything right again снова навести везде порядок; get smb. free освободить кого-л., выпустить кого-л. на свободу; get the dog loose спустить собаку с цепи; it gets me down-hearted это приводит меня в уныние
    2) get smth. in some state get the sum right получить правильный ответ [в решении задачи], правильно решить задачу
    7. VII
    1) get smth., smb. to do smth. get something (nothing, etc.) to eat (to read, to play with, etc.) достать что-нибудь поесть и т. д.; get leave to go home получить отпуск для поездки домой; get smb. to clean the windows (to wash the floors, to do the room, etc.) найти кого-л. [, чтобы] вымыть окна и т. д.; I can't get anyone to do the work properly не могу найти человека, который выполнил бы эту работу как следует
    2) get smb., smth. to do smth. get your friend to help you (him to come, her to join us, your brother to introduce me to the chairman, etc.) убедить /заставить/ вашего приятеля /друга/ помочь вам и т. д.; get a fire to burn разжечь огонь или костер; get this door to shut properly починить дверь, чтобы она закрывалась как следует; I can never get him to go to bed я никогда не могу уложить его спать; get him to tell her about it уговорите его рассказать ей об этом; you will not be able to get a tree to grow in this soil вам не удастся вырастить дерево на такой почве
    3) Have got smth. to do I have got very much /lots of work/ to do у меня очень много работы /дел/, мне надо очень много сделать; what have you got to say? что вы можете сказать?
    8. VIII
    get smth., smb. doing smth.get the clock (the work, the typewriter, etc.) going наладить часы и т. д; at last he got the stone rolling наконец ему удалось сдвинуть камень, и тот покатился; she got everybody singing все подхватили ее песню; она заставила всех петь; I'll get her talking а) я заставлю ее заговорить; б) я разговорю ее; that got him guessing это заставило его теряться в догадках
    9. IX
    1) get smth., smb. done I must get the book bound (my passport endorsed, the work done, my shoes repaired, etc.) мне нужно [отдать] переплести книгу и т. д.; we are getting our apartment newly papered мы заново оклеиваем [обоями] квартиру; I shall get my hair cut я постригусь; can you get the work finished in time (by evening)? a) вы можете закончить работу вовремя (к вечеру)?; б) вы можете добиться, чтобы работа была готова вовремя (к вечеру)?; where can I this printed (my piano tuned, my shoes soled, etc.)? где мне / я могу/ это напечатать и т. д.?; I want to get my coat mended я хочу починить /отдать в починку/ пальто; get the laws obeyed (my words believed, etc.) добиться [того], чтобы законы выполнялись /соблюдались/ и т. д.; get oneself appointed (noticed, chosen, etc.) сделать так, чтобы тебя назначили и т. д., they got him elected chairman они провели его в председатели
    2) get smb. in some state get a man drunk напоить человека; get smb. dressed (washed, fed, etc.) одеть и т. д. кого-л.; it gets me discouraged я от этого прихожу в уныние; he got his face scratched (his wrist broken, etc.) он расцарапал лицо и т. д.
    10. X
    get into some state get married (dressed, shaved, brushed clean, confused, hurt, etc.) жениться и т.д., get drunk напиваться; get tired уставать; get frozen замерзать; he got drowned он утонул; you must get done /finished/ with it с этим нужно покончить /кончать/; get used /accustomed/ to the climate here (to the customs and manners over here, to sitting up late, to the rolling of a ship, etc.) привыкать к здешнему климату и т. д., he got fired /dismissed/ (severely wounded, killed, etc.) его уволили /выгнали/ и т. д.; he got paid for this ему за это заплатили; he got mixed up with dishonest men он связался с дурной компанией; they got left behind они отстали; that vase will get broken эта ваза разобьется; everything gets known все становится известным || get rid of smb., smth. отделываться /избавляться/ от кого-л., чего-л.; get rid of a troublesome visitor (of a lazy servant, of the old car, of an engagement, etc.) избавиться /отделаться/ от назойливого посетителя и т. д.
    11. XI
    1) be got the thing is not to be got fay вещь нельзя достать
    2) be got at the soul of a people can be got at fully only through, the knowledge of its language душу народа можно познать только через его язык
    3) be got at coll. the witness (the press, the voters, etc.) have been got at свидетели и т. д. были подкуплены
    12. ХIII
    1) get to do smth. soon she got to like her job скоро ей начала нравиться /понравилась/ ее работа, она вскоре полюбила свой работу;how did you get to know it? как вы об этом узнали?, как вам удалось это узнать?; they got to be friends они стали друзьями; you'll like him when /once/ you get to know him когда вы его узнаете, вы его полюбите
    2) have got to do smth. we've got to go (to write a letter, to listen to what he says, to leave early to catch my train, to pass this examination, etc.) нам необходимо /мы должны/ идти и т.д., it has got to be done это должно быть сделано /надо сделать/; she's got to work hard for her living ей приходится много работать, чтобы заработать на жизнь
    3) id have got to do with smth. what's that got to do with us? какое это имеет отношение к нам?
    13. XIV
    get doing smth.,get moving (rolling, singing, etc.) начать двигаться и т. д.; when these women get talking they go on for hours когда эти женщины начнут разговаривать /болтать/, их не остановишь; we got talking of the future мы стали говорить /заговорили/ о будущем; they wanted to get going on the construction of the house они хотели приступить к строительству дома; if we don't get doing we'll never arrive in time если мы не тронемся в путь, мы ни за что не приедем вовремя; things haven't really got going yet дела еще фактически не сдвинулись с места /с мертвой точки/; let's get going! пошли!, пойдём!, поёхали!
    13. XV
    get into some state get warmer (worse and worse, uglier every day, etc.) становиться теплее и т. д.; get grey (old, silly, poor, red in the face, etc.) поседеть и т. д.; get well поправляться, выздоравливать; he is getting better ему уже лучше; get asleep засыпать; I am getting thirsty (sleepy, hungry. etc.) мне захотелось пить и т. д., the children will get wet (hungry, etc.) дети вымокнут /промокнут/ и т. д.; he got rich он разбогател; he got mad at the message записка его разозлила; он разозлился на записку; they got closer to each other они сблизились, они стали ближе друг другу; it got rainy пошли дожди; it got foggy опустился туман; the sky got cloudy небо заволокло тучами; it is getting dark (cold, warm, etc.) темнеет и т. д. it is getting late уже поздно; the fire is getting low костер гаснет /угасает/; things are getting better дела идут все лучше
    14. XVI
    1) get into (out of, through, over, up, across, at, etc.) smth. get into the room (into town, into a bar, etc.) попадать /входить/ в комнату и т. д.; the burglar got into the kitchen through the window грабитель проник /влез/ в кухню через окно; get into a car сесть /влезть/ в автомобиль /в машину/; get into the saddle сесть /взобраться/ в седло; something has got into my eye мне что-то попало в глаз this story got into the newspapers эта история попала в газеты; where has that book got to? куда запропастилась /делась/ эта книга?; get to the station (to London, to the office, etc.) добраться до вокзала и т. д.; where did you get to yesterday? куда вы делись /где вы были/ вчера?; get out, of a train (out of a bus, out of a carriage, etc.) выходить из поезда и т. д., get out of bed! вставайте!; get out of here (out of this house)! прочь отсюда (из этого дома)!; get out of the way of a car посторониться и пропустить машину; get out of smb.'s way уйти с чьей-л. дороги; get through the hole in the wall (through the eye of a needle, through a gap, through a crack, etc.) пролезать через дыру в стене и т. д.; get over a fence (over a wall, over a stile, etc.) перелезать через забор и т. д.; get over /across/ a river переправляться через реку; get across tile street (across /over/ the bridge, across the frontier, etc.) перейти на другую сторону улицы и т. д.; he got above the clouds он поднялся над облаками; get under the hedge (under the wire netting, under the rope, etc.) пролезать под изгородью и т. д.; get under some old boxes (under some bushes, etc.) залезать /закатиться/ под старые ящики и т. д.; under the wheels (under а motor-саг, etc.) попасть под колеса и т. д.; the cat got under the bed (under the fence, etc.) кошка шмыгнула под кровать и т. д.; get at the top shelf (at the ripest fruit, at one's luggage, etc.) дотянуться /достать/ до верхней полки и т. д.; keep medicines where children can't get at them убирайте лекарства так, чтобы дети не смогли их достать; the dog could not get at me собака не могла меня достать; let me get at him coll. дайте мне только до него добраться; get down a tree (down a fence, etc.) слезать с дерева и т. д., get up a ladder (up a hill, up a tree, etc.) взбираться на лестницу и т. д.; get by the guard (by the policeman, etc.) проскользнуть мимо часового и т. д.; get before the crowd (before the procession, before the column of marchers, etc.) обогнать толпу и т. д.; get behind a tree (behind a door, behind a fence, etc.) встать /спрятаться/ за дерево и т. д.; the реп got behind the bookcase ручка закаталась /попала/ за книжный шкаф; get between the sheets залезть под одеяло; he got between the boys and prevented a fight он встал между мальчишками и не дал им сцепиться; get aboard a ship подняться на борт корабля
    2) get to (abreast of, beyond, as far аs, etc.) smth. get to the end of the chapter (to the main subject, to the theme of my story, to the heart of the matter, etc.) дойти /добраться/ до конца главы и т. д.: how far did you get to? до какого места ты дочитал?; get to the head of one's class выйти на первое место в классе; стать первым учеником в классе; get to the city police (to the authorities, etc.) связаться с городской полицией и т. д.; get to some time (to some age) достигать какого-л. времени (возраста); when it gets to 10 o'clock I begin to feel tired к десяти часам я начинаю чувствовать усталость: when you get to 70... когда вам [будет] семьдесят...; get between two fighting parties оказаться /очутиться/ между двумя враждующими /борющимися/ группами; his anger has got beyond control он вышел из себя, он уже не мог сдержать гнев; he doesn't let much get by him он почти ничего не пропускает; практически ничто мимо него не проходит; you cannot easily get at him с ним не так просто связаться /увидеться/; get abreast of modem technology достичь современного уровня техники; we got as far as the lake мы дошли или доехали до озера || get in touch with smb. связаться / установить контакт/ с кем-л.
    3) get within smth. get within smb.'s reach (within the range of their fire, etc.) оказаться в пределах чьей-л. досягаемости и т. д.; get within earshot оказаться в пределах слышимости; get within their sight оказаться в поле их зрения; get out of smth. get out of smb.'s sight скрыться с чьих-л. глаз; get out of smb.'s reach оказаться для них вне пределов досягаемости; get among smb. get among friends (among enemies, among strangers, etc.) оказаться среди друзей и т. д. || get into the hands of the police попасть в руки полиции
    4) get into smth. get into a coat (into one's clothes, into one's boots, etc.) надевать пальто и т. д., get into one's trousers натянуть брюки; I can't get into these shoes, they are three sizes too small я не могу надеть эти ботинки, мне надо на три номера больше
    5) get into smth. get into business (into trade, into the movies, into politics, etc.) заняться коммерцией и т. д.; get into fights with the neighbour's children драться /вступать в драку/ с соседскими мальчишками; get into Parliament (into a party, into a club, etc.) стать членом парламента и т. д.; get into office получить /занять/ должность; Kennedy got into office in 1961 Кеннеди стал президентом в тысяча девятьсот шестьдесят первом году; get into conversation (into a dispute with smb., into correspondence, into communication, etc.) завязать разговор и т.д.; they got into quite an argument about it между ними разгорелся довольно жаркий спор
    6) get in (to) smth. get into trouble (into a difficulty, into mischief, etc.) попасть в беду и т. д.; get into debt залезть в долги; get in a row (into a horrible scrape, etc.) оказаться замешанным /ввязаться/ в скандал и т. д.; get into a bad habit приобрести плохую /дурную/ привычку; get into the habit /into the way/ of getting up early (of doing things one's own way, of answering back, etc.) привыкнуть рано вставать и т. д., get into a rage впасть в ярость; get into a panic поддаться панике; get into general use получить широкое распространение; get out of smth. get out of practice потерять навык, [давно] не иметь практики; get out of repair требовать ремонта; get out of order выйти из строя, испортиться, сломаться; get out of shape потерять форму
    7) get over (out of, through,get etc.) smth. get over a difficulty ( over an obstacle, over an impediment, etc.) преодолеть затруднение и т. д.; she couldn't get over her shyness (over her embarrassment, over her confusion, over her dislike of him, over the disinclination to work, etc.) она не могла побороть / преодолеть/ свой застенчивость и т. д.; he couldn't get over his stutter он не мог избавиться от заикания; I can't get over his abominable manners никак не могу примириться с его ужасными манерами /привыкнуть к его ужасным манерам/; get over a disappointment (over an alarm, over a surprise, etc.) прийти в себя после разочарования и т. д.; I couldn't get over his behaviour он себя так плохо вел, что я никак не мог успокоиться; I couldn't get over the fear of him я никак не мог избавиться от чувства /преодолеть чувство/ страха перед ним; get over an illness (over an ailment, over that severe cold, over an injury, etc.) оправиться от /после/ болезна и т.д., get over /out of/ a bad habit отделаться / отучиться/ от дурной привычки; get out of a difficulty выйти из затруднительного положения; there is по getting out of it, you cannot get out of it от этого не открутишься; don't try to get out of your duties не пытайтесь уклоняться от своих обязанностей; get through another bad winter (through a dangerous illness, etc.) пережить еще одну тяжелую зиму и т. д.; I don't know how I'll get through this month я не знаю, как я дотяну до конца месяца; I don't know how I got through the day не знаю, как я прожил /выдержал/ этот день; get through an exam выдержать экзамен; get through written papers написать контрольную работу; get through a driving test сдать экзамен на водительские права; how he got through college is a mystery совершенно непонятно, как он смог окончить колледж; get (a)round smth. get around the law (around the regulations, around that clause, around a difficulty, etc.) обходить закон и т. д.; there is no getting (aground this fact a) нельзя не (посчитаться с этим фактом; б) нельзя пройти мимо этого факта; get (a)round smb. coll. she can get (aground anyone она может убедить /обвести вокруг пальца/ кого хочешь /кого угодно/; she knows how to get round him она знает, как к нему подъехать
    8) get through /over/ smth. get through a lot of reading (through a lot of work, etc.) много прочитать и т.д., get through her washing (through one's homework, through this book, etc.) закончить стирку и т. д.; how could he get through all these files? как он успел просмотреть все эти папки?; get through one's task with great speed быстро выполнить свой задачу; get through a lot of correspondence ( through these books, etc.) разделаться с большим количеством писем и т. д.; get through such a lot of food (through all this meat, through a bottle of gin a week, etc.) съесть /осилить/ много всякой всячины и т. д.; get through one's fortune (through a lot of money, through L 1000 in less than a week, etc.) растратить /растранжирить, промотать/ свое состояние и т. д.
    9) get at smth., smb. get at the truth (at the facts, at the root of the trouble, at the cause of the disturbance, at the heart of things, etc.) докапываться до правды и т. д.; get at the meaning of the sentence добраться до сути этого предложения; get at the secret of his success выяснить /понять/, в чем секрет его успеха; that's what I want to get at вот в чем мне хочется разобраться, вот что мне хочется постичь; what are you getting at? coll. a) чего вы хотите?, к чему вы клоните?; б) что вы имеете в виду?; we could not tell what the speaker was getting at мы не знали /не понимали/, что имел в виду /хотел сказать/ оратор; who are you getting at? кого вы имеете в виду?, на кого вы намекаете?; were you getting at me in that last remark you made? в своем последнем замечании вы намекали на меня? /вы имели в виду меня/?; he is always getting at me coll. он вечно ко мне цепляется /придирается/
    10) get at smb. get at a witness (at a judge, at the press, etc.) подкупать свидетеля и т. д.
    15. XVII
    1) get (in)to doing smth. coll. get into sleeping in the afternoon (to fighting, etc.) взять себе за привычку спать днем и т. д.; I got to thinking that... я стал думать, что...
    2) get out of doing smth. get out of attending smth. (out of going there, out of answering, etc.) отвертеться и не пойти на какое-л. мероприятие и т. д.; get as far as doing smth. we did not get as far as discussing finances мы не дошли до обсуждения финансовых вопросов
    16. XXI1
    1) get smth. from (at, out of, etc.) smth., smb. get machinery from Europe (many commodities from abroad, etc.) получать оборудование из Европы и т. д., закупать /покупать, приобретать/ оборудование в Европе и т.д., get our things at this shop покупать /приобретать/ вещи в этом магазине; get information from the library (money from the bank, help from him, etc.) получать, сведения из библиотеки и т. д., get dinner (lunch, etc.) at the hotel (at the restaurant, at the inn, etc.) (пообедать и т. д. в гостинице и т. д.; I got this information (the news, facts. etc.) from a friend of mine (from my secretary, etc.) мне это и т. д. сообщил один приятель и т. д., я получил эти сведения и т. д. от одного приятеля и т. д.; get butter from cream получать масло из сливок; get a confession out of the prisoner ( a secret out of the woman, the truth out of the man, etc.) вытянуть / вырвать/ у заключенного признание и т. д.; get smth. for smth. get data for analysis (information for the article, new curtains for the guest-room, etc.) доставать /добывать/ данные для анализа и т. д., get material for research собирать материал для исследования: can I still get a ticket for tonight's play? можно еще достать /купить, получить/ билет на сегодняшний спектакль?; get smth. for smb. get tickets (another dictionary, this book, etc.) for him купить или заказать ему билеты и т. д.; get smth. by smth. get good results by hard work усердием /большим трудом/ добиться хороших результатов; get very little by deceit немногого добиться обманом || get hold of the manager (of the secretary, of the owner, etc.) разыскать /найти/ администратора и т. д., where did you get hold of this curious old picture? где вы раздобыли эту любопытную старую картину?; he got the start of his rivals он получил преимущество перед своими соперниками
    2) get smth. from smb. get presents from his brother (a letter from one's parents, a message from him, etc.) получать подарки от брата и т. д.; get no help (no money, no advice, etc.) from him не получать от него помощи и т. д.; you will never get anything from him от него ничего не дождешься; get his timidity from his mother унаследовать робость от матери; get smth. for smth. get a good salary for the job (a reward for his part in the affair, a medal for bravery. etc.) получать хорошую зарплату за эту работу и т. д.; what did you get for this article? сколько вам заплатили за эту статью?; get a good price for the land получить хорошую цену за землю; I will see what I can get for it посмотри, сколько я могу за это получить /выручить, взять/; get a new watch (a ring, a new hat, etc.) for one's birthday получить новые часы и т. д. [в подарок] на день рождения; get smth. out of smth. what did you get out of his lecture? что вы вынесли из его лекции?, что вам дала его лекция?; all he got out of it was disgrace это принесло ему только позор; get smth. of smb., smth. what impression did you get of him (of this play, etc.)? .какое он и т. д. на вас произвел впечатление?
    3) get smth., smb. across (from, to, etc.) smth. get smth. across the river (across the sea, across the frontier, etc.) переправить что-л. через реку и т. д.; get smb. across the street (across the bridge, across the field, etc) перевести кого-л. через улицу и т. д.; get one's hat from the other room (the books from the study, the tea-things from the kitchen, etc.) принести шляпу из другой комнаты и т. д., get down a book from the top shelf (the boy from the fence, my hat from the book, etc.) снимать книгу с верхней полки и т. д.; get a letter to London (to Paris, etc.) доставить письмо в Лондон и т. д., get the child to bed уложить ребенка в постель; get the trunk back to the garret отнести сундук обратно на чердак; get the parcel back to London снова доставить пакет в Лондон; get your TV back for this evening (for the party, etc.) принесите снова ваш телевизор на этот вечер и т. д.; the car did not get him very far on the road home он проехал на машине лишь небольшую часть дороги домой; that did not get him very far on the road to fame это весьма незначительно способствовало его продвижению по пути славы; get smth., smb. to smb., smth. how can I get these things to you? как мне переправить вам эти вещи?; get the slaves to the north переправить рабов на север
    4) get smth., smb. into (through, from, out of, etc.) smth. I can't get the key into the lock я не могу вставить ключ в замок; help me get the pig into the cart помогите мне втащить поросенка в телегу: how can I get all these books into the bag? как мне запихнуть /засунуть, впихнуть/ все эти книги в портфель?; get the piano through the door протащить пианино в дверь; get the milk from the refrigerator for me достаньте мне молока из холодильника; get smth. out of the house выносить что-л. из дома; get a cork out of a bottle вытаскивать пробку из бутылки; get stains out of a coat выводить пятна с пиджака: get these things out of the way уберите эти вещи с дороги [, чтобы они не мешали]; get the man out of the house (the dog out of the room, etc.) выводить человека из дома и т. д.: get her out of the country помочь ей уехать или вывезти ее из страны /за границу/ || get smth. into one's head вбить себе что-л. в голову: he got it into his head that everybody was persecuting him он вбил себе в голову, что его все преследуют; get smth. out of one's head выбросить что-л. из головы; get the idea (the thing, it, the notion, etc.) out of one's head выбросить эту мысль и т. д. из головы, перестать об этом думать
    5) get smb., smth. into (through) smth. get him into Parliament (into their headquarters, etc.) провести /протащить/ его в парламент и т. д.; get smb. into the firm пристроить кого-л. в эту фирму; get a bill through Parliament (this measure through the house, etc.) провести /протащить/ законопроект в парламенте и т. д., he helped me to get my luggage through the customs он помог мне пройти таможенный досмотр; get a pupil through his examination вытащить ученика на экзамене; it was his mathematics that got him through entrance examinations он выдержал приемные экзамены благодаря тому, что хорошо знал математику; get an article into a paper поместить статьи в газете; get the report into print сдать доклад в печать
    6) get smb. by smth. get smb. by the hand (by the hair, by the throat, by the wrist. etc.) схватить кого-л. за руку и т. д.: get smth., smb. on (by) smth. I get all program (me)s on my TV-set мой телевизор принимает все программы; how many stations can you get on your radio set? сколько станций берет /принимает/ ваш приемник?; I can't get him on the phone я не могу связаться с ним по телефону; get smb. by phone (by radio, etc.) связаться с кем-л. по телефону и т. д.
    7) get smb. in (on, through, etc.) smth. the bullet got him in the leg (through the stomach, in the shoulder, etc.) пуля попала ему в ногу и т. д.; the blow got him on the head (in the mouth, on the back, etc.) удар пришелся ему по голове и т. д., get smth. in smth. get a splinter in one's finger занозить палец; get a bullet in the leg получить пулевое ранение в ногу
    8) get smb. into smth. get smb. into debt (into difficulties, into a fight, etc.) вовлекать кого-л. в долги и т. д., she got me into trouble у меня из-за нее /она втравила меня в/ неприятности; get smb. out of smth. get smb. out of a fix /out of difficulty/ вызволить кого-л. из затруднения; get the children out of this habit отучать детей от этой привычки || get smth., smb. off one's hands избавиться от чего-л., кого-л., сбыть что-л., кого-л. с рук; she wished she could get the old house (the useless books, her unmarried daughter, etc.) off her hands ей хотелись избавиться /освободиться/ от старого дома и т. д. /сбыть старый дом и т. д. с рук/
    9) get smth. of smth. get 5 years of hard labour получить пять лет каторжных работ; get smth. for smth. he got a stiff sentence for his crimes за совершенные преступления ему был вынесен суровый приговор
    10) have got smth., smb. in (at, on, etc.) smth. I have /I've/ got money in the bank (a flat in this house, a friend at the studio, etc.) у меня в банке [лежат] деньги и т. д. || he's got smth., smb. on the brain он все время о чем-л., о ком-л. думает
    17. XXII
    get smth. by doing smth. that's what you get by talking too much вот что ты получаешь /вот как ты расплачиваешься/ за болтливость; get a good price by bargaining поторговаться и получить хорошую цену; get smth. for doing smth. you'll get a beating for doing this тебе за это всыпят; you'll get it for breaking that vase! тебе крепко достанется за то, что ты разбил вазу!
    18. XXIV1
    get smth., smb. as smth. get L 10 as reward (a book as a consolation prize, the newcomer as assistant, etc.) получить десять фунтов в качестве вознаграждения и т. д.; I got this book as a present я получил эту книгу в подарок; we get L 20 as the average мы получаем в среднем двадцать фунтов
    19. XXVI
    get smb., smth. before... (when..., etc.) get him before he escapes схватить его до того, как он скроется; get the book when the price is reduced купить книгу, когда ее уценят

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > get

  • 19 take

    A n
    1 Cin prise f (de vues) ; ‘it's a take!’ ‘elle est bonne!’ ;
    2 Fishg, Hunt ( of fish) prise f ; ( of game) tableau m de chasse ;
    3 Comm ( amount received) recette f.
    B vtr ( prét took ; pp taken)
    1 ( take hold of) prendre [object, money] ; to take sb by the arm/hand/throat prendre qn par le bras/par la main/à la gorge ; to take sb's arm/hand prendre le bras/la main de qn ; to take sth from prendre qch sur [shelf, table] ; prendre qch dans [drawer, box] ; to take sth out of sth sortir qch de qch ; the passage is taken from his latest book le passage est tiré de son dernier livre ;
    2 ( use violently) to take a knife/an axe to sb attaquer qn avec un couteau/une hache ;
    3 ( have by choice) prendre [bath, shower, holiday] ; to take lessons prendre des leçons (in de) ; we take a newspaper/three pints of milk every day nous prenons le journal/trois pintes de lait tous les jours ; we take the Gazette nous recevons la Gazette ; I'll take a pound of apples, please donnez-moi une livre de pommes, s'il vous plaît ; take a seat! asseyez-vous! ; to take a wife/a husband prendre femme/un mari ;
    4 ( carry along) emporter, prendre [object] ; emmener [person] ; to take sb to school/to work/to the hospital emmener qn à l'école/au travail/à l'hôpital ; to take a letter/a cheque to the post office porter une lettre/un chèque à la poste ; to take chairs into the garden porter des chaises dans le jardin ; to take the car to the garage emmener la voiture au garage ; the book? he's taken it with him le livre? il l'a emporté ; to take sb sth, to take sth to sb apporter qch à qn ; to take sb dancing/swimming emmener qn danser/se baigner ; to take sth upstairs/downstairs monter/descendre qch ; you can't take him anywhere! hum il n'est pas sortable! ;
    5 (lead, guide) I'll take you through the procedure je vous montrerai comment on procède ; to take the actors through the scene faire travailler la scène aux acteurs ; I'll take you up to the second floor/to your room je vais vous conduire au deuxième étage/à votre chambre ;
    6 ( transport) to take sb to [bus] conduire or emmener qn à [place] ; [road, path] conduire or mener qn à [place] ; his work takes him to many different countries son travail l'appelle à se déplacer dans beaucoup de pays différents ; what took you to Brussels? qu'est-ce que vous êtes allé faire à Bruxelles? ;
    7 ( use to get somewhere) prendre [bus, taxi, plane etc] ; prendre [road, path] ; take the first turn on the right/left prenez la première à droite/à gauche ;
    8 ( negotiate) [driver, car] prendre [corner, bend] ; [horse] sauter [fence] ;
    9 ( accept) accepter, recevoir [bribe, money] ; prendre [patients, pupils] ; accepter [job] ; prendre [phone call] ; [machine] accepter [coin] ; [shop, restaurant etc] accepter [credit card, cheque] ; [union, employee] accepter [reduction, cut] ; will you take £10 for the radio? je vous offre 10 livres sterling en échange de votre radio ; that's my last offer, take it or leave it ! c'est ma dernière proposition, c'est à prendre ou à laisser! ; whisky? I can take it or leave it! le whisky? je peux très bien m'en passer ;
    10 ( require) [activity, course of action] demander, exiger [patience, skill, courage] ; it takes patience/courage to do il faut de la patience/du courage pour faire ; it takes three hours/years etc to do il faut trois heures/ans etc pour faire ; it won't take long ça ne prendra pas longtemps ; it took her 10 minutes to repair it elle a mis 10 minutes pour le réparer ; the wall won't take long to build le mur sera vite construit ; it won't take long to do the washing-up la vaisselle sera vite faite ; it would take a genius/a strong person to do that il faudrait un génie/quelqu'un de robuste pour faire ça ; to have what it takes avoir tout ce qu'il faut (to do pour faire) ; typing all those letters in two hours will take some doing! ce ne sera pas facile de taper toutes ces lettres en deux heures! ; she'll take some persuading ce sera dur de la convaincre ;
    11 Ling [verb] prendre [object] ; [preposition] être suivi de [case] ;
    12 ( endure) supporter [pain, criticism] ; accepter [punishment, opinions] ; I find their attitude hard to take je trouve leur attitude difficile à accepter ; he can't take being criticized il ne supporte pas qu'on le critique ; she just sat there and took it! elle est restée là et ne s'est pas défendue ; he can't take a joke il ne sait pas prendre une plaisanterie ; go on, tell me, I can take it! vas-y, dis-le, je n'en mourrai pas ! ; I can't take any more! je suis vraiment à bout! ;
    13 ( react to) prendre [news, matter, criticism, comments] ; to take sth well/badly bien/mal prendre qch ; to take sth seriously/lightly prendre qch au sérieux/à la légère ; to take things one ou a step at a time prendre les choses une par une ;
    14 ( assume) I take it that je suppose que ; to take sb for ou to be sth prendre qn pour qch ; what do you take me for? pour qui est-ce que tu me prends? ; what do you take this poem to mean? comment est-ce que vous interprétez ce poème? ;
    15 ( consider as example) prendre [person, example, case] ; take John (for example), he has brought up a family by himself prends John, il a élevé une famille tout seul ; let us ou if we take the situation in France prenons la situation en France ; take Stella, she never complains! regarde Stella, elle ne se plaint jamais! ;
    16 ( adopt) adopter [view, attitude, measures, steps] ; to take a soft/tough line on sb/sth adopter une attitude indulgente/sévère à l'égard de qn/qch ; to take the view ou attitude that être d'avis que, considérer que ;
    17 ( record) prendre [notes, statement] ; [doctor, nurse] prendre [pulse, temperature, blood pressure] ; [secretary] prendre [letter] ; to take sb's measurements ( for clothes) prendre les mesures de qn ; to take a reading lire les indications ;
    18 ( hold) [hall, bus] avoir une capacité de, pouvoir contenir [50 people, passengers etc] ; [tank, container] pouvoir contenir [quantity] ; the tank/bus will take… le réservoir/bus peut contenir… ; the cupboard/the suitcase won't take any more clothes il est impossible de mettre plus de vêtements dans ce placard/ cette valise ;
    19 ( consume) prendre [sugar, milk, pills, remedy] ; to take tea/lunch with sb GB sout prendre le thé/déjeuner avec qn ; ⇒ drug ;
    20 ( wear) ( in clothes) faire [size] ; to take a size 4 ( in shoes) faire or chausser du 37 ;
    21 Phot prendre [photograph] ;
    22 Math ( subtract) soustraire [number, quantity] (from de) ;
    23 ( study) prendre, faire [subject] ; suivre [course] ;
    24 Sch, Univ ( sit) passer [exam, test] ;
    25 ( teach) [teacher, lecturer] faire cours à [students, pupils] ; to take sb for Geography/French faire cours de géographie/de français à qn ;
    26 ( officiate at) [priest] célébrer [service, prayer, wedding] ; dire [mass] ;
    27 ( capture) [army, enemy] prendre [fortress, city] ; ( in chess) [player] prendre [piece] ; ( in cards) faire [trick] ; [person] remporter [prize] ; ⇒ hostage, prisoner ;
    28 ( have sex with) prendre [woman].
    C vi ( prét took ; pp taken)
    1 ( have desired effect) [drug] faire effet ; [dye] prendre ; ( grow successfully) [plant] prendre ;
    2 Fishg [fish] mordre.
    I'll take it from here fig je prendrai la suite ; to be on the take toucher des pots-de-vin ; to take it ou a lot out of sb fatiguer beaucoup qn ; to take it upon oneself to do prendre sur soi de faire ; to take sb out of himself changer les idées à qn ; you can take it from me,… croyez-moi,…
    take [sb] aback interloquer [person].
    take after [sb] tenir de [father, mother etc].
    take against [sb] prendre [qn] en grippe.
    take [sb/sth] along, take along [sb/sth] emporter [object] ; emmener [person].
    take apart se démonter ; does it take apart? est-ce que ça se démonte? ;
    take [sb/sth] apart
    1 ( separate into parts) démonter [car, machine] ;
    2 fig ( defeat) [player, team] massacrer [opponent, team] ;
    3 ( criticize) [person, critic, teacher] descendre [qch] en flammes [essay, film, book].
    take [sb] aside prendre [qn] à part.
    take away:
    take [sb/sth] away, take away [sb/sth]
    1 ( remove) enlever, emporter [object] (from de) ; emmener [person] (from de) ; supprimer [pain, fear, grief] (from de) ; ‘two hamburgers to take away, please’ GB ‘deux hamburgers à emporter, s'il vous plaît’ ; to take away sb's appetite faire perdre l'appétit à qn ;
    2 fig ( diminish) that doesn't take anything away from his achievement ça n'enlève rien à ce qu'il a accompli ;
    3 ( subtract) soustraire [number] (from à, de) ; ten take away seven is three dix moins sept égalent trois.
    take back:
    take [sth] back, take back [sth]
    1 ( return to shop) [person, customer] rapporter [goods] (to à) ;
    2 ( retract) retirer [statement, words] ; I take it back je retire ce que j'ai dit ;
    take [sb] back ( cause to remember) rappeler des souvenirs à [person] ; this song takes me back to my childhood cette chanson me rappelle mon enfance ;
    take [sb/sth] back, take back [sb/sth] ( accept again) reprendre [partner, employee] ; reprendre [gift, ring] ; [shop] reprendre [goods].
    take down:
    take [sth] down, take down [sth]
    1 ( remove) descendre [book, vase, box] ; enlever [picture, curtains] ;
    2 ( lower) baisser [skirt, pants] ;
    3 ( dismantle) démonter [tent, scaffolding] ;
    4 ( write down) noter [name, statement, details].
    take hold:
    take hold [disease, epidemic] s'installer ; [idea, ideology] se répandre ; [influence] s'accroître ; to take hold of ( grasp) prendre [object, hand] ; fig ( overwhelm) [feeling, anger] envahir [person] ; [idea] prendre [person].
    take in:
    take [sb] in, take in [sb]
    1 ( deceive) tromper, abuser [person] ; he was taken in il s'est laissé abuser ; don't be taken in by appearances! ne te fie pas aux apparences! ; I wasn't taken in by him je ne me suis pas laissé prendre à son jeu ;
    2 ( allow to stay) recueillir [person, refugee] ; prendre [lodger] ;
    take in [sth]
    1 ( understand) saisir, comprendre [situation] ; I can't take it in! je n'arrive pas à le croire! ;
    2 ( observe) noter [detail] ; embrasser [scene] ;
    3 ( encompass) inclure [place, developments] ;
    4 ( absorb) [root] absorber [nutrients] ; [person, animal] absorber [oxygen] ; fig s'imprégner de [atmosphere] ;
    5 Naut [boat] prendre [water] ;
    6 Sewing reprendre [dress, skirt etc] ;
    7 ( accept for payment) faire [qch] à domicile [washing, mending] ;
    8 ( visit) aller à [play, exhibition].
    take off:
    1 ( leave the ground) [plane] décoller ;
    2 fig [idea, fashion] prendre ; [product] marcher ; [sales] décoller ;
    3 ( leave hurriedly) filer ;
    take [sth] off
    1 ( deduct) to take £10 off (the price) réduire le prix de 10 livres, faire une remise de 10 livres ;
    2 ( have as holiday) to take two days off prendre deux jours de congé ; I'm taking next week off je suis en congé la semaine prochaine ;
    3 ( make look younger) that hairstyle takes 15 years off you! cette coiffure te rajeunit de 15 ans! ;
    take [sth] off, take off [sth]
    1 ( remove) enlever, ôter [clothing, shoes] ; enlever [lid, feet, hands] (from de) ; supprimer [dish, train] ; to take sth off the market retirer qch du marché ;
    2 ( amputate) amputer, couper [limb] ;
    3 ( withdraw) annuler [show, play] ;
    take [sb] off, take off [sb]
    1 ( imitate) imiter [person] ;
    2 ( remove) to take sb off the case [police] retirer l'affaire à qn ; to take oneself off partir, s'en aller (to à).
    take on:
    take on ( get upset) don't take on so ( stay calm) ne t'énerve pas ; ( don't worry) ne t'en fais pas ;
    take [sb/sth] on, take on [sb/sth]
    1 ( employ) embaucher, prendre [staff, worker] ;
    2 ( compete against) [team, player] jouer contre [team, player] ; ( fight) se battre contre [person, opponent] ; to take sb on at chess/at tennis jouer aux échecs/au tennis contre qn ;
    3 ( accept) accepter, prendre [work, task] ; prendre [responsibilities] ;
    4 ( acquire) prendre [look, significance, colour, meaning].
    take out:
    take out s'enlever ; does this take out? est-ce que ça s'enlève? ;
    take [sb/sth] out, take out [sb/sth]
    1 ( remove) sortir [object] (from, of de) ; [dentist] extraire, arracher [tooth] ; [doctor] enlever [appendix] ; ( from bank) retirer [money] (of de) ; take your hands out of your pockets! enlève tes mains de tes poches! ;
    2 ( go out with) sortir avec [person] ; to take sb out to dinner/for a walk emmener qn dîner/se promener ;
    3 ( eat elsewhere) emporter [fast food] ; ‘two hamburgers to take out, please!’ ‘deux hamburgers à emporter, s'il vous plaît! ;
    4 ( deduct) déduire [contributions, tax] (of de) ;
    5 (kill, destroy) éliminer [person] ; détruire [installation, target] ;
    6 to take sth out on sb passer qch sur qn [anger, frustration] ; to take it out on sb s'en prendre à qn.
    take over:
    1 ( take control) (of town, country, party) [army, faction] prendre le pouvoir ; he's always trying to take over il veut toujours tout commander ;
    2 ( be successor) [person] prendre la suite (as comme) ; to take over from remplacer, succéder à [predecessor] ;
    take over [sth]
    1 ( take control of) prendre le contrôle de [town, country] ; reprendre [business] ; shall I take over the driving for a while? veux-tu que je prenne un peu le volant? ;
    2 Fin racheter, prendre le contrôle de [company].
    take part prendre part ; to take part in participer à [production, activity].
    take place avoir lieu.
    take to:
    take to [sb/sth]
    1 ( develop liking for) he has really taken to her/to his new job elle/son nouvel emploi lui plaît vraiment beaucoup ;
    2 ( begin) to take to doing se mettre à faire ; he's taken to smoking/wearing a hat il s'est mis à fumer/porter un chapeau ;
    3 (go) se réfugier dans [forest, hills] ; to take to one's bed se mettre au lit ; to take to the streets descendre dans la rue.
    take up:
    take up ( continue story etc) reprendre ; to take up where sb/sth left off reprendre là où qn/qch s'était arrêté ; to take up with s'attacher à [person, group] ;
    take up [sth]
    1 ( lift up) enlever [carpet, pavement, track] ; prendre [pen] ;
    2 ( start) se mettre à [golf, guitar] ; prendre [job] ; to take up a career as an actor se lancer dans le métier d'acteur ; to take up one's duties ou responsibilities entrer dans ses fonctions ;
    3 ( continue) reprendre [story, discussion] ; reprendre [cry, refrain] ;
    4 ( accept) accepter [offer, invitation] relever [challenge] ; to take up sb's case Jur accepter de défendre qn ;
    5 to take sth up with sb soulever [qch] avec qn [matter] ;
    6 ( occupy) prendre, occuper [space] ; prendre, demander [time, energy] ;
    7 ( adopt) prendre [position, stance] ;
    8 Sewing ( shorten) raccourcir [skirt, curtains etc] ;
    9 ( absorb) [sponge, material, paper] absorber [liquid] ;
    take [sb] up
    1 ( adopt) fig she was taken up by the surrealists elle a été adoptée par les surréalistes ;
    2 to take sb up on ( challenge) reprendre qn sur [point, assertion] ; ( accept) to take sb up on an invitation/an offer accepter l'invitation/l'offre de qn.

    Big English-French dictionary > take

  • 20 Fermi, Enrico

    b. 29 September 1901 Rome, Italy
    d. 28 November 1954 Chicago, USA
    Italian nuclear physicist.
    Fermi was one of the most versatile of twentieth-century physicists, one of the few to excel in both theory and experiment. His greatest theoretical achievements lay in the field of statistics and his theory of beta decay. His statistics, parallel to but independent of Dirac, were the key to the modern theory of metals and the statistical modds of the atomic nucleus. On the experimental side, his most notable discoveries were artificial radioactivity produced by neutron bombardment and the realization of a controlled nuclear chain reaction, in the world's first nuclear reactor.
    Fermi received a conventional education with a chemical bias, but reached proficiency in mathematics and physics largely through his own reading. He studied at Pisa University, where he taught himself modern physics and then travelled to extend his knowledge, spending time with Max Born at Göttingen. On his return to Italy, he secured posts in Florence and, in 1927, in Rome, where he obtained the first Italian Chair in Theoretical Physics, a subject in which Italy had so far lagged behind. He helped to bring about a rebirth of physics in Italy and devoted himself to the application of statistics to his model of the atom. For this work, Fermi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1938, but in December of that year, finding the Fascist regime uncongenial, he transferred to the USA and Columbia University. The news that nuclear fission had been achieved broke shortly before the Second World War erupted and it stimulated Fermi to consider this a way of generating secondary nuclear emission and the initiation of chain reactions. His experiments in this direction led first to the discovery of slow neutrons.
    Fermi's work assumed a more practical aspect when he was invited to join the Manhattan Project for the construction of the first atomic bomb. His small-scale work at Columbia became large-scale at Chicago University. This culminated on 2 December 1942 when the first controlled nuclear reaction took place at Stagg Field, Chicago, an historic event indeed. Later, Fermi spent most of the period from September 1944 to early 1945 at Los Alamos, New Mexico, taking part in the preparations for the first test explosion of the atomic bomb on 16 July 1945. President Truman invited Fermi to serve on his Committee to advise him on the use of the bomb. Then Chicago University established an Institute for Nuclear Studies and offered Fermi a professorship, which he took up early in 1946, spending the rest of his relatively short life there.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Nobel Prize for Physics 1938.
    1962–5, Collected Papers, ed. E.Segrè et al., 2 vols, Chicago (includes a biographical introduction and bibliography).
    Further Reading
    L.Fermi, 1954, Atoms in the Family, Chicago (a personal account by his wife).
    E.Segrè, 1970, Enrico Fermi, Physicist, Chicago (deals with the more scientific aspects of his life).

    Biographical history of technology > Fermi, Enrico

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  • The Biggest Loser — Infobox Television show name = The Biggest Loser US caption = format = Reality TV runtime = 60 minutes (approx 44 min) creator = Dave Broome starring = Jillian Michaels (2004 ndash;2005, 2007 ndash;present) Alison Sweeney (2007 ndash;present) Bob …   Wikipedia

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  • The Legend of Zelda — This article is about the video game series. For the first game in the series, see The Legend of Zelda (video game). For other uses, see The Legend of Zelda (disambiguation). The Legend of Zelda The Legend of Zelda current series logo …   Wikipedia

  • The Quillan Games — infobox Book | name = The Quillan Games title orig = translator = image caption = First edition cover author = D. J. MacHale cover artist = Victor Lee country = United States language = English series = Pendragon genre = Fantasy novel publisher …   Wikipedia

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